
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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264 Chs

-14- Horikita Suzune's abnormality

Advanced Nurturing High School, First Gymnasium.

When Nanaya Hori arrived, the place was already quite crowded. Freshmen gathered here, forming a crowd of nearly a hundred people. Considering the gymnasium's size, a hundred people might not seem like much, but it was already lively. The entire first-year class consisted of only 160 students, so having 100 freshmen show up indicated strong interest in the recruitment event.

Apart from the first-year students, there were also many second and third-year students gathered.

"Are these here just to watch the excitement?"

"After the commotion among the upperclassmen, it's understandable."

Nanaya Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka stood a bit behind the crowd, giving their assessments while reading the pamphlets distributed upon entering the gymnasium.

The pamphlet contained detailed information about various clubs at Advanced Nurturing High School. 

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, flipped through the pages emotionlessly.

"There are quite a lot of clubs in this school, not just sports clubs like Track and Field, Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis. There are also cultural clubs like Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, and Cooking," A girl following behind Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka mentioned.

The girl following Nanaya Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemed enthusiastic about this observation.

"Not only are there many clubs, but the standard of each club is high. It seems there are even clubs with nationally renowned players, well-known throughout the country. They might become professional athletes in the future."

Kushida Kikyou stated this with a sweet and gentle voice.

"Moreover, everyone says the school provides excellent equipment for the clubs. Even at a professional level, it might not be inferior here."

The term "everyone" likely referred to students outside of class 1-D. Kushida Kikyou seemed to have a remarkably wide circle of friends and social skills, even more than Nanaya Hori imagined.

However, what concerned Nanaya Hori now was...

"Why did you guys follow us here?"

Nanaya Hori asked the two girls standing behind him and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Upon closer inspection, not only Kushida Kikyou but also Horikita Suzune had joined them.

Kushida Kikyou responded with her usual sweet smile, "Because it looked interesting, and I wanted to build good relationships with everyone."

As for Horikita Suzune...

"I must correct your phrasing of 'followed.' I'm merely interested in this recruitment event, not following anyone."

Horikita Suzune, as always, straightforwardly stated, "I've gained interest in this recruitment event, not because of you guys."

Indeed, that sounded like something Horikita Suzune would say.

But Kushida Kikyou seemed somewhat surprised.

"I didn't expect Horikita-san to be interested in club activities. I thought you wouldn't be enthusiastic about collective activities like clubs."

Against Kushida Kikyou's remarks, Horikita Suzune showed no signs of wavering.

"Don't act like you understand me well. Before today, I hadn't spoken a word to you. But you're correct. I'm not interested in club activities; I just wanted to see this recruitment event."

In other words, Horikita Suzune wasn't drawn here by the clubs but by something else.

"Are you interested in the freshman who could compete evenly with the Student Council President?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka made this inquiry.

To which Horikita Suzune responded, "Your phrasing is also incorrect. It's just a race where neither won nor lost. That doesn't mean that person can match the Student Council President. For the Student Council President, the race is just one of his strengths. Besides, countless other strengths make comparing the two unreasonable."

Horikita Suzune's statement surprised many present.

Because this sounds like protecting the Student Council President.

Horikita Suzune, who usually isn't interested in anyone and lives in her own world, is showing such a clear bias. Isn't that surprising?

Considering Horikita Suzune's surname and the Student Council President's surname are both Horikita, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou began to speak.

"Horikita, are you..."

"Could it be that Horikita-san and the Student Council President are..."

The two seemed to be speculating. However, before they could continue, some commotion around them drew everyone's attention.

"Isn't that person the one from this morning?"

"He does look somewhat similar..."

The upperclassmen who came to watch were pointing and talking about someone. The person, seemingly oblivious, stood there calmly, gazing at the stage in front of the gymnasium.

However, those around him couldn't stay calm.

"...Why does it feel like the upperclassmen around us are looking at us?"

"Rather than looking at us, it seems more like they're looking..."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyou looked to the side with surprise and confusion. Horikita Suzune also noticed and silently observed.

Nanaya Hori gathered the attention of many present. However, paying no heed to the observations around them and the astonishment of those nearby, Nanaya Hori just calmly said, "The orientation for new recruits is about to begin."

As Nanaya Hori's words fell, a voice echoed from the stage.

"Dear students, thank you for your patience."

A remarkable girl with prominent purple hair appeared on the stage. Standing at the lectern, she opened the microphone, letting her voice resonate throughout the gymnasium.

"I am the secretary of the student council, Tachibana Akane, a third-year student. I will be the host for this orientation, and I look forward to working with everyone."

After introducing herself, Tachibana Akane, the student council secretary, got straight to the point.

"Now, I invite representatives from various clubs to come on stage and provide information for new recruits."

After saying so, Tachibana Akane stepped back. At the same time, a group of people rushed onto the stage, forming a line.

Among them were upperclassmen wearing judo uniforms and schoolgirls in beautiful kimonos. At the end of the line stood a third-year senior in a school uniform, expressionless.

Seeing this senior, everyone aside, Horikita Suzune's body trembled slightly.

Her gaze never left the person.