
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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254 Chs

-160- The gradually stable situation

By the time Hori and Horikita Suzune returned to the campsite, it was almost evening.

All the students who went out exploring had returned, and although they found fewer food items than yesterday, they still caught quite a few fish with the help of homemade fishing rods and Ike Kanji's camping experience.

Tonight's dinner should be a set meal of grilled fish and fruit.

As for cooking the fish, not only did Ike Kanji understand, but many of the girls who were good at housekeeping also understood, so there was no need to worry.

Neither Hori nor Horikita Suzune told anyone about guessing the leader of Class A.

After all, even if they could explain the process, there wouldn't be many people who could understand.

With just one test, Hori confirmed the leader of Class A.

Even if they were to talk about it, others would only be half-believing, right?

So they might as well not say anything.

"In this special exam, everything is up to you, as we agreed earlier. You don't need to report to anyone," Horikita Suzune, who is solitary by nature, dropped this sentence and then returned to the camp, quietly doing what she could do.

Seeing Horikita Suzune still insist on being alone, Hori didn't say anything.

Hori didn't mention this matter to anyone else.

Including Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Of course, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemed to have noticed something and asked a few questions.

"If you're interested in class competition, I can tell you," Hori made such a statement, breaking Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's reclusive stance.

In this situation, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka could only retreat.

It seems that this man still doesn't want to change his position as a recluse.

He's truly a person who is both awkward and boring.

And so, Class D welcomed its second night on the deserted island.

The bonfire burned in the camp, illuminating the surroundings and spreading the enticing smell of grilled fish, while everyone chatted against the backdrop of the night sky.

Even Hori sat among them, invited by Kushida Kikyou, but Horikita Suzune sat on the edge of the group, Sakura Airi huddled in a corner, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, although not very noticeable, was also within the group with Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

As for Ibuki Mio, who didn't belong to Class D, she silently sat in a corner where the firelight couldn't reach, eating fruit alone.

"It would have been nice if Ibuki joined us for a chat," Kushida Kikyou looked at Ibuki sitting in the distance with some regret.

But not many people agreed with Kushida Kikyou.

"After all, Ibuki is still from Class C. There's no benefit to getting too close to her, right?"

"And besides, although she has a cute face, her temper is really bad. I just talked to her a few words today and touched her shoulder, and she immediately scolded me."

"I heard she's not popular in Class C either."

"Can't help it. With such a fierce temper, even if she's cute, people wouldn't want to get close."

The boys and girls in the class whispered about such things.

Obviously, even in Class D, Ibuki Mio is still kept at a distance by others.

She's like Horikita Suzune, lacking in calmness.

Kushida Kikyou's previous evaluation of her is evident here.

As a result, apart from kind-hearted people like Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke, probably no one would want to approach her with a warm face and get a cold shoulder.

At this point, Ike Kanji suddenly spoke up.

"By the way, when I went fishing at the seaside today, I saw those guys from Class C."

Ike Kanji suddenly revealed such news.

"It seems like everyone from Class C has collectively withdrawn from the exam and returned to the ship."

This is news that is both attention-grabbing and expected.

At least, Horikita Suzune was not surprised at all. She just looked up, glanced at Hori, as if saying, "You got it right again."

Indeed, Hori got it right again.

In the end, Class C collectively chose to withdraw and return to the ship.

However, for the others, this news was surprising.

"Is it true?"

"Al... all of them withdrew?"

"Is it a joke?"

Many students were surprised.

Even Yamauchi Haruki was making a fuss.

"Isn't Class C doomed? One person will lose 30 points. With so many people withdrawing, even if we don't count Ibuki and the other person who got kicked out, that's 38 people, a total of 1150 points!"

It's actually 1140 points. How can someone in high school still be bad at math?

And this calculation seems a bit problematic.

"How are these points calculated since each class only has 300 points? With so many people withdrawing from Class C, how should these points be calculated?"

Sudou Ken asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

And this question was answered by Hirata Yousuke.

"Because these points are specifically set up for this special exam, even if they're all spent, it won't go into negative points. Once the points reach zero, that's it, there won't be any further deductions, and it won't affect the class points."

Hirata Yousuke answered this question while also asking Hori.

"I saw it in the guidebook on the first day, Nanaya-san, am I right?"

He asked because since Hori became the leader of Class D, the guidebook has been handed over to him by Hirata Yousuke.

Hori casually answered as he threw branches into the fire.

"That's right, even if the whole class withdraws, once the points reach zero, there won't be any further deductions. There absolutely won't be any negative points."

If not for this, perhaps Ryuen Kakeru, even if he didn't care much about class points, would have to think twice before squandering them.

Therefore, it was only after Ryuen Kakeru knew that there would be no negative points that he dared to be so extravagant.

"Zero Points Strategy?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka muttered these words in the crowd.

Unfortunately, no one heard him.

"Ibuki must be very disappointed, right?" Kushida Kikyou, still looking in Ibuki Mio's direction, said, "Clearly, in order not to withdraw from the exam, she persisted even when alone in the forest, but her classmates still spent all the points and even collectively withdrew from the exam, which is really unfair."

"But Ibuki already knows about this. When I talked to her today, she bit her lip and said, 'I really don't want to see those guys' faces again.' So even if the points are zero, she probably doesn't want to go back to the ship, right?" Ike Kanji said indifferently, "By the way, I heard that the other student expelled from Class C was discovered by Class B students and is now being sheltered."

At this, Hori raised an eyebrow slightly.

This is another piece of news that can attract everyone's attention and can be expected.

After all, apart from Class D, the only other class willing to bear the burden of one more person in terms of food and water is Class B, which also has quite a few overly kind people.

"That's really good."


Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou only expressed their relief, while the other students chattered away.

Only Hori remained, lifting his head to gaze at the moon in the night sky.

A slight smile curved his lips.