
Clara (Giantess History)

One of these days you wake up and realize that your soul is inside another body, as the days go by they give you the surprising news that you have a fiancee, but it doesn't end there, you live in a world where women are bigger than you. , so you have to get ahead at all costs and prevent them from discovering your identity.

perkiasKaterina · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Special Christmas Chapter Part 1/2

Ahhh~ Christmas, that beautiful date that many (not to say most) wish for it to come, in order to spend time with family or together with the one you love so much, others will see it with boredom or others with excitement and happiness.

But for me, it has been one of my favorite holidays, especially when they cook delicious meals and exchange gifts, honestly, I would go more for the food.

But back to the topic, I will ask Clara or Alicia, when will be the Christmas of this world.

10 minutes later.

Jack looked at Alicia with curiosity, until she slightly noticed him.

Alicia: If you are going to say something, say it, since I get a little shiver when you stare at me.

Alicia agreed to watch Jack while Clara and Mirabel went shopping.

Jack: Well, I'll put it bluntly, when is Christmas in this world?

Alicia: Oh?

Alicia couldn't believe the question Jack just asked.

Alice: Are you an idiot? Christmas doesn't exist in this world, you should know that by now.

Jack was discouraged when he heard that blunt answer.

Jack: Are you serious?

Alicia: Of course I'm serious. Did you think that Christmas was celebrated in all the worlds?

Jack got discouraged again, he hadn't taken into account that in his new world, they had different

traditions, so Christmas in his world didn't apply to the new one.

Jack: God...how could I have forgotten that little detail.

Jack went to sit in the corner of his dollhouse.

Alicia: Ahh... -He let out a slight sigh.

Alicia: Come on cousin, don't get discouraged so fast.

Jack: ... -He was still sitting in the corner.

(Alicia) He's acting like a child, but what can you do, maybe I can give him some help to cheer him up.

Alicia thought for a few minutes, until a special date came to her mind.

Alicia: There, hey Jack.

Jack: Yes?

Alicia: In a few days the night of the bright moon will be celebrated.

Jack: The night of the bright moon? What's that?

Alice: Let's just say, it's the closest thing to a Christmas in our world.

Alicia: Look, give me a few minutes and I'll explain it to you in more detail.

Alicia looked at Clara's bookshelf and saw a specific one that talked about the holiday.

Alicia: This should do the trick.

She took the book and went to Jack.

Alicia: It's a lot of text, but I'll try to summarize it as much as possible.

Alicia: The first thing you should know is that when this holiday falls, all women can give something very special to their loved ones or partners.

Alicia: This gift means that they are giving you blessings so that your friendship or relationship will last on good terms.

Jack: That doesn't sound so bad.

Alicia: But! In case the person decides to reject it, that means you don't want to have anything with him or her.

Jack: That sounds sad.

Alicia: You know what's funny, is that 100% of the men accept the gift, hahaha!

Jack: It's logical, who wants to die crushed under the hands or feet of a girl, unless he's too crazy to accept cruel fate.

Alicia: Right? Well, maybe Clara could give you a gift or you, but seeing your size, your chances are minimal.

Jack: But they don't reach 0, but thanks to the fact that I have a cousin who supports me, I could give Clara a decent gift.

Alicia: Really? Well, what kind of gift have you prepared for your fiancée?

Jack: I don't know yet... Tell me, how long until that day arrives?

Alicia: In about two days.

Jack: What? -He said surprised.

Jack: You should have told me sooner!

Alice: How the hell was I supposed to know that you'd miss Christmas?!

Alice: You look like a child!

Jack: It's okay, it was my mistake for not talking about it, maybe I have an idea.

Jack paced back and forth for 15 minutes, until something came to his mind.

Jack: Okay, I got it.

Alicia: Finally, so what's your idea after all?

Jack: I'll draw a picture of Clara, she'll be showing a nice smile.

Alice: It doesn't sound bad at all, even I like it.

Alice: Do you even know how to draw?

Jack: A little, but this is where I need your help.

Alicia: Let me guess. Do you want me to pass you the materials?

Jack: And I also want you to cut out sheets of this size.

Jack drew on the desk the size of the leaves they wanted him to cut.

Alicia: Piece of cake, I'll go get the stuff, you meanwhile think about how Clara would look like with her smile.

Jack: Understood.

Alicia got up from her seat and went running to get the materials she needed.

Jack: Now, to draw the sketches, I need one in mind, but make it special for Clara.

To be continued...