

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 89: A Prime Directive

The Kitchen, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Both Casey Peterson and Rick Channon filed into the kitchen of The Peterson residence knowing full well that Helen had gone to work and there was no sign of the brute being anywhere around. Casey had told Rick all about the older wolf stalking his home and speaking with his mother before they left the store. Rick didn't seem all that bothered by it, although he had not liked the idea of the old brute being anywhere near Helen. After grabbing one for himself, Casey slowly ventured toward the fridge and passed Rick a bottle of water.

Rick cracked it open and drank half as Casey sipped from his. It had been good to hydrate after their long day at the store and of course, there was the bonus of Helen possibly having something to eat in the fridge. Rick went rummaging for anything to fill his growling stomach making a mess as usual.

"You gotta start taking your wolf more seriously," said Rick crunching on a handful of chips from a bag he found. "It needs to run and hunt whenever possible so as not to leave it completely powerless to the will of the moon."

"Not everyone is used to turning into a giant dog," growled Casey in annoyance.

Rick finished his water and tossed the bottle at Casey who barely ducked out of its reach.

"And you don't see me crying about it pussy." growled Rick in annoyance as he continued to finish his chips.

Casey rolled his eyes at the brooding older boy and set to work picking the bottle up from the floor only to find himself pinned against the sink courtesy of his rather annoyed boyfriend who had used his otherworldly agility to close the distance between them within mere seconds of Casey bending down to get the bottle.

"OH SHIT!" declared Casey as his back was shoved against the hard counter and Rick's dark red gaze had been upon him complete with a show of sharp fangs protruding from his mouth.

Casey whimpered as Rick towered above him his eyes glowing yellow as the intoxicating scent of his pheromones had gotten the better of the younger lad who had immediately felt his body move to submit to the brooding older teen. Part of it had not been of his conscious thought as Rick smirked in reaction to how easily he had command over the less wolf and proceeded to press his eager body into that of his clueless lover going for his neck and biting at the flesh and licking the same spot he'd marked from the first time he'd taken him.

Casey gasped as Rick's stronger more toned body pinned him against the counter feeling the older boy's arousal in full as he tried his best to navigate his own in the wake of his lust fogging his mind and forcing him into his most primal of states.

"You feel that?" asked Rick with a low growl. "I can tell how aroused you are just from the way your body trembles and the scent of your pussy."

Casey whimpered once more as Rick's strong hand gripped his cock through his jeans further increasing the bulge and making the younger lad's knees weak in the process.

"It's too easy with you," said Rick his voice rumbling as he brought his teeth back to the same spot along Casey's neck. "You're so hot for me I needn't even try and fuck you."

"Shut up asshole, my body is just doing what it wants," growled Casey annoyed.

"My point," replied Rick before backing away from Casey causing him to whimper at the loss of contact with his lover. "The wolf does what it wants too often and you can end up hurting someone, yourself included."

Casey sighed seeing Rick's point about getting his other half under better control. Still, he'd been annoyed at how easily Rick had caused him to become aroused and sulked rather bitterly for a few moments as he moved through the kitchen.

Rick smirked and headed toward the living room where he flopped onto the sofa and flicked on the television. After a while of rummaging for something to eat in the kitchen, Casey joined him and they stared at the box together losing track of time before finally taking an involuntary nap after all the excitement and work they had done.


The Living Room, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey had been the first to awaken finding he'd been resting his head along Rick's thigh as he lounged about with his body stretched out on the sofa. The brooding older boy's stubble had become much more pronounced as he leaned back against the sofa snoring like usual with his hand on the arm of the sofa and the other resting on Casey's chest. The younger lad smirked as he took note of Rick's arm still being draped over his torso as he slept. He had found it odd that he'd been rather comfortable in Rick's arms ever since he first shared a bed with him. Their encounter in the woods notwithstanding.

He supposed it was inevitable given how many times they further cemented their bond by way of Rick's massive cock pounding his barely registered insides and his fangs digging into his flesh marking him indefinitely as his no matter who had taken him to bed. Casey took a moment to bask in the companionable silence that had been the staple of his afternoons with Rick on his sofa.

He'd been so far removed from the timid way he use to be back in the city, avoiding eye contact and shrinking into his desk to avoid being noticed amid the endless sea of faces that belonged to people he knew by name and reputation but never in person.

He had no friends back there and even less of a social life aside from his right hand stroking his less-than-lackluster cock to the lonely tune of dirty movies. Rick had changed his life in the few months that he'd known him and all for the better, if one could disregard the being infected with lycanthropy and their occasional brazen sex romps.

Aside from his mother, Casey had gone through life not knowing what it truly meant to be close to anyone let alone have a lover, now he had two to deal with in the form of Courtney Stevenson and Rick Channon. Of course, Rick refused to be second fiddle to Courtney laying claim to Casey indefinitely despite his association with her.

Rick's eyes opened and he found himself looking over Casey for a few moments as he shifted some against the sofa cushions yawning and stretching to the point of lifting up off the sofa and causing Casey to sit up. Almost immediately Casey had taken notice of the tent in Rick's trousers and smirked rather wickedly as the older brooding teen turned his attention to him.

Knowing full well what had been on Casey's mind at that moment, Rick pulled the younger lad into his lap where Casey wrapped his arms around his neck and fitted himself onto Rick's lap. They shared a series of heated kisses as Rick's rough hand moved along the young lad's back and unceremoniously squeezed his arse through his basketball shorts.

The heated kissing had given way to Casey's own arousal bulging from the front of his shorts as Rick kissed him. Knowing all too well that he'd much prefer to take his younger lover in his bed, Rick got to his feet and lifted Casey up into the air displaying his impressive feat of strength as he carried him from the living room toward the stairs leading up to Casey's rather familiar bedroom.