

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 79: A Victory Party After Party

The Dawson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Loud music and multiple bodies filled the vast and lavish living room of resident blonde cheerleader, Rachel Dawson as she and a few of her cheer squad and members of the basketball team had been having quite a time celebrating the latest win for The Wolverines on the basketball court. Casey had been more than a bit out of his element given it was his first party but he was pleased to be around Rick and Courtney who couldn't seem to keep her hands off him. There wasn't a moment that went by that she wasn't trying to suck him off even amid the guests due to how tipsy she'd been resulting in her being very eager for the timid newbie's little used cock whenever she found him amid the sea of bodies that filled the room she'd been in.

As for Rick himself, the legend had been dancing with quite a few girls all eager to see if the rumors about his massive cock had been true as best they could with an aggressive and once more possessive Rachel lurking around every corner. She had not known about Rick's tendency to bed Casey Peterson and it was a good thing given her level of jealousy and obsession with Rick's cock. Carl and the guys had been lounging about listening to the music and having a few drinks as girls flocked to them.

Casey had told his mother all about the party and she agreed if only to give him the chance to live it up like a typical teenager but she expressly warned him about taking any drugs and getting drunk. She even told him to wrap it up as she had no mind for grandchildren so soon when he'd still been in high school after seeing him with Courtney and knowing of his frequent trysts with Rick.

Embarrassed that he had to actually tell his mother where he was going, Casey hopped in the car with Carl, Rick, and Courtney as they sped down the highway toward Rachel's. Carl had been all too eager to show off his red beamer and Rick had been more or less interested in not having to ride with Rachel, admitting she'd only try and suck him off during the drive. He had been more interested in Casey more often than not and wanted him to really have a good time.

For his part, Casey was enjoying actually knowing what it was like to be invited to a party, even one as rowdy as this one while he moved through the living room and watched Rick feel up a few girls who were more interested in taking him back into one of the rooms than dancing. He looked up at Casey as a flicker of heat behind his eyes got the younger lad's attention and he smirked knowing all too well who Rick preferred even amid a sea of girls all trying to get him into bed.

Casey had been about on his way toward the next room when Courtney suddenly pulled him into the hall and into a darkened empty room where she pulled him into her drunken kiss. Before he knew it he was pushed back onto an empty bed spilling his punch in the process. She hopped onto him kissing and biting his lips as she set to work easily getting him out of his clothes until he'd been as naked as she was.

Casey hissed as a drunken Courtney slid her tightness along his bare cock and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he recalled their first encounter in the bathroom. With unsure hands, Casey found his way to gripping Courtney's large round arse as she moved her hips riding him in the center of the strange bed despite the people being outside and the music from the party barely concealing her increasing number of pleasure-filled moans.

He briefly thought about his mother's lecture on safe sex but was powerless to ignore the sensation of Courtney's tight warm sex as his cock plunged into it courtesy of her bouncing up and down on him in a frenzy. She felt good, better than his memory but as stimulated as he was he'd still been craving Rick's massive cock ever since their interlude in the showers.


Spare Bedroom, The Dawson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The slamming of the door had not been enough to shake Rick Channon and Rachel Dawson from their lustful haze as the handsome brooding teen set to work removing his attire and hers as well as she led him toward her bed pushing him back onto it as he reached up and pulled her onto him their lips pressing together in desperation as Rick maneuvered to get on top and thrust himself between the moaning blonde's legs.

She'd been in the driver's seat so to speak the first time around and he had every intention of taking over this time. Rachel smirked as she felt the sudden eagerness from her on and off again lover, unlike their last encounter at his place. She had missed him something awful when she elected to break up with him to have a much more palatable partner only to find that no one had ever satisfied her like he had.

Rick was more or less unaffected by her choosing someone else as he'd been free to do whatever he wished with whoever he wished. Of course, his interest had been more toward the new arrival as of late due to the wolf in him desiring its true mate. Rachel was blissfully unaware that Rick hadn't been all that he seemed which was probably why he'd been more interested in bedding her than actually being in a committed relationship once she broke it off.

At the present moment, Rick growled as he shoved his massive cock inside the tight wetness that clenched against him. It wasn't as tight or as wet as he'd have liked given his newfound preference for Casey's hidden sex and the fact that he'd been the only one to indulge in pounding it unlike how it had been with Rachel who had left him for another.

It wasn't the same, but he'd made up his mind to humor her nonetheless. Rick grunted as his hips pumped between her thighs but no matter how hard he pounded her he couldn't seem to get enough nor was he very much interested in her. A flickering of his nostrils had indicated the scent of another having sex not far from the room he'd been in as his keen ears sifted through the sound and noted the all too familiar groans of his true mate, Casey Peterson while he'd been otherwise engaged with the school slut Courtney.

The shifting of his eyes from yellow to orange had been a clear indication of the beast in him growing annoyed as he continued to pound a moaning Rachel into the mattress at an alarming speed as she bucked and mewled amid the messy tangle of sheets and pillows. In the end, she couldn't keep up with his impressive libido and passed out just as the first round of his release hit making him growl and pull back from her before climbing off the bed and venturing toward the sounds coming from the other bedroom.

The rest of the party had been going on like usual with everyone more or less interested in hooking up for the evening than dancing and in their own collective little worlds. Despite being with Rachel and knowing that Casey had been bedding her, the wolf in Rick was very enraged at someone else having a go at his mate and before he could stop himself he'd ventured out into the hall naked as the day he was born.

He heard shuffling in a nearby bathroom and realized that Casey's scent had been coming from it and made his way inside unbeknownst to the equally naked lad who'd been standing over the toilet bowl.