
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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27 Chs

Korriban: Part 1

{Arlo… you know it's important to access the Holocrons you've acquired through the System as they contain rewards!]


Since when?"

{Since always!!}

"… Well, I'll make sure to do that once we've left this godforsaken planet."

Arlo, while not showing any emotion, was rather surprised the Holocrons were more than recorded history of Jedi Master and Sith Lords.

While walking, Arlo decided to inspect the information pertaining to Holocrons, only to find himself a little embarrassed by the System's description.


[Holocrons are System generated 'Chests' with various rewards, information, data, and much more.

Items will be generated based on the Host's strength, capabilities, and powers as the rewards are to assist growth]


'I should really bother to check the rewards I receive from the System…

*Sigh* Now isn't the time to open up a couple of the Holocrons to see what I'll get.

Let's focus on Korriban and the damn Dark Side Force Nexus, that's bothering me.'

Arlo's relaxed mood quickly contorted as the Force Nexus churned, creating small waves through the Force Energy that would affect the mental waves of anyone that couldn't keep the Dark Side influence away from their mental fortitude.

Currently, the man known as the phantom StarKiller to the galactic society, was using the dark shadows across the planet surface to move around without anyone noticing his presence.

A skill he learnt during his tenure as the Death Reaper Lord for Almighty, Arlo could use the shadows around him as a linear plane that function along with normal space and time but allowed the user to move through a world of darkness.

Arlo's current strength couldn't use the skill to the same extent as a complete Death Reaper, but right now, Arlo could adapt a portion of the skill's potent ability.

There wasn't anyone else on the planet besides some drones and droids working on a facility near the Valley of Golg.

When Arlo neared it, the System informed him that he discovered the location of a Sith Academy, which he figured was the one operated by Darth Sidious to train the next generation of Sith Force Users.

The System rewarded Arlo with a Holocron, some Sith Educators, Droids, and facilities which were going to the Empyrean Dimension, as Arlo didn't want the Jedi High Council to sense the change in the Force.

Due to the Mortal Grade of the rewards, Arlo understood them being spawned in the Force Universe would cause both the Sith and Jedi to sense their adaption to the Force Energy.

Not wanting to create mayhem on Coruscant and around the galaxy, Arlo neared the Sith Academy that was receiving a face lift with the new construction.

Arlo decided to explore the facility because he wanted to find the Sith Library as the knowledge would be helpful for his own academy in the Empyrean Dimension, but after he entered the building, the Force alerted him of various points of interest.



"Mina, are you sure this is the right decision?

We haven't received the order to interact with Qymaen jai Sheelal and Ronderu lij Kummar.

The teams on Abbaji and Tovarskl already went against the plans of their commanding officer and now they've been sent home for further training.


"Jeez…, calm down, seriously.

If we don't interfere now and interact with the Kaleesh Warlords, their next battle will probably lead to great losses for them.

Plus, we're here because of Lady StarDrake and the Empyrean Consortium to create a mutual cooperation deal with the Kaleesh so they have basic necessities like water, food, and shelter of all things.

You don't need to be involved, Sarla, if you're worried about the Commander.

Shin isn't one to care about us going against his Order if it means the success of the mission.

Don't forget, we are the Uchiha… and we serve the Eternal StarDragon of the Galaxy.

Never cower from conflict." Mina made sure her voice could relay her aggressive emotions through her tone, as she never liked people who would try to put themselves before the mission.

As a strong clansman of the Uchiha, Mina quickly came to lead her own team which consisted of friends and family members but out of the whole group, the only one she ever had issues within the field was Sarla.

The two girls were best friends, but both operated differently when in the field.

Mina chose to assess the field before making her own plan to fulfil the parameters of the mission, but Sarla on the other hand like order and instructions set out by commanding officers or leaders.


The Huk War, raging on between the Kaleesh of planet Kalee and the Yam'rii of planet Huk, was a test of the Uchiha youth and their ability in the field of war.

Sarla had so far managed to find success by following the instructions of her seniors, but her achievements were nothing like the success gained by Mina.

She gained various allies across Kalee with many different Warlords willing to enter into cooperation with the Empyrean Dimension.

Before going on their current mission together, Sarla had asked Mina to tag along with her team, as she had done previously.

Mina didn't mind, but now that they were in the middle of combat, Mina felt like she'd made the wrong decision dragging her friend along, as the decisions of command couldn't always be translated into actionable tasks.

For a moment, Mina felt like requesting an escape route for Sarla to take, but she held off from making such a decision when her friend moved to clear up the insectoid Yam'rii rushing their position.

"Ill follow you wherever you ask of me, Mina.

I just don't want to return home, only to be grounded on to train for months on end."

"*Sigh* I understand…

Just make sure you can keep up with me, Sarla."


The two best friends were able to move on quickly and sort out their irritation with one another in the middle of a battlefield, utilising their ninjutsu and taijutsu to carve through the thin, and tall mantis like creatures.

Yam'rii charged in droves to attack the two Uchiha Clansmen with their weapons in hand and firearms, hoping to use their technology to succeed in the battle but compared to the Uchiha, they were nothing more than bugs being squashed under the Uchiha's feet.

Both had awakened their Sharingan, making them important members in the Uchiha Clan, but since the Clan was formed through a Rare Grade Creation Card, the Dōjutsu ability could now be activated through training, rather than experiencing a dark moment that'd affect their mentality.

Mina and Sarla had their Sharingan awoken through training which also made it potent compared to some Uchiha who'd awoken it through trauma.


The Uchiha duo carved through the hordes of Yam'rii until support came from a group of Kaleesh with it being led by the Warlord they were searching for.

Eventually known by the name Grievous, Qymaen jai Sheelal approached Mina after the Yam'rii were pushed back by the arrival of the Kaleesh.

"Who are you and why do you fight the Huks?" Qymaen jai Sheelal asked Mina, with his eyes focused on the Yam'rii trying to cover the escape of the others.

Much like the other Kaleesh, Qymaen jai Sheelal used the derogatory term 'Huks' for the Yam'rii which meant soulless bugs.

Qymaen jai Sheelal hated the Huks for destroying his homeworld and many other planets in the Kalee System.

Most people were enslaved and sold off to various people as guards or slave warriors for entertainment.

Qymaen jai Sheelal wanted to lead his people to raid the homeworld of the Yam'rii as payback for the damage done to the Kaleesh, however he didn't have the whole support of his people just yet.

Using his victories as a means to influence the other Warlords to accept him as the one to lead the Kaleesh, Qymaen jai Sheelal was concerned to find another party involved in the battle against the Huks, especially when they weren't of the same species.

But instead of greeting them with weapon fire, Qymaen jai Sheelal decided to take on a peaceful approach, even if his words were rather straight to the point and brash.

Mina actually preferred talking with warriors as they were more straight forward and to the point, instead of those with political intrigue.

"I'm Mina, from the Uchiha Clan.

We were hired by the Empyrean Consortium to assist the Kaleesh in the war against the Yam'rii while also brokering a deal with your people to provide you resources.

All we wish in return is the Kaleesh people acting as a labour force in the future.

You'll be paid for your services and if there are any wishing to continue the path of a warrior, the Star-Void Grand Guild will take them in as members.

Do you wish to still down after the battle and discuss terms?"

"Hehehihi… Very well, Uchiha… lets talk after our victory!"



{… Are you alright…?}

"… No… not at all.

*Sigh* I understand Almighty now… and my mission here."

Distressed by the cruel sight in front of him, Arlo thought back to his old friend and master that send him to the Force Universe.

There were mutated bodies with missing ligaments and organs, while others were forced together with machinery, creating a freak cyborg.

Nothing was alive, but Arlo could sense each person in the enclosed room went through an agonising death that extended over several months.

Some of the people were forced to stay alive through the pain until their minds broke, but most were abandoned and left to starve or perish once the machines broke down.

Sensing the death around him, Arlo could feel the pain of each soul, who were further being affected by the Dark Side of the Force through the Nexus Point.

As someone who was Death itself for eternity, Arlo equipped his Death Reaper outfit with his Scythe in hand.

He'd come to realise that Almighty sent him into the Force Universe to deal with the unnecessary death and mutilation of creation.

After the Death Reaper armour suit was worn, the souls of the dead were easily drawn to the chant of the afterlife drew them to Arlo.

The sound came from the Scythe naturally as the metals would naturally sing the songs of the Afterlife to draw all who wished for rest, making their journey pleasant.

"Come… its time to rest, where no one can hurt you any further." Arlo said to soothe the minds of the souls who were fighting the sounds of the Afterlife.

The corrupting nature of the Dark Side made it difficult for many of the Souls to escape its grasp over them.

Fortunately for them, Arlo wasn't a normal Death Reaper who would leave behind souls in agony if it meant extra work for him.

After waiting for a moment to remove the souls who happily accepted the Afterlife, Arlo started hunting down the Souls that were either in the control of the Dark Side or those fighting on to survive.

Arlo made quick work of them as he rushed through the halls and various rooms of the Sith Academy that happened to spread itself through a machine-made valley through two mountains.

Cleansing the academy of the souls took longer than expected, but Arlo made some significant discoveries that the System believed deserved some sort of reward item.

One was the Library, with the System gifting more Sith Knowledge from the Old Sith Empire, but the other location was the Academy Museum that contained a Holocron with knowledge related to the Knights of Zakuul and their Emperor Valkorion.

Best yet, the System gave Arlo a map through Unknown Regions to the location of a Star System that still held knowledge of the Eternal Empire and a fragment of a map leading to Lokath.

Leaving the Sith Academy after cleansing it of the agony expressed by the souls of the dead, Arlo started moving towards the Valley of the Dark Lords.

However, as he was racing through the shadows, a call came through a private line of communication reserved for one of his hidden galactic organisations.

Answering the call, Arlo addressed the other person on the call with a calm tone.

"Arla… you've awoken."