

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Violetwall Town


The street was more than expected because it served as the nexus gap between other cities in America, mostly known as a one way ticket into the cities beyond. Been the only town with such popularity, it served as an enticement to many emissaries and governmental supports all over the world.

Storey buildings covered the sun's rays from consecrating the land, bungalow buildings shaded the asphalt road in attraction and on the asphalt road, streetlight poles and traffic lights surveyed the land in a marvelous way one would mistake it for a medium city. At a closed street was a building, perhaps semi-detached but with black roofing, Windows at each sides of the wall stared down the street like a buried giant's head, a door before a wooden staircase that led down the street and at each sides of the wooden door were beautiful vases, heartwarming and decorative vases.

Audible exclamations filled his ears, images bedazzled him as was having a hard time segregating his visions psychologically, familiar faces roamed through his head like holograms but couldn't identify them all except his mother screaming in labour. He bolted his eyes open revealing blue irises, it was a dream, his everyday dream, so familiar with it he almost thought of it as a flashback, a memory buried deep within himself. He sat upright on his bad breathing accurately, he looked around but couldn't find a trace but he could hear some footsteps heading his way.

The room was square in shape with a bunker bed in the middle, a ceiling fan staring down at him and a window behind his head. Beside his bed was a short stool holding two black guns and bullets displayed at each sides, he was dressed in only a white singlet and blue underwear, on his arm was a tattoo signifying the sun but he believed it was a birthmark because he had no one to ask except Lloyd Wright, his foster father and his friend.

The door squeaked as Lloyd walked in carrying in his hands a tray of sandwich, mud of coffee and a small sachet of artificial hospital blood "rise and shine Clancy!" He mumbled as he approached. He was an aged man with white woolen hair that fell down his face like silk, wrinkled face, dressed in a white shirt, white trouser and leather boots.

Clancy Lockwood was his real name but he never knew how his name came to be, he loved the name but the source of the name was what baffled him the most. As Lloyd explained his past to him concerning how he was birth artificially after a vampire bit his mother, so to save his own life, Dr Lloyd operated on his mother and brought out the baby before he could give up the ghost also. This served as an everyday ire to Clancy, tormenting pain to endure. The cause of his mother's death made him what he hates the most, it made him a Dhampir. Half human and half vampire. Lloyd taught him everything he knew but he based most of his arts on his vampiric reflexes, and presently, he has proven to be a nightmare to want made his life miserable. He has been searching his entire life for the foundation of the vampire responsible for his mother's death but couldn't find anyone except Alan Dawn who was his only lead. He believed, the vampire responsible for his mother's death should be from the brotherhood confranity. He well find him and when he does, there'll be no mercy.

"How are you feeling?" Lloyd asked dropping the tray on the ground.

Clancy rubbed his right palm on his face in frustration "bad, I feel so bad." He said "I almost had Lloyd, i almost but he slipped." He clinched his teeth.

Lloyd heaved crouching beside Clancy's bed "You still have him Clancy, you know the whereabouts of the brotherhoods and you know he would be there as their boss's pet. The best you can do is pay them a visit." He deciphered.

Clancy rose on his feet and Lloyd rose after him. He could see his vigilante costume hung on the wall with the support of a nail, he cleared his throat and looked back at Lloyd "sounds like an idea to me." He replied cackling infrequently.

Lloyd heaved again "What will you do after these Clancy, after everything is over. What are you going to do?" He asked thoughtfully.

Clancy scoffed stretching as he went down for some push ups "What made you ask that Lloyd? After his death, there's nothing more." He replied breathing heavily as he began his push ups.

Lloyd sat on his bed "I think you should back down from this, vengeance isn't the best solution to everything." He summarized.

Clancy snickered, continuing his push ups "you've no idea how grievous I am. I want him to suffer the way I did." He retorted.

"You can just let him be." He said and Clancy stopped.

He rose on his feet and turned at Lloyd "What did you mean by let him be?" He interrogated.

"We've no idea if the killer was Alan, he looks younger than ever." Lloyd added.

"That's because they don't age." Clancy discontinued "he could be hundred of years old."

"You can just start afresh."

Clancy lashed out instead angrily and painfully his eyes sank in fury of his vampiric nature "I can't start afresh," he shouted but what came out was an intimidating roar. He breathed slight trying to relax himself then looked back at Lloyd "I've lost too much! I never grew up with a mother or a father, he needs to feel that pain Lloyd, he needs to know what pain is. I want to make him to suffer!" He paused.

Lloyd was mute, not scared but just quiet. He was like a father to Clancy and nothing on the planet could make him be scared of him. Nothing provided could.

Clancy sniffed and scoffed evenly "I never saw her Lloyd, i never saw her. Spent my entire life in an incubated container just to generate, regenerate from my defects and you're telling me to let that be forgotten?" He asked "are you fucking serious?" He asked again uncertain he heard Lloyd right.

Lloyd swallowed, he felt his pain and he knew how it feels not to have anyone to care for. He has been in Clancy's situation more than once, he watch his only daughter been killed by vampires during his time working in the hospital but he never thought of avenging her death. Although, a part of him wants to but he just keeps ignoring that thought like it wasn't his.

"I've gone too far to back down now, I'm not." Clancy finalized, took the sachet bag of artificial blood and walked out angrily.


Twilight Fall Town

The Vampire Cove I

Outskirt of the town was an abandoned underground building in the middle of an evergreen forest, trees highlighted the building so drastically the sun had a very hard time reigning supremacy over the land. Birds chirped in the sky in search of their daily feeds and monkeys chattered as they bounced from trees to another, insects buzzed around while the trees danced to the customary symphonies of the breeze.

The building stood like an undeveloped building but it was just a decoy as the main compartments were underground, from the sophistication of light and visibility but mostly, from the scent of their worst enemies, the werewolves.

Deep underground was a very wide room, it was so wide it simulated a colosseum but with walls crusted in ancient Jewish terminologies, the floor was smooth and sandy but the air was as soothing the sky.

He jumped down from a ladder into the panel that looks like a tunnel, he halted as two men approached him but immediately gave him a positive nod that further augmented his momentum into the large room. In the room, he saw women, men and children chatting silently and playfully but as Alan arrived, they stopped. All eyes were on him.

"What took you so long Alan?" A voice asked in the depth of the crowd and as he walked out, the crowd dispersed silently "you've another trouble with the werewolves, again?" The figure added emphasizing his last word.

Alan struggled salivary down his throat. After the segregation of the mystic creatures by the Councils of the hidden world, each vampire coves were attuned to their respective leaders and with such authority comes great power. The Vampire cove one, as the name indicates, is legislated and governed by one sole vampire Lord, Huntman Jack!

"Ran into Rapidfire, he slaughtered everyone." Alan whined in fear.

Huntman grunted as he stepped forward. He was a very white man, almost as white as snow with red glowing eyes, pointy nose and pointy ears. He was dressed in an overall black robe, grey trouser and black boots. He has really heard a lot about these Rapidfire but hasn't really peered at him, the night vigilante was already becoming a stain on his authority. Besides, everyone just sat on their thrones and watched as Rapidfire obliterates their race without remorse, even the Councils of the hidden world just stood and watched without any hardship of command or a wave of devastation of the latter.

"What was it he wanted from you?" Huntman asked, he wasn't actually sacred of the rogue vigilante but he was just envious of him.

"I don't know." Alan replied "he just came into the cove's motel unknowingly and started killing everyone." He explained.

Huntman's eyes opened wide in rage, he knew he won't be able to carry out order without the consent of the Councils. So, Rapidfire is beyond his jurisdiction. He wished he could just snap his fingers and the latter would be put to death but it doesn't work that way, the Councils would have to enforce the law before it's been displayed generally. They're the law makers, the law enforcers and the law executives while their subordinates, the vampire lords are the interpreter of laws to the lesser commodities.

"I don't know what I did, but he said he only came for me." Alan added and Huntman turned his back at him "he might come looking for me." He struggled to say, his voice trembling with fear.

Huntman looked at him, he felt absurd only looking at the latter "I want these Rapidfire for myself, i want to see how hard he can really be." Huntman grunted "he might be the only daywalker on the planet but I'll show him what it means to be a vampire lord." He finalized.

Alan was speechless, he only watched doubtfully at the vampire lord but he dare not tell that to Huntman. The Vampire Lord could be presumptuous sometimes.

"Let him come, no one attacks! He's mine." Huntman concluded.