
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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State of the Galaxy: Part 1

"While you rest Arlo,… have you considered developing the Force differently to the Jedi and the Sith?

What I mean by this is creating a training method or technique that adapts the source of the Force, without it being tainted by either the Light or Dark Side.

You're already practising Spiritual Techniques that aren't of this galaxy…

Probably not of this universe, if I'm not wrong." Ronin said, only for his words to leave Arlo wondering what kind of person his latest teacher was to know so much, especially for a Force Spirit.

He figured Ronin somehow came to realise the use of Spiritual Techniques as Arlo cultivated energy drawn from the System World to help accelerate the damage sustained from the aggressive training battle.

While resting on a makeshift bed on the ground, Arlo told Ronin his honest thoughts regarding the development of a Spiritual or Body Technique that built around the Force.

"I've previously when I tried to design a technique with the Force as the Source to draw on, the instability of the Force, capable of exterior influence can affect the mind of the user.

Pretty much any technique or method I've designed will heavily draw on the side effects of the emotional state."

"… Why not bind stages of the Force Energy to your spirit, possibly creating a crystallised energy core.

From there you could establish rings of dense Force Energy, ensuring a dramatic boost and growth of the user's strength.

However, it'll take time for the user's to truly grasp the full strength since a crystallised energy core will be essentially emptied of all power gained by up until that point." Ronin meditated by the river of molten lava around the training ring.

His gentle voice with its rough bass moulded from countless years of education and experience that made him a Master, Dark Lord, and Wise Sage of Wisdom in one.

Arlo took a moment to process everything said, only to realise Ronin's idea made sense, as it would allow people to also activate their body magic circuit.

But it required time, and an area with dense Spiritual Energy to hasten the production of the crystalised core formed through compacted Spiritual Energy.

Before he could finalise his technique method, Arlo was lifted off the ground by the Force and made to stand upright with the Force Imbued Sword in hand.

"Hahahaha!! You think very little of me, don't you, young child?

I might help educate you while we train, but never forget my true purpose…" Ronin's acidly voice cackled through the air, causing Arlo to strain all of his blood vessels to the point of implosion.

While it might seem like Arlo's death was close, Ronin had in fact helped expand and strengthen the body anatomy to increase the effectiveness of the Body Magic Circuit.

But it came at a price, which came in the form of unbearable pain coursing through the body and mind, seizing Arlo from being unable to move, or say anything.

He could only watch helplessly as Ronin grinned cruelly, "And that's to unleash the inner Force potential locked within you!"



Elsewhere in the Galaxy, on the planet Ossus, the first Planetary Body discovered by Arlo through this spawning into the Force Universe, much had changed in the few months since Yeixrian took over the welfare and development of the planet.

Not affected by the damaged caused across the Star System of Ossus by the actions of an old suicidal Sith Lord, the planet saw the resources of the Empyrean Dimension transform the landscape into a haven of a new empire, hidden from the eyes of the Galactic Republic and beyond.

Ancient Jedi Master Ood Bnar remained within the Empyrean Dimension to oversee the enhanced progression of the Neti Species, who'd started to amass a large number of citizens within the Hidden World and also outside of it.

A few of the older Neti race members who could leave the Empyrean Dimension could help the progress of the land across not just one planet.

Some dove right into educating the next generation, as the enticement was too much to ignore for most, who hoped to gain some enlightenment from the younger children, regardless of their species or race.

A few Neti decided to take up teaching roles within the Grand Guild, though the institutions teaching methods went against everything they learnt from Jedi Master Ood Bnar who taught them the value of time.

Above all else, Ood Bnar believed time could solve any answer one might come across during their journey to obtain power.

Only problem for some of his students after joining the Grand Guild educational staff was the different intensity of training.

Having gone through a standard level of intense training through the expanded timeframe within the Empyrean Dimension that could slow down time.

Yeixrian could manipulate the powers of the Empyrean Dimension to create a specific area that is affected by Time Dilation.

This helped the Neti species grow a greater pace, while experiencing decades in the Time Dilation bubble within the Empyrean Dimension.

Oda Sri, a young Neti woman who joined the Grand Guild as an educator on Iego, found herself educating Maelibus and Diathim that raced to join the galaxy organisation.

The conversation between both races was difficult to start at first, but the dialogue became easier once Oda Sri stepped in.

Only those being spawned from within the Empyrean Dimension were able to get along with one another, but those native to Iego found it hard to coexist in the beginning but over time, Oda Sri was able to make the species work together.

One of her students, a Diathim from Iego started training for a politic-based role within the Grand Guild, while a Maelibus joined the Navy of the Grand Guild.

Some hoped to be fighting at the frontlines, tearing apart their foes, but they ended up turning into strategists who would be deployed to set up deadly traps using their singing skills.

Hypnotism would become their greatest weapon planet side, and the Maelibus species would soon happily wear the moniker 'Singing Demons' as a mark of respect and fear.


Yeixrian also worked with the other species, and races of the Empyrean Dimension, such as the Protheans, who sparsely left to join the research institution on planet Candoria.

After it was quarantined by the Grand Guild in the eyes of the Galactic Republic, Yeixrian focused on rebuilding the populous through people from the Empyrean Dimension.

It caused the culture and customs to slightly transform but in unique fashion the Divine Guardian Spirit wasn't expecting.

Protheans advanced the technological level of the entire system, pushing it ahead of other worlds and systems throughout the galaxy within a short few months.

Mandalorians, and various other powerful warrior cultures merged together with Roman influence to create Battle Arena's and Training Stadiums to move the populous away from their philosophy of peace and justice.

Candorians came to understand the Republic couldn't care about them and that the Grand Guild was giving them a fighting chance to survive.

What surprised Yeixrian was the large push into culture and art from Earth that spawned superheroes, anime, and various other artforms across the planet and system.

People dove right into the media art and allowed it to push their culture in a direction Yeixrian never expected, but it was for the better.

More people focused on education, health, and self-defence, which led to a great push in unity across the system.

It also attributed a lot in the Virtual World, where people around the galaxy were starting to enter the gaming universe of Rise of Empires.

Based on the game from Earth, a combination of scientists, developers, and advance technology helped turn the game into a galaxy saga which was an open world MMORPG.

Players would enter a universe much different than their own that involved building Kingdoms, Merchant Organisations and more to gain power in the vast deep space.

War was a normal past time in the game universe, but the realism offered through the gaming VR Head-Gear distributed by the Grand Guild through their vast Branch Offices being set up, helped temper most people for warfare.

Strategies were taught to the young if they chose to enter battlefields, especially Jedi Younglings and Padawans who raced off to the Star-Void District to play in their free time.

Even Knights and some Masters entered the gaming universe to learn various subject fields through the fields of chaos without any repercussions in the real world.

Empyrean Consortium also released a virtual coin exchange system that allowed players to swap their in-game currency for real world credits.


Viola, London, and Leon understood this was all to ensure more recruits for their Guild and also mentally preparing people for war in the future.

They already saw a huge increase in recruits with each passing day, but it wasn't enough to fill the ranks of the Navy.

Using Creation Cards, the three heads of the Grand Guild were capable of building a strong Galactic Navy right away, though it was in its infancy and attracting the wrong sort of attention from the Galactic Senate.

They worried for the need of a Navy, but London assured them that without an army ready in reserve, made up of Guild Members, people might argue the Senate didn't prepare in advance for dissent that could appear across the galaxy.

First and foremost, the Stark Hyperspace War would need their help otherwise Jedi would crumble in great numbers.

For now, it kept the Senate in check, but London knew it would only be a matter of time before the issue would rise again.

Another issue brought up thought managed by the three heads of the Guild was the introduction of Kessel as a tourism hotspot.

Senators didn't expect the large growth from the planet and Star System that started mass production of fresh produce for the Galactic Market.

The Grand Guild led the security of the planet while also helping deal with the influx of visitors.

Their custom efforts greatly helped with their orbital space station that was tethered to the planet through a space elevator transportation network.

Governor Noinean's efforts to accommodate the Grand Guild wasn't seen all to well by the Senate who came to realise the Guild was growing faster than they expected.

The only reason nobody spoke up was the Supreme Chancellor, because their efforts around the galaxy promoted justice and safety where the republic failed up until now.

Paladins of StarKiller proved the Grand Guild wanted to end unnecessary warfare, especially when the resources of Mandalore wasn't enough to sustain the citizens without external input.

Jango Fett and his ambassadors to Coruscant were overjoyed by the prospect of help afforded to them by the Grand Guild.

They still wanted Star Vader to interfere in their war, but they came to realise the Paladins had more than enough power to deal with Death Watch, who started moving in the shadows at breakneck speed.

It became evident Death Watch was going to try something rash, however nobody could figure out exactly what.

Yeixrian told Siegriven to keep order for now, as it appeared to her Jango Fett might try a hail mary sort of attack.