

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 72: The Workings Of Addiction

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey Peterson had been the first to awaken as he found himself once more naked in his bed beside a slumbering Rick Channon. It had been a few hours before his mother would eventually get home from work and he'd been more than a little rested following his previous exploits with Rick. He simply sat in the quiet atmosphere slowly running his fingers along the bare chest of his lover and nuzzling his cheek against his neck. His scent had been just as intoxicating as ever if not more since he'd awakened with beast blood in his own right.

It never took much to get Rick going and even less to get his attention and he opened his dark eyes and pulled Casey's smaller body closer to his own as they continued to lay in bed. The older brooding teen kissed Casey on top of the head as he too began to bask in the simple pleasure of being in his lover's company.

A series of soft heartfelt kisses passed between the two of them amid the semi-darkness.

"Feels good to wake up beside you," said Casey still stroking Rick's chest and kissing his lips softly.

"Feels good waking up inside you," replied Rick with a wicked grin as he scrambled to his knees and slowly moved his body between a pinned Casey's legs.

Casey sighed as he reached up and stroked Rick's cheek kissing the older brooding teen's lips as he maneuvered between his thighs and noted the onset of his arousal while Rick parted them in a bid to get his body close.

The younger lad let out a soft moan as he tried his best to accommodate his lover once more. His own pinked cock aroused and pressed against his belly in the process. Rick slowly pinned Casey by his wrists and raised them above his head as he towered above him, their bodies in close contact as the older boy pressed his body against his the sensation of heat filling them both as they

It never took much to get them both hard as Casey's pinked cock began to expand at the sensation of being pressed against Rick's pelvis. Rick groaned feeling his cock had already been aroused as he eased it toward the same slickness that he'd become accustomed to in the form of Casey's hidden sex.

Rick kissed Casey's lips and the younger lad moaned into his mouth while arching his eager younger body into that of his lover. His hormones had been raging for quite some time as he attempted to take the massive intrusion that seemed to split him in two each and every time they got together.

"Fuck..." hissed Rick gritting his teeth as he eased his way inside the tightness he'd carved since their first encounter.

Casey moaned as he struggled beneath Rick wanting desperately to wrap his legs around him and pull him in deeper. He felt him deep inside, throbbing and pulsing like usual, and wanted nothing less than to have him completely enveloped in his clenching warmth.

"Oh..." moaned Casey giving in to the sensation filling his young body with ease. "Oh...Rick..."

Rick grunted kissing Casey's lips once more as he thrust forward at a slow pace.

The none-too-subtle beating of the headboard had begun to fill the room as Rick's pace increased and Casey found himself once more lost in the sensation of being filled by him amid the messy sheets of his bed.

He smirked as he recalled the brute of a man seemingly annoyed by the prospect of their "rutting" and how it seemed to be the main factor in why they couldn't stay away from each other.

Rick grunted once more as his body flexed between Casey's pale thighs.

He felt so good, too good as Casey whimpered in the wake of his body beginning to jolt along the already messy mattress. The shifting of Rick's eyes had not been lost on him as his own had reflected his own measure of lust in the wake of his beast blood awakening.

"So wet," growled Rick pumping his hips faster and harder as he towered above Casey with his hands still pinning him to the bed and his body jolting along with his lover's amid the messy bedding. "So fucking tight."

He had appeared to be in the grips of a near-on madness as he thrust forward not willing to give an inch in the wake of Casey's tightness clenching around his massive cock as he whimpered beneath him losing himself to the building lust that seemed to have command over them both as the time passed and their pleasure-seeking efforts increased.

Rick's massive cock continued to hammer the sopping hidden sex of the younger lad as he moaned and struggled against being held down by his stronger and more experienced lover.

"Oh..." moaned Casey closing his eyes as he broke free of Rick's hold and wrapped his arms around the larger brute pumping into him like a madman. "Oh...fuck...fuck...fuck me."

He growled in Rick's ear and pulled him closer wrapping his legs around him tighter as the older boy's cock plunged deeper and with reckless abandon. He enjoyed the feeling of it all too well as he continued to jolt along the mattress losing himself all the more in the waves of pleasure that filled them both.

Rick snarled as he bit down on Casey's shoulder further increasing the notion of pleasure that filled the younger sweat-blasted lad as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and the older boy continued to pummel his young body.

He could feel himself being pushed over the edge by way of a mix of pleasure and pain but he still held on needing more as Rick's well-toned hips hammered his massive cock deeper and faster inside the younger lad who had been whimpering with need as his own cock coated them in his first round of release and he had been unable to ride out the second that coated Rick's massive appendage that was lodged deep inside him.

"So fucking good." moaned Casey as he gripped Rick tighter. "Fuck...fuck...fuck me...harder."

Rick had done just that as the beast blood in his veins began to boil and he thrust harder and faster into the younger teen. His fangs began to protrude as he thrust giving in to his primal urges as his cock seemed to expand inside the moaning younger lad whose own fangs began to form.

Rick growled outright when he felt the sensation of pain in the form of Casey's newly formed fangs digging into the flesh of his own shoulder as the thrusting continued and picked up intensity.

The young lad discovered that the coopery taste of his lover's blood had been sweet as he continued to pump inside him driven further into his primal need than ever before by way of their mutual loss of control of their senses.

The beasts within had understood better than anyone that they were mates now and forever and that they had been destined to be so by way of the moon.

Rick grunted as his release ripped through him dragging Casey along as his cock pumped into the slickness of the younger lad's hidden sex over and over again until there wasn't anything left of his primal need to claim the secret womb that it dominated.

Sweat slick and panting as he felt his cock spurt inside the equally winded and sweaty younger lad, Rick kissed Casey's lips as he pulled back and rolled onto his side of the bed catching his breath before pulling the younger lad onto his chest where he bit and licked at his neck taking in his scent once more as they reeled from their most recent act.