
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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Kalakar Six: Part 2

Arlo led the group of three as they continued deeper into a secret area of the Sith Temple.

The System alerted Arlo of another discovery, with the reward being a Force Academy that was immediately taken care of by Yeixrian inside the Empyrean Dimension.

Currently Arlo wanted nothing to disturb him, in particular the System, which left it in the hands of Yeixrian, who was more than delighted to manage the incoming rewards.

But as she focused on the Empyrean Dimension, Arlo stumbled upon a startling discovery he never expected to find in the Force Universe, and in the hands of the Sith of the past.

"They… created Spiritual Equipment!"

"Excuse me StarKiller, but would you mind explaining?" Leto couldn't understand exactly what Arlo meant, as the scriptures on the wall were far behind anything he knew or could understand.

"*Sigh*… The Sith ripped the soul from living people and melded it into items to give it a unique Spirit, much like an artificial intelligence, but far more alive and conscious of its own emotions." Arlo said as he pointed out the small altar in the corner of the room, they were in.

"And that happens to contain the Spirit of the Temple, though it appears to be dormant and largely exhausted by the Force Nexus trying to influence it."

Arlo further explained the Force Nexus and its importance to the density of the Dark Side in the atmosphere.

For who knows how long, it started to affect the Spirit that managed the Sith Temple in a very negative and aggressive manner, which led it to rest so the Dark Energy wouldn't corrupt its creation.

"Can you activate the Spirit while protecting it from the Force Nexus?" Leto questioned StarKiller, who seemed capable of such a feat, but it would require further exploration.

"We can remove the Force Nexus entirely, but it'll take some time to find the optimal point for me to remove the effect of the Dark Side.

Best we keep on searching the Sith Temple."

Arlo's led the group through the hidden areas of the Temple, finding various relics from weapons to Holocrons of Sith Lords from the past.

One of the treasures they found happened to catch the attention of the young Padawan, Karae.

It was a sword handed crafted from the heat of the molten lava and the endowment of Force Energy into to materials of the weapon.

Arlo sensed Darkness from the weapon, as did Leto, but Karae felt an attachment to the style of weapon.

"M-Master… could I keep this?"

Something deep down within Karae attached itself with the delicately crafted sword, which both delighted Leto as he saw progress within his padawan, and also terrified him about the prospect of wielded a Dark imbued weapon.

The Jedi Master figured if Karae remained around the weapon for an extended time, it would begin to affect his mental health, but to his surprise, StarKiller seemed to have the perfect solution.

"How about this, I'll make sure the weapon is balanced so it isn't affected by the Dark Side, and you can come collect it from the Grand Guild on Coruscant.

I'll make sure the Jedi Temple is notified within a couple days of your return."

"Thank you very much for your help, StarKiller.

I'll make sure the Jedi High Council is notified of all you've for our Order." Leto couldn't help but thank Arlo as he saw the childish excitement in the eyes of his padawan, who passed over the sword to Arlo immediately.

Leto could sense his padawan was going down a path of his own, unlike anything that the Jedi would allow.

This concerned him while also making the Jedi Master understand that his student had deviated from the traditional streamline of the Jedi Order.


From this point and on, Karae would ask all sorts of questions pertaining to the Grand Guild and their lifestyle.

A large part of it contained travelling and exploration, but more than anything, it was focused on helping all it could across the galaxy through quests and tasks issued by the Guild.

Leto felt concerned by the interest Karae showed as he didn't wish to see his student leave the Jedi Order to join the Grand Guild, but Arlo informed him that it was possible to join while remaining a Jedi of the High Council.

Karae made the decision to join the Grand Guild once he returned to Coruscant, and possibly taking others from the temple to join their ranks as well.

From what he could tell, the Grand Guild would help him understand the galaxy where the Jedi failed to inform him.

Though he wasn't annoyed by the situation, rather he was thankful for all the Jedi had done for him until now, but it was obvious he needed to see and explore more of the galaxy.

The trip to Kalakar Six had opened his eyes, and for the better after meeting with StarKiller.

Leto figured the changes in his student's mentality had something to do with StarKiller but he never believed it would be to the point where Karae would consider taking on Grand Guild duties above the Jedi Order.

Before he could question his student during the exploration of the Sith Temple, Arlo stumbled upon the point where the Force Nexus was the strongest and clearest for him to access.

It was so potent that Karae and Leto couldn't even come 100 metres of the point without being affected by the Dark Side and its mental affecting stimuli.

"Let me handle this.

If you wish to make the most of this time to train however, then take these potions.

We make them at the Guild and their known to help with meditation."

Arlo handed over some glass vitals that contained potions created within the Empyrean from Spiritual Essence infused materials.

The herbs were taken from Arlo's Inventory that contained medicine from various Universes with great body and mind development capabilities.

Using the Production Centres of the Empyrean Dimension, the potency of the potions was reduced marginally, making it accessible for people across the Force Universe.

Currently it was possible to buy them from the Grand Guild Network Shop, and they were quite popular among the members.

The healing vitals were highly desired as it could be used in the middle of battle, while the mental vitals helped fortify one's mind which improved their temperament and personality to be more focused.

This was especially helpful its tough situations during battle but also great for general meditation.

After explaining their use to Leto and Karae, Arlo moved on deeper into the Sith Temple as the focal point of the Force Nexus neared.

At this time, the System notified him of discovering the Nexus Point, with a unique reward that Arlo activated immediately.


[Body Energy Nexus Source] [Elite Grade]

[The item will create a Force Nexus Source within the Host's body, allowing the Void Energy naturally produced by the Sai-Graorian body to pool together its own Force Energy Source.

It will still be in harmony with the Force Energy Source of the Force Universe; however, the Host can manipulate Midi-Chlorian Cells to the increase or decrease within all forms of living beings]

[Host needs to increase their Level to improve their strength and control over the Body Energy Nexus Source]


The moment Arlo activated the reward, he felt his body had grown in some manner, but when he tried to inspect his body, the most he could figure out was a new energy source pool in his gut.

As Arlo neared the Dark Side Force Nexus, his own Body Nexus was drawing the Darkness into itself, cleansing the Sith Temple and also improving Arlo's understanding over the Dark Side of the Force.

{I suggest you visit the Empyrean Dimension after your done on Kalakar Six.

There are plenty of points within the dimension where you'll be able to learn more about the two sides of the Force and its strengths.

Rather than the current method you're using to manage the Force around you, if you actually spend some time learning about the Force, it'll make things much easier for you, Arlo}

"Yeah, I understand, Yeixrian, but we still need to make our way to Mandalore and help Jango Fett take down Death Watch.

If we can take hold of the Darksaber now, it'll help settle the Mandalorians and allow us to begin the rebuilding of the planet."

With each passing day, more and more Clanless Mandalorians were joining the Grand Guild in the hopes to join Clan StarDraconic.

While this was great to hear, it also caused London to worry that they would begin to attract the wrong sort of attention from the governing body of Mandalore.

Thankfully, Star Vader had helped reduce any public outcry from the Mandalorian government as they were alerted of StarKillers impending arrival.

Jango Fett was told of the legend that was building around StarKiller, but it didn't entice him like Star Vader's who'd come be known as the Swordmaster of Coruscant.

As the person leading the True Mandalorians, Jango Fett believed Star Vader could help him subdue Death Watch in no time, but any communication made with the Grand Guild about cooperation would always end the same.

'StarKiller is coming.'

After a while, Jango stopped trying to contact the Grand Guild and waited for the fable student of the Swordmaster of Coruscant.

The battles between the True Mandalorians and Death Watch were increasing, especially with certain Clans considering to the neutral option of following Clan StarDraconic.

They couldn't follow the Clan without acknowledgment from Star Vader, but Death Watch was beginning to believe it was inevitable for people to follow strength and leadership.

Jango understood that if the battle between the two sides of the civil war was prolonged any longer, there would be greater chose and divide among the Mandalorians.

But all he could do for now was wait for the arrival of StarKiller, who was busily absorbing the Dark Side Force Nexus.

Through its potent Force Energy, Arlo gained knowledge of certain Sith Skills and Abilities that were developed by the previous inhabitants of the Sith Temple.

Funnily enough, they reminded him of cultivation techniques and martial spells, which made Arlo consider that there was some external influence in the Force Universe from another Universe.

Thankfully, what he could tell from the Dark Side Force Nexus Energy was very few people ever utilised the skills and abilities before death overcame them.

Those who could use the cultivation and martial skills were able to survive for some time, before death caught up with them as well for pushing their bodies beyond their means.

Arlo started to revise the information he was inundated with, only to discover several different methods to improve a Force Users Midi-Chlorian Cell count through meditation training techniques.

Passing the information onto Yeixrian so she could hand it to the Masters at the Grand Temple of the Force within the Empyrean Dimension.

The idea was to help the students develop their strength to make them some of the strongest people within the Force Universe by the time of the Clone Wars.

A part of Arlo wanted to speed up the course of events, but he held back until the time was right.

Arlo hoped his efforts to build an army of his own could be accelerated even more so after visiting Kamino, but that was yet to be achieved.

Until then, Arlo could only hope on expanding the number of people within the Empyrean Dimension.

There already was a sizeable presence of Mandalorians within the Empyrean Dimension through genetic collection at the Grand Guild Headquarters.

The Empyrean Mandalorians were busy training in the various Dungeon Gates that were set up in the Dimension, allowing them all to improve their fighting prowess.

Surprisingly, they were more battle hardened than those outside of the dimension because of their continual hunts within the Dungeons.

They were joined by Primaris Transhuman Warriors, Uchiha Clansmen, Aurgel, and various other species of the Empyrean Dimension, adding to the intensity of the training schedules of the hidden world.

Soon, a Dark Side Warrior Species would be joining the group as well, but only after Arlo confirmed the design of the Shadow Guard.

Based off Emperor Palpatine's future Imperial Shadow Guard, Arlo decided to use the Dark Side Warrior Species Creation Card to spawn 100 qualified Individuals for his future Empire.

The mysterious powers of the Genetic Hall would increase the number of warriors every day, much like the ever-expanding Primaris Transhuman Warriors that grew in size from its original 100.

While none of them left the Empyrean Dimension, they still continued to improve their strength and battle prowess for the future.


"… It's done…

*Sigh*… This was quite the unusual experience." Arlo commented allowed to himself, as he began to see the Force Energy around him in a difficult way than earlier.

He respected it as a living entity that needed to be respected or addressed as a being of its own, but now that Arlo started to gain knowledge of the Sith methods and techniques, his connection to the Force also developed in an interesting manner.

Now Arlo saw the Force Energy as an entity, much like before, but he understood it could be equipped as well, much like a weapon but it was bound to his entire fibre of being.

It helped Arlo sense the Spirit of the Sith Temple that was beginning to awaken after it noticed the Dark Side Force Nexus being completely cleansed.

Appeared before Arlo in the small mediation room, a spiritual form of a human like being was present, though they were dressed in clothing much alike a holy priest.

Though there were markings on the clothing to indicate a connection to the Sith Empire of Old.

"Who are you?" asked the Spirit, with her captivating beauty seeping through out with every moment, no matter how simple it may be.

Once again, Arlo felt something deep within his soul and spirit that was left breathless by the beauty of the opposite sex.

Thankfully Arlo contained his emotions and rampant thoughts, only to answer the Temple Spirit's question.

"I'm StarKiller, a wandering Ranger."


… I sense much more from you, StarKiller… than a simple Ranger.

I've never known a wandering Ranger to completely hide their connection to the Force."

"Ahh… well you see." Taken aback by the knowledge held by the Temple Spirit, Arlo didn't know how to respond.

Even when he tried, the Temple Spirit interrupted him, having decided it didn't need to hear his senseless lies.

"I do not care for your lies, just answer me this… why have you cleansed the Force Nexus?

Why have you come to the Sith Temple, with what appears to be two Jedi.

Are you one as well?"

The Spirit spoke calmly but Arlo sensed irritation and anger, like someone had trespassed on another's home.

"Temple Spirit, I have come to the Sith Temple because I sensed something in the Force.

A disturbance, if you will.

The Jedi were already here when I arrived and so I decided to explore the Temple with them.

But as you can probably tell, they aren't strong enough to deal with the potency of the Dark Side Force Nexus, therefore I decided to absorb the Darkness.

Just to let you know, I am not a Jedi, nor do I wield the Force.

Rather I am a Void User."

Arlo didn't expect the Temple Spirit to know what a Void User was, but Arlo noticed the Spirit twitch slightly, which led to him following up on his query.

"You know… about Void Users, don't you?"

"… Yes.

They should not exist."


Sorry to burst your bubble, Temple Spirit, but while I exist in this galaxy, there will always be a Void User."

Arlo couldn't stop laughing because he also remembered the Empyrean Dimension also contained plenty of Void Users, which would continue to grow under the influence of the Genetic Hall.

Most became teachers at the Grand Temple of the Force for the time being as they couldn't enter the Force Universe freely.

Only a handful focused on battle prowess and warrior mentality for the future events that would come to dawn.


The Temple Spirit wasn't fond of Arlo's attitude and decided to be a little sterner with her words, yet her angelic voice made it sound too sweet for the ears.

"Your existence doesn't change my stance on the subject.

Void Users shouldn't exist.

Anyway, you still haven't explained what you want to do now that I've activated as the Temple Spirit."

"Well… to be truthful, I would like to gain you for myself, but I sense you won't easily allow me to become your new Master." Smiling cheekily, Arlo winked at the Temple Spirit, causing her to blush slightly, only for the reddish hue to disperse back into pale like colour of her skin.


I do not wish to be tied to a Void User, unless I have to.

However, if you can my allegiance, you will also gain control over the Dromund System as the Star System is tied to the Temple for management and guarding."

"Very well, I'm prepared to take your test, Temple Spirit."

Accepting the challenge, Arlo took in a deep breath as the Temple Spirit tapped the centre of his forehead, pushing his consciousness into a maze of tests and trials.