
Class C

School is a place for learning and growing. Normal students study with books, test and quizzes and other stuff. Well, that is given for a "normal" school and "normal" class. Our school isn't. Our class isn't. Instead of studying with books, we do trainings. Test and quizzes are competition and missions for us. In this school, where we— the Class C are called "good for nothing" will make their way to become the best spies of The Border and to make the Clove High harmonious and at peace. --- *Ring* *Ring* The class starts now.

Dacieo · Action
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Class C

Clove High is a elite school where many students want to enroll and teachers that want to apply. From its first-class teaching methods to its top-notch facilities.

There's no mistake that this school is the no. 1. But despite all of that, this school also has its dirty secrets, and that's our class.

Class C is the dump of problematic and failed students. Those students who can't maintain their good grades fall into our class.

Once you fall into this class, it's almost impossible to escape. Because the blatant discrimination of the students and even teachers in Class C are treated as ordinary.



"What a boring day," I said while gazing outside the window. It's been a week since our teacher didn't attend our class.

Almost half of my classmates didn't bother to attend their class. Well of course, no one would care since we are the Class C.

A bunch of students who are troublesome and failures who can't keep their grades. That's what we're called.

"Yow Oliver!" a familiar voice called my name while tapping my shoulder. A smug face, thick eyebrows, and brown hair that peeks outside of his cap. It's Shane.

He sat at the vacant seat beside of my table.

"Wanna go arcade? There will be no teacher in the afternoon," he asked while raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Nahh, I'll pass today, I got some stuff to do."

"Aww, too bad. Justin said that, its on him today." while making his sad face.

"HAHAHA I'm really sorry bro. I can't make it today, maybe next time."

"Then, what about tomorrow?"

"Hmm... I think I can go."

He slowly nodded his head agreeing on what I've said. He bid his goodbye as he got up on his seat and went outside the classroom.


*Riiing* *Riiing*

The sound of bell as the clocks hand points at 12.

With my bag in my back, I made my way to a grocery store near the main building to buy some ingredients for my lunch and some things that I need in dorm.

Clove High premises is actually divided into 6 major sectors: Medicine Sector, Engineering Sector, Architectural Sector, Law Sector, Business Sector, and lastly is the Junior - Senior High School sector.

The 6 sectors are treated as universities

since it has its own facility and location (like Harv*rd University). There's a lot of facilities in just one sector just like in our sector we have a grocery store, a mall, a cafe, and a mini amusement park. Weird, right?

Well, it's not unsual in our school since we're only allowed to go home when the semester ends, there's a holiday break or an emergency.

When I entered the store, I took the shopping cart and roam around to get what I need.


"Thank you. Please come again," the security guard said. I walked to the pathwalk that leads to our domitory.

All in all there are 5 dormitories built near the main building, 4 of those building are for J-SHS students and the rest is for the teachers.



Shutting the door behind me. I went to the table, and place my bag and groceries on top. I went into my bed and throw myself into it.

'Fuwaahhh, so tiring...'

I got up and prepare my favorite meal for lunch which is curry. I also organized the groceries that I bought inside the refrigerator.

While eating, I surfed on the internet some movies that I'll watch later.

Yeah I know, I said to Shane that I'm busy. Well, my personal time is much more important than going to arcade games.

All afternoon I spent my whole afternoon watching movies, reading a book and sleeping. It's 7:00 pm on the clock so I prepare my dinner. I just re-heat the curry left and cook some rice.


The notification of my phone as I receive a mail.


Dear Mr. Parks,

I would like to invite you to attend tomorrows event at Auditorium Hall at 8:30 am. Absences are not allowed. Thank you.

- X


'Is this a spam? X?'

*Bzzt Bzzt*

[Yow Oliver! Have you heard the news?]

"What is about the event tomorrow at the Auditorium Hall?"

[Yeah yeah, That's it! Actually, Justin and the whole class received the mail. Are you attending?]

"Yup, it says in the mail that absences are not allowed so, I've got no choice but to attend."

[Then we'll see each other tomorrow. Bye]

"Yeah, bye"

'Tomorrow huh...'


Students of Class C are swarming outside the Auditorium Hall, it's 8:15 am.

"Watzzup my friend!" a blonde, tall guy waving his hand up. I wave back to him and smile.

"Zup, Justin." I greeted him.

"Oh? Is Shane not with you?" I asked while roaming my eyes behind him.

"Nope, He said that he's not attending. Right now he's probably in his room sleeping."

"Typical Shane."

As the clock marked at 8:30 the door of the Auditorium Hall opened. The spotlight of stage in the center is on. We walked through our seats near enough to the stage.

[Ahh.. Mic test. Mic test.] baritone voice spoke.

A man in a black suit, from the back stage walked to the spot light. His facial features are like middle age man.

"Good Morning student. Good Morning Class C, the so called trash of failure students." he said while smiling.

"HEY! Are you here to degrade us?!"


"F*CK I KNEW IT! I shouldn't attend this!"


Some of the lash out of my angry classmates.

'This is stupid.' I thought while shaking my head slowly.

"Lets go" Justin utter.

We got out of our seat and made our way outside.

"Ohh so you're angry?" he teasingly say that made us stop.

"Are you picking a fight with us?" pissed Justin said.

"Nope, no no no! I just want to offer something."

"This is really nonsense." Jamie remarked and continue to walked to the door.

"What if I told you that you can get out being a Class C?"

"Ha! That's impossible, getting a good grades is the only way to get us out of this hell" Klein said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, wrong wrong wrong. Why don't you all go back to your seats and let us discuss this."

We looked at each other, analyzing whether we seat or go. I let a loud sighed out and go back to my seat.

"Just make sure that this will worth of our time" I said.

Some of my classmate hesitate but in the end they still went back to their seats.

"So you have decided. But before that, I think the class is incomplete so I my staff decided to picked them up."

A batch of men-in-black walked to the stage with some our classmates walking behind them and some are being carried like a sack of rice with their eyes, and hands are tied up.

They putted them down next to the middle-age man and release their ties.

"Hey it's Shane." Justin said while pointing the guy in his pajamas.

"He's probably asleep when he got kidnapped." I said while looking at him half-awaked.

"Please forgive me for bringing them here in an indecent way. Now please look for your seats and lets continue."

As soon as the students are settled in their seats. The man continued with his talk.