
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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258 Chs

-4- Two simple reasons


Chairman Sakayanagi's question doesn't prompt Hori to turn around. Hori just murmurs as if confirming the question.

"Yes, the reason."

Chairman Sakayanagi's voice also sounds cautious, and his gaze is fixed tightly on Hori's back.

Then, Chairman Sakayanagi says, "Although I'm reluctant to put it this way, but I have to admit, considering the situation of your clan, staying within the clan would be the most appropriate choice, right?" 

Chairman Sakayanagi continues, "Your clan has invested enormous resources generation after generation to cultivate an heir, be it in manpower, material resources, finances, or influence. All these are devoted to nurturing the successor of the 'Nanaya' name, providing the highest level of treatment."

"Compared to that, the treatment and conditions of this school, while good, have nurtured quite a few talents so far, but ultimately, it's just a 'school' when compared to your clan." Chairman Sakayanagi says each word deliberately, "In this situation, why did you choose to come here?"

Under this weighty reasoning, Hori lowers his eyes slightly.

Indeed, Chairman Sakayanagi is correct.

If ignoring aspects of 'humanity' and 'morality' and solely pursuing 'progress,' then staying within the clan is undoubtedly the best environment.

There, they have the best resources, the best training, and the best education for nurturing an heir with the 'Nanaya' name. The investment in manpower, materials, finances, and power to cultivate a successor is unparalleled and incomparable.

It's precisely because of those factors that Hori is where he is today.

In that case, why did Hori choose to come to this school?

This is what Chairman Sakayanagi wants to confirm.

"I see." Hori turns around, facing Chairman Sakayanagi, and says, "So, this is the real reason you wanted to meet me?"

Chairman Sakayanagi needs to ascertain the true intentions behind Hori's choice to come to this school.

Otherwise, allowing someone with the name of 'Nanaya' to make moves within this school would likely lead to a significant disturbance.


"I don't deny that there might be such reasons. Of course, wanting to meet you is also something I sincerely desire." Chairman Sakayanagi helplessly smiles and says, "Please answer my question, Nanaya-kun."

Hori silently looks at Chairman Sakayanagi.

Chairman Sakayanagi shows no signs of wavering, only meeting Hori's gaze.

A somewhat uncomfortable silence hangs between them.

After a moment, Hori seems to give up and relaxes his shoulders.

"It's not something I need to conceal." Hori says, "I chose to come to this school for two reasons."

"Two reasons?" Chairman Sakayanagi's expression turns serious, "Please elaborate."

To this, Hori smirks.

"The first reason is simple, as you mentioned, the issue of 'progress.'"

Hori says something that leaves Chairman Sakayanagi astonished.

"Within the clan, I can no longer progress."

Such a statement leaves Chairman Sakayanagi stunned on the spot.

"Unable to progress?"

Chairman Sakayanagi seems unable to comprehend the meaning of this sentence.

Hori stares directly at the chairman and indifferently states, "Haven't you known for a long time? I'm already acknowledged within the clan as the 'unprecedented perfect prodigy.'"

With this statement, Chairman Sakayanagi shudders.

Only now does Chairman Sakayanagi understand.

"What is 'perfection'?" Hori speaks, "Isn't it simply because I've learned everything I can, that I'm called 'perfect'?"

Indeed, people have always pursued perfection because no one wants to be a flawed individual. However, 'perfection' also means there's no longer any room for improvement.

Hori's first reason for coming to this school lies in this.

"I've already mastered everything the Nanaya clan could teach me. Even if I stayed within the family, it would only mean allowing my foster father to retire early, vacate his position, and inherit the 'family business.'"

Hori states noncommittally, "According to the clan's records, the youngest clan head in history took the position after the age of thirty-three. I haven't even reached twenty yet, and I don't want to dedicate my entire life to that 'family business' so soon."

Chairman Sakayanagi is completely dumbfounded by Hori's reason.

The reason is simple.

Chairman Sakayanagi once again realizes that the person in front of him is indeed an unprecedented perfect prodigy within the Nanaya clan. After all, only the most outstanding talents can become the clan head, and those bearing the name 'Nanaya' are recognized as the most outstanding in their generation.

In Nanaya's history, the youngest clan head took over at the age of thirty-three, meaning that person was recognized as the most outstanding within the clan after reaching the age of thirty-three.

Hori, on the other hand, gained recognition at an age less than twenty, and even mastered the 'heritage' of the clan.

Isn't this the epitome of an unprecedented perfect prodigy?

Hori's first reason for coming to this school is because he felt continuing to stay within the family was meaningless.

"On the contrary, I haven't experienced being in an educational facility like a 'school' yet." Hori says frankly, "So, I came here."

That's Hori's first reason.

"What about the second reason?" Chairman Sakayanagi asks with some doubt.

In return, Hori offers a wry smile.

Following that, Hori says with a smile that's not quite a smile, "The second reason is also simple. I just find it boring to continue walking down the paths those old guys arranged for me."

Leaving behind these words, Hori turns around and leaves the principal's office.

Left alone, Chairman Sakayanagi gazes at Hori's departing figure, half-smiling after a moment.

"It seems this school is going to become lively."

It's inevitable.

Only Chairman Sakayanagi knows the reason.

"This year's freshmen include two talents at the forefront of the era, and there are quite a few prodigies compared to previous years."

Chairman Sakayanagi muses to himself.

"If that child also knows about this, he probably won't find this school boring anymore, right?"

These words go unheard by anyone.

But there is one thing that can be certain.

Hori's school life is about to become vibrant.

This marks the beginning, and such a life will unfold in full.