

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Finding the Unholy Book

Unknown Location

Zenith Tower

"No!" Was the enormous yell heard throughout the room "All because of one pathetic rule, we couldn't take him down!" He added yelling angrily.

Lady Sif walked towards him patting him on the shoulder "We almost had him but father intruded, his curse will never stop hunting us unless we have those pets extinguished." She said thoughtfully.

Corvinus listened and calmed himself walking towards the high throne, his mood was solemnly clouded by rage and pure ire. Dracula dare not utter a word, he just stood behind as mute as nothing itself but Lady Sif forced him to speak.

"What did you have to say to all of these Vlad?" She asked.

Dracula wad stunned, he wasn't expecting a question from anyone. He looked majestic but within, he was fidgeting "I don't know, it was all my fault and I accept but we can't just give up like that!" He said.

Corvinus halted halfway "You can go and create another abomination since waiting isn't yours to abide." He muttered looking halfway back at Dracula.

Dracula heaved sharply but ignored Corvinus gaze "I was thinking a bounty." He suggested but Lady Sif cut him short.

Standing in-between the lengthy space between Corvinus and Dracula, she looked at them from each sides "Perhaps I should decide for the day!" She said.

They looked back at her confused. Lady Sif clasped her hands softly in mid air before her, her eyes were closed and in a rapid rate, harsh gust of wind blew from nowhere. It danced the robes of the councils like huge tornado tearing through the space within the room. Under her balanced breath, she muttered some incantations that came out like siren screams.

Slowly, from the dept of oblivion, a red flaming portal appeared before her like a circular abyss on the surface of the earth. Watching with deep concentrations, Dracula and Corvinus could see numerous arms waving out of the dept like seeking help but not long, from the same screaming arms came six human arms. At first, the arms were scaled but as soon as they drew out, their features changed.

From the arms, their bodies walked out and the portal vanished with lady Sif opening her eyes. They looked identical, triplets to be precise. They were cool but on their bodies, they could notice steams of hotness. Their bodies were red but soon turned paled and white as snow, they both had red burning eyes and hairs that soon turned black immediately. To their observations, they were standing naked, heavily built and muscular.

Corvinus out of curiosity walked towards her and the triplets "Who are these Sif?" He asked calmly and amazingly.

Lady Sif looked at Corvinus but the figures introduced themselves instead.

"We are the hellhounds!" They said in unison "Summoned to adhere to none than the lady Sif!" They eventually bowed as they went on their knees.

Dracula walked forward "Don't you guys have like emm...specific names?" He asked after stopping before lady Sif and the triplets.

The triplets rose on their feets and turned at Dracula, they had certain calm faces that seem rather casual and not harsh that got Corvinus and Dracula doubting.

"I am Azatoth!" The man in the middle first addressed looking at his right "Here's Mazel and Grupath!" He looked at his left.

Dracula nodded casually looking at lady Sif's face and she was certain, almost as determined and colds as the wind. Dracula couldn't see the darkness in the triplets, although they came from hell but that doesn't mean they're compatible against creatures in the hidden world.

Lady Sif knew what Dracula was thinking and she scoffed lightly "You're doubting my pets?" She asked and Dracula raised an eyebrow in respond. She scoffed and walked a step towards him "The hellhounds are one of the devilish creatures that has ever walked the planet thousands of years ago, I believe you know the casualties caused by their previous emergence." She said asking.

Dracula could recollect and he hummed in astonishment. Thousands of years back, the hellhounds were said to cause a global catastrophe that threatened the stability of the planet. No one knows why they attacked the planet and all that resides within the hidden world but the councils knew it was related to the expulsion of the ancient evil. Rating by the chaos they caused thousands of years back, Dracula couldn't believe the chaos was caused by the triplets.

"I do, but are you sure you didn't summon the wrong demons?" Dracula asked.

Azatoth looked immediately at Dracula arrogantly "With honor my Lord, we are not demons?" He said.

Corvinus lashed in "Find them and after that, we can argue later!" He ordered and the triplets bowed in respect.

With a slight turn, Corvinus floated towards his throne while his siblings watched with satisfaction. After the watch, lady Sif turned at the hellhounds and nodded affirmatively saying.

"Bring them here, dead or alive. We don't care. Just get the job done!" She said.

Mazel chipped in thoughtfully "What's in it for us my lady?" He asked.

"The blood of a Dhampir!" She responded.

With warm smiles, they walked away and out of the room like robots. With every steps they took, the ground scorched like molten lava just walked through.


Nexus Of The Planet

In the middle of nowhere, they appeared with accumulations of lights. The crew felt like their entire body just disassembled and arranged rapidly, they haven't experienced such but with William, everything felt so possible.

Appearing on what seems like a large evergreen island in the middle of an endless ocean, Clancy and his crew couldn't find a word to describe the awe before them. The air was cool, sometimes rapid and rigid but it was still adaptable. They looked around observing the tallest trees in the area, virtually the tallest trees they've ever seen. The ground was sandy and grassy at the same time. The sky was clear and empty with no sky creatures, not even birds could be seen in the area. Perhaps, birds don't fly that deep into the very trench of the planet.

He thought too soon, looking up, Clancy heard the cooing of birds as they flapping above the island and beyond vanishing in timeless instinct. He looked around again trying to digest the atmosphere and surrounding calmly, his senses heightened searching through the area like a radar sense but nothing came in sight. He felt nothing within their radius, it was like nothing exists on the island but it got to a certain point his mind shifted and fear crippled onto him. Clancy opened his mind heavily and gasped heavily for air.

This attracted eyes on him and they ran towards him, especially Bella, Amelia and Catherine. Clancy staggered off his feet and fell on his buttocks weakly, William observed what it was all about as he looked directly tailing Clancy's gaze down into the dept of the island.

William's face tightened, he wanted to follow them to keep things straight but he wasn't part of the Dhampir's expenditure. He really wished he could but fate never allowed that, he was destined for something else. Something more disappointing. He looked at Bishop Daimon and walked towards him a little, enough to keep his conversation low and unheard by anyone else.

"Whatever is down there, it's calling him. It must be Lilith, he must not fall into her trap!" William said. Even though they had super hearings, no one heard him except Bishop Daimon and Scott who heard while watching William's lips move.

Scott sluggishly cut in but silently "What are you talking about?"

Bishop Daimon was about to ask the same thing but Scott asked first and he kept quiet awaiting William's respond but what came out was a simple word.

"Just watch him!" William replied vanishing in a twinkle.

Clancy finally caught his breath and his gaze shifted, his eyes shuddered at first but on sighting Catherine's face before him, he stanced his breath smiling.

Bella felt a lot abandoned as she watched Catherine helped Clancy back in his feet, she tried effectively to execute the thought from bothering her but every efforts was infertile. So, she cleared her throat to be noticed.

Clancy and Catherine looked at him concerned "Are you okay?"

Bella forced a smile "Yeah, yeah! I'm fine." She responded walking pass them.

Catherine noticed her negativity, it's not that she felt it but as a lady, she just realized how Bella's negation reflected on her face. She tried to ask but before she could say a word, she was gone now standing beside Bishop Daimon and Scott.

"Can we move now?" Scott called Clancy but searching for the fallen council, Clancy asked.

"Where did he go?"

"Who? Lord William?" Scott asked in return and Clancy nodded positively "He left!"

"What? He forgot to show us the way!" Clancy mouthed.

Bishop Daimon interrupted thoughtfully "Then we'll do it the obvious way."

Scott looked at the bishop's face and the latter nodded silently it almost looked like he hadn't nodded. With what William told them earlier, the bishop wanted to know if he was telling the truth, he wanted to know if the ancient evil was actually trying to manipulate Clancy but he still couldn't dictate why everything revolves around the Dhampir.

Clancy was a little disturbed by the bishop's idea but they had no other choice, they had to search the entire island but how will they be able to cover the entire island in a day. Sounds impossible!

"I think we should split!" Clancy thought again and they looked at each other awed.

"We don't know anything about these island and you want us to split? What if any of us was attacked?" Scott asked truthfully.

Clancy looked at him with the mindset of replying but Bishop Daimon obstructed.

"Clancy is right, i think we should split and cover more ground but not alone. We move in duo!" He said.

They nodded but before Clancy could pick anyone to move with, Bishop Daimon called "Clancy and I will search the northern area, Bella and Catherine will go south while you two!" He paused pointing at Scott and Amelia "You go down the western path but everyone should meet back here before nightfall. Back at these spot." He commanded "Okay!" He requested and they nodded splitting and scattering through the woods like ants.