
Clandestine Volume 2 Origin

As the conspiracy seems to broaden, Kokona has a choice, that choice brings her and Kai under the same roof after all, how do you tell your parents that your brother may be a killer? With Kai, Kokona and Himari being drawn together a birthday should be a cause for celebration, but when a mysterious assailant kidnaps Kokona and Kai's chase brings him to the last person he ever expected he'll learn truths. Truths about his past His origin And how it all draws together. But, with all the answers gained, comes another set of questions, who is the mysterious kidnapper and what role does she play?

MorganLionheart · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: A Look Behind Aliases and Revelations (King and Queen’s Gambit) (Kokona)

"Urrrghh...nn... Wha..." The first thing to return to Kokona was her eyesight. She squinted slightly as her vision became less blurry. "I'm sorry about that Ms. Haruka, we were a little rough."

It was at that moment she realized who it was that was talking. She sprung to her feet, teeth bared as she grabbed his arm. "Sato, you bastard!" she growled as she bit right into his arm.

"Ooouughhh!" Mr. Sato yelped as he threw his body forward. The force and weight of the struggling man sent Kokona tumbling backwards. He blew on the place she had bitten then looked over at Kokona who had landed on the ground. "Sorry about that, but you have quite a bite!"

Kokona crossed her arms. "You're lucky I didn't strangle you, now what the hell is going on?"

He sighed. "Calm down, I'll explain everything. The reason you're here is to get Kai's attention. There are things he needs to know."

With a growl she got up and kicked him in the shin. "Ever heard of a phone call?"

Mr. Sato gave out another yelp as he nodded.

"The thing is, I can't do that. His phone was given to him by the organization, right?" She nodded.

"Let me continue by asking you this, didn't you find it strange that Mei Hinata gave you the orders to kill the vampire in your last mission?"

Kokona looked at him with confusion. "How did you..."

He suddenly cut her off. "I'm not just your English teacher, I'm part of the organization, and both Mai and I believe...it's been compromised."