
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Anime & Comics
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258 Chs

-16- Two rare students

"What's going on?"

As the students who were about to see Horikita Manabu leave the gymnasium observed his sudden halt, each of them displayed expressions of astonishment.


Even Tachibana Akane, who was following behind Horikita Manabu, couldn't help but speak out in surprise, seeming puzzled as to why he suddenly stopped.

Compared to the others, Hori's companions began to feel uneasy.

"...Why does it feel like the Student Council President is also looking in our direction?"

"Yeah... it seems so."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou exchanged low whispers as they looked at each other.

As for Horikita Suzune, upon noticing Horikita's gaze directed towards them, she seemed to freeze up, her entire body stiffening involuntarily.

Only Hori remained calm, meeting Horikita's gaze without saying a word.

However, Horikita nodded in acknowledgment, turned around, and headed straight towards Hori.

This action finally drew the attention of all the students present to Hori's presence.

Some senior students even recognized Hori, and seeing Horikita approach him, they seemed somewhat excited.

The gaze of all the students in the gymnasium began to focus on Hori.

"This is becoming quite conspicuous..."


Now, both Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the recluse, and Kushida Kikyou, known for her friendly demeanor, began to feel uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, Horikita Suzune became increasingly tense as Horikita approached, a behavior completely unlike her usual style.

It was evident that Horikita Manabu's approach was causing a considerable disturbance to Horikita Suzune.

Unfortunately, Horikita Manabu didn't even spare a glance at Horikita Suzune. It was as if he didn't recognize the girl at all as he approached Hori.

"So you're also here?"

Horikita greeted Hori casually, his tone calm.

"Just here to take a look," Hori replied in an equally casual tone, showing no change in demeanor even in the face of Horikita's calm greeting.

This made Horikita adjust his glasses.

"I've heard about you," Horikita said to Hori. "You're a student in Class D, right?"

Before Hori could respond, the surrounding people began to murmur.

"No way?"

"Class D?"

"Is this a joke?"

"That... isn't he the freshman who tied with the Student Council President in the morning race?"

"I didn't expect him to be a student in Class D..."

The onlookers began to discuss among themselves.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou were immediately puzzled.

"What's the matter with Class D?"

"Is there something wrong with our class?"

Both of them voiced their doubts.

However, no one answered Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou's questions.

Hori glanced at the commotion around him and then withdrew his gaze.

"I am indeed a student in Class D," Hori said calmly to Horikita. "Is there a problem?"

"...No, nothing," Horikita said, closing his eyes and shaking his head before changing the subject. "Are you planning to join any clubs?"

"Not at all," Hori shrugged, responding bluntly. "I'm just here to take a casual look around, don't mind me."

"Just taking a look?" Horikita looked at Hori with a meaningful gaze and then said after a moment, "It's said that in this year's entrance exams, there were two extremely rare students."

Horikita's sudden revelation stunned everyone present.

Hori raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Ignoring the reactions of those around him, Horikita continued to speak.

"The first rare student appeared in the written test," Horikita said. "The entrance exam at Advanced Nurturing High School consists of two parts, a written test and an interview. This student scored 50 points in every subject of the written test, with no deviation."

This information left everyone speechless.

"All subjects..."

"50 points...?"

Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyou showed expressions of surprise.


Ayanokouji Kiyotaka also lifted his eyelids slightly, remaining silent.

The rest of the people had similar reactions.

However, Horikita continued to speak, disregarding the reactions of those around him.

"The second student is even more astonishing. Frankly, I didn't expect such a case to arise." Horikita looked directly at Hori and said, word by word, "He left the written test completely blank and skipped the interview. It's as if he completely gave up the entire entrance exam."

If the previous information was surprising due to the consistency of the written test score, this information was utterly perplexing.

"Left the written test blank?"

"Skipped the interview entirely?"

"Does that guy really want to enroll?"

The surrounding people reacted and commented in such a manner.

Only the intelligent ones understood that if it were just that, it wouldn't have caught the attention of the Student Council President, who stands at the top of the school.

The reason Horikita referred to this student as "rare" was because of the consequences of his actions.

"Yet, that student was still admitted, despite practically giving up the entrance exam," Horikita said in a low voice, just enough for Hori to hear.

"It's as if he knew he would be accepted no matter what."

This statement was clearly transmitted to Hori's ears.

Horikita scrutinized Hori closely.

"How much do you really understand about the 'rules' of this school?" His voice remained low, expressing both questioning and significance.

But Hori's expression remained unchanged throughout.

Hori's only thought was this:

"It seems that the Student Council of this school does indeed hold significant power, unlike schools outside. They can even predict the results of the entrance exams."

Hori said this casually, as if nothing had happened.

"It's really exciting to see what will happen next," Hori remarked casually, then turned away as if no one else was around and left the gymnasium.



Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou were a bit slow to react, but when they did, they hurried to catch up with Hori.

Only Horikita Suzune remained, watching Horikita Manabu, her expression still complex.

However, Horikita Manabu didn't even glance at Horikita Suzune.

This made Horikita Suzune grit her teeth, lower her head, and also leave the gymnasium.

The surrounding students watched this scene, looking puzzled and exchanging glances.


Tachibana Akane tentatively called out to Horikita Manabu but received no response.

Horikita Manabu just stared at Hori's departing figure.

"Nanaya Hori... huh?"

Horikita Manabu muttered to himself.

"I hope you can bring me some surprises..."