

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Display of power

Twilight Fall Town

The Dry Forest


He landed silently in the middle of the dry forest, his black costume creating a perfect camouflage in the darkness. He barely made a sound as he landed crouching like a predator anticipating its prey, he looked forward, his eyes piercing through the proliferation of the forest like an owl. He could hear the hooting of birds and the trampling of night animals, he could feel the wind as sharp as it landed on his skin like hard metal. He knew the forest could be guarded by predators and he was the prey but little did they know, to him, they're the prey and he's the predator.

He ran down the forest, his boots crushing dry leaves as he sped down the aisle dispersing leaves like a bolt of lightning. He lept into the sky and landed on a tree but relentlessly, he aimed more onto another tree but WHAM! A tree trunk slammed him on the chest that sent him flying back and finally slamming his back on the tree forcefully before falling on his one knee like his strange assault was irrelevant.

He looked ahead to see three figures shaded by the night's darkness, the only feature perceptible about them were their red flashing eyes like panthers in the dark. They moved so fast his senses at first mistaken them for moving shadows, it almost appeared like they were moving ghosts. He rose, his boots solidated to the ground like glues ready for assaults but he wasn't expecting it too soon. He just waited, his hands clinched as rigid as boulder.

The three figures dashed forward, their propulsion creating shadowy footpaths as they spread out like dark dusts. Rapidfire stood still, not moving an inch, his body as still as a monument and his eyes shut even behind his goggles. His senses germinated predominated like an invisible radar sense, he could see through the darkness as bright as day. He could see trees as bright as colour, could hear as expressive as day and could smell even the wind as it moved.


He stood as still as a sculpture, his senses tingled like a bell just rang inside his head as the growlings got closer. He could perceived them but couldn't see them visibly not in honour of the night's darkness but it was a habit of the vampires whenever they're ready to attack their preys. They somehow distort their surrounding to match their suits, it's was a method of inaugurating fear into their preys before going in for the kill.

Rapidfire was unpretentious of their techniques, he just beamed a warm smile almost like he had predicted their next moves and speaking of prediction, he sensed almost immediately a threat behind and before him like they were orbiting him. Rapidfire brought out his guns from behind his belt then raised them halfway up into the air.

"Let dance." Was what came out of his smirking lips.

Growling and snarling was heard then after that, he heard footsteps that immediately caught Rapidfire's attention and reacting to these, he launched out his arms and aimed his black OTS-02 Kiparises at the darkness, his sight piercing through the faintest discrepancies in the darkness like an eagle.


Multiple ammo came out with one shot banging through trees and leaves like walls, streams of endless bullets brightened the area and loud roars could be heard as they screamed in pain and distress.


He weaved as he felt a disturbed in the wind behind, he swirled into the air performing a swift backflip and landed behind the intruder. His head dropped, his goggle flashing to the darkness might. The Vampire turned at him, his nails extremely long and sharp. He dashed forward and slashed downward but Rapidfire bounced into the air acrobatically landing as stealth as a ghost on his feet, then launched forward like an arrow. He jerked an uppercut at his torso which send the latter sliding backward a little but before he could retaliate, BAM! A bullet blew through his forehead disintegrating him into burnt ash in no time, even before he could scream in pain.


Twilight Fall Town

The Vampire Cove I

A figure ran in, the atmosphere was disturbed and Huntman rose on his feet from his wooden throne. He looked disturbed as it was obvious on his face, he looked at Alan who stood beside him and back at the heaving vampire.

"Speak!" Huntman ordered.

The Vampire sighed "he's here." He said.

Alan looked scared, his red eyes shaking heavily like they were going to pop out of their sockets but Huntman looked calm, he turned at Alan.

"Follow me, we end him once and for all." He said and Alan answered with a straightforward nod.


Twilight Fall Town

The Dry Forest


His feet crushed dry leaves beneath as he walked dip into the dry forest, trees stood like giants in the forest and the wind was sharp and foggy but he could still keep pace with his viewpoints. He felt something or perhaps someone reaching onto him and immediately, he turned backward with his gun aimed extensively at the opponent's forehead.

"Pull the trigger!" The opponent snarled and BOOM! A shot was heard which staggered him back few steps but suddenly he stopped.

Rapidfire was amazed, his silver bullet had no effect on the latter and he knew he was a vampire but how was he impervious against the most lethal force he had against the bloodsucking creatures.

He stopped after more steps back, black liquids slowly oozed down his white face, across his red eyes but what got Rapidfire more amazed was how the bullet hole on his forehead healed rapidly like it was never there. He swabbed his overall black robe, and scoffed simultaneously.

"Amazing, right!" He said chuckling, with his fangs exposed. Beside him stood another figure of which Rapidfire recognized as Alan.

Rapidfire looked awed, he has been hunting vampires since his early life but he has never seen any survived his silver bullet. Perhaps the latter was a superior vampire but even if he was, his bullet was suppose to weaken him or even still, appall him down.

"You must be wondering how, right?" He asked again but Rapidfire was mute, as dumb as a statue "I'm nothing like the weak vampires you've killed for years, I'm superior."

Rapidfire cut in, as cold as the wind "who are you?"

He chuckled "where are my manners? I am Huntman Jack, the vampire lord of these cove." He spread out his arms.

Rapidfire hummed, he has heard a lot about vampire lord, although not a lot but he has heard most parts about them. He read they're vast exceptional to lesser vampires, presumably the most powerful vampires. Unlike lesser vampires, the vampire lord are intrinsically skilled in dark mysticism and summons battalions of vampires. But in the hidden world, vampire lords are nothing like in the folklores, they're immune to all sorts of attacks and sunlight, they have the fewest weaknesses and on top of that, even if they die, they are powerful enough to be reborn after a specific time period has past because they were bounded by supernatural tether bindings to the physical plane by witches and as long as they are not separated in certain possible ways, their lifespans will never confiscate.

"I only came here for him, nothing else." Rapidfire pointed at Alan.

Huntman was amazed but no one could tell why. He could hear every heartbeats of every victims he has ever apprehended and could judge them by their heartbeats but Rapidfire was different, his heartbeat rate was average and normal. He couldn't sense fear nor paranoia from the latter, he was as adamant as a rock.

"Fascinating." Huntman spoke scoffing negligibly.

"Hand him over and I'll end my pursuit forever, right here, right now. He's the last key to my puzzle." Rapidfire said warmly.

Huntman sniffed "your puzzle? You threatened my sovereignty as the vampire lord and you're requesting for his surrender? You really have gut, I'd give you that." He said.

Rapidfire furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let me tell you what, you want him, you'll have to go through me." Huntman notified.

Rapidfire chuckled, achievement to him. He was going to confront a vampire lord, hasn't really seen one in action but Huntman would be his very first.

He tucked his guns back behind his belt "as you wish, vampire lord!" He accepted as he took to his fighting stance.

Huntman was rather calm than displeased, his hands were behind his back awaiting the latter. SWOOCH! He dashed in at incredible speed even the wind wasn't disturbed, Huntman noticed and moved sideway to avoid a claw peeling out his face. He ended backwards again to avoid another claw from connecting with his face, then swayed from his hips to avoid the last claw. His opponent was moving fast, evenly moving faster than major vampires, perhaps his training paid off really well.

Rapidfire got hold of himself rigidly on his feet, he steadied himself forward avoiding pressure and gravity from hindering his momentum. He skidded forward like a rope was hanging behind his back supporting his crusade, triple clawed fist at the latter's face but Huntman was fast. The fastest he has ever encountered.

Huntman snapped back at Rapidfire, his hands still behind his back but his momentum was restraining. A fast action, so fast it shadowed Rapidfire almost in seconds effectively. Rapidfire had challenging efforts in parrying the incoming fist aside but the force of the collision slides him back a little. Rapidfire was amazed, the attack was erratic and inconspicuous. He knew Huntman's hands were behind his back but all of a sudden, a hand came unknowingly.

Rapidfire was back on his boots, ignoring the pain off him angrily. He clenched his fist and aimed forward, it was more like a swift reaction that got Huntman astound. He jerked out a nostalgic punch at his face but Huntman blocked it by bending back a little but as he stepped upright, Rapidfire kept his weight balanced on both feet skillfully delivering a headbutt at the latter which somehow staggered him back a little.

Huntman rubbed his head swiftly, he wasn't amazed but just wasn't expecting such impact. Hard to admit, but Rapidfire was quite unpredictable too. He growled and his face changed, scalpes appeared at each sides of his face, his ears grew longer, his nose flattened a little and his teeth turned into fangs. He bolted forward, his long jacket-like robe flapped behind like bat wings then caught onto Rapidfire. He speared him against a tree and Rapidfire grunted loudly. Delivering elbow punches at his back, Huntman finally lost grip of him and Rapidfire swung him aside like a rag doll but he landed back on his feet.

Rapidfire grunted, breathing heavily like a panting dog.

Huntman turned his head at him "I'm impressed, standing up against a vampire lord. Breathtaking." He recapitulate.

"I've been training my whole life for this moment, I'm not turning back until I've my revenge." Rapidfire muttered.

Alan frowned "What? Revenge? I've done nothing wrong man. I don't even know who the hell you are." He added shouting.

Rapidfire turned at him, he stepped forward coursing his steps but a strange force held him up in the air before throwing him aside like a stone, slamming his back on a tree rigidly.


He groaned heartily and fell on his knees weak to his core, he was becoming tired and he knows what comes after that, Hunger. He looked ahead at Huntman, his goggle fell off his face and his eyes glowed deep red in the dark like a tiger.

Huntman took a step forward "my rules Dhampir!" He stumped.

Rapidfire tried to mutter but what came out was a short growl, he couldn't retain his humanity any longer and he wasn't ready giving up to the dark side easily. He looked down panting profusely trying to balance his breath and gratefully, he finally attained himself.

Huntman smiled and crouched few feets before him "You're starving yourself, I can see that." He smiled "and that makes you weak." He added but before he could breath under his statement, Rapidfire launched forward using the ground he stood as a propeller but Huntman stood upright to deliver a punch to retain him back to his former position but Rapidfire slides sideway before impact and snapped his left hand ready to deliver another jab.


A concussive force came abruptly that separated the duo asunder like a wind wave snapping trees like they were made of bricks.

"Ugh!" He mouthed groaning heartily, he could hear his heart beating inside his ears. He couldn't at first hear anything, it was like sound was effectively nullified for some minutes then all of a sudden, he heard a fainting yell, probably a cry for help. He rolled on his stomach groaning and grunting, trying to be back on his feet. He saw Huntman before him, slowly standing on his feet either Rapidfire knew the attacks was more than expected, he could tell by how battered Huntman looks. For a vampire lord, he could survive virtually anything but that was different. Rapidfire also sluggishly got on his feet, holding his head, he felt furious and paled.


They heard as footsteps emerged from everywhere in the forest, they could tell it was more than just one and judging by the scent coming for them, they could both tell they're not vampires but humans.

"Stabilise them!" A voice echoed into his ears but he could easily distinct the voice from all gender present within, it sounded feminine.

Even Huntman was hindered by the attack, his metabolism couldn't withstand such attacks. Vampire lords are one powerful race of immortal vampires and unlike lesser vampires, they can't be killed by silver of wooden stakes to the heart, they can only be paralyzed by werebeast venoms or even most, killed by werewolf lord bites but what just struck him delivered paralysis to his powers. It completely rendered him as weak as clouds.


He felt as tranquilizer darts struck him on the neck, he removed them but to his utmost surprise, it was a mixed werebeast venom and with that acknowledged, Huntman fell unconscious.

Rapidfire felt himself in glory but couldn't process his mind, he was initially as lost as a labyrinth. He just stood staggering like a drunkard. His feet were hazy off the ground, the force that struck him struck his humanity and weakened him to his core of personality.


He shivered instantly as he felt his body running on an electric charge, he fizzled and sizzled before falling on his face. Everything became blur but he could still figure out a female figure as she walked towards him.

"I've been waiting my entire life for this moment Dhampir, nice to finally meet you." She concluded before he finally drifted into the world of unreality.

Chapter five