

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 60: A Wolfish Delirium 

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Feverish and disoriented the blue eyes of the ailing lad Casey Allen Peterson met those of the concerned dark eyes of Alarick Michael Channon as the older lad attempted to keep the ailing Casey in bed despite the now naked and shivering lad trying his best to reach out to him. He barely heard the muffled sounds of his mother's concerned voice and Rick's hardly concealed annoyed aggression as they both seemed to pace the floor and bicker as to what had happened to Casey since the morning she'd gone to work since the night she discovered them having sex in his bedroom. Rick had explained that some strange man had attacked them and Casey found him to assist when the strange man took him into the woods. He left out the part about being a werewolf and that Casey due to having been directly exposed to his blood and that of the brute that sired him, could be in the beginning stages of becoming one as well.

Casey continued to slip in and out of consciousness as he turned his attention toward the beating of his own heart which sounded quite close as he lay in bed delirious and very thirsty as he continued to sweat and whimper amid the shifting hours and rapidly passing days. Rick had been by his side the whole time refusing to leave him no matter how many times Casey's mother had either kicked him out or attempted to.

Each time she tried Casey would whimper and attempt to sit up as hot tears streamed down his cheeks and he reached out for Rick to stay. Helen eventually rolled her eyes and gave up trying to kick Rick out despite blaming him as if what Casey had been going through had been some sort of sexually transmitted disease and Rick had given it to him. Rick resented the accusations but quelled his tongue for Casey's sake for which the lad was very grateful. Night after night, Rick had curled up in bed beside him holding him through the tremors and night terrors alike.

Helen had informed the school of them both being "Sick" for the time being and even managed to convince Rick's Aunt that he'd been fine at her place. She had done this for the sake of her son of course as she had not been too fond of Rick himself as of late. When she came to Fallon Creek she expected her son to meet people and form friendships not romantic attachments to a bad boy with an even worse reputation. There had been whispers abound that Rick was the love 'em and leave 'em sort and that had mostly been interested in girls once upon a time. Helen deduced that Rick must have found out about Casey's unique predicament and as a result used it to his advantage.

Another long night, another bout of sickness and sweat for Casey as he whimpered in his fretful slumber despite Rick holding him in his arms. The soft whimpering had been all that Rick had looked forward to as he held Casey unsure of any of the noises that surrounded them as they kept him on high alert. Poor Rick hadn't gotten much sleep since the attack and even Helen had been worried about him. Despite the bags beneath his eyes and his apparent lack of energy, Rick insisted on keeping watch over Casey and he did so like a hawk as opposed to his being a werewolf.

The younger lad seemed to sweat a great deal as he lay in bed whimpering and moaning in the wake of the illness running rampant within his boiling bloodstream. Casey had been given to more than a few fever dreams about a stalking hound with razor-sharp teeth and being trapped in a darkened forest as he tried unsuccessfully to evade the creature that seemed to have been out for his blood.

"R-Rick?" said Casey weakly as the older lad gripped and kissed his heated sweat slick flesh.

Rick sighed as he held Casey close to him resting the lad's weary head against his chest.

He knew all too well the sickness that had been ravaging his younger lover's body and the terror that came with how it plagued the mind and weakened any aspect of hope that dared to flood through it.

He had felt the same burning sensation and searing pain that scorched every part of him in rapid succession. He felt the increased beat of his heart appearing as if it would explode from the confines of his very chest as he lay helpless amid the woods riddled with bullets and struggling to hold on to the will to survive as flashes of his family's dead bodies filled his weary tear-stained eyes.

Casey had been trembling but he was largely safe back inside the bedroom of his home and with Rick's powerful arms wrapped around him.

"I'm right here Case," said Rick softly as the younger lad nuzzled his nose against Rick's bare chest. "I'm right here."

Hours continued to pass as Casey fretted in his involuntary slumber.


Eerie Forest, Unknown Location...

The trees were as tall as they were thick towering over a trembling Casey Allen Peterson as he did his best to zip through them in a bid to escape the glowing red eyes of the monstrous brute that stalked him amid the woods. There was no sign of anyone or anything from his real life and he only knew he had to run while the monster amid the darkness chased him getting faster and faster as fever and sickness made Casey's body all the weaker. Fear and panic seemed to be the only thing Casey knew as sweat drenched his naked body and he felt the sudden onset of pain rip through him. He'd made one careless leap and the beast had been ready for him pouncing in mid-air as it tackled him to the ground ripping and clawing at the flesh of Casey's bare chest while he screamed and his heartbeat continued to race.

Up close he could see the dark brown fur-covered brute and the glowing red eyes as if they had been beckoning to him. Casey screamed and screamed as the beast ripped through him and as he felt himself dying their eyes met for one final time. The red glow shifted and the beast seemed to melt into him, And Casey found himself alone and fully healed but naked and confused about what he had just experienced. The power that came from the creature seemed to fill his every muscle and joint as he got up from the ground where the pool of his blood used to be his own eyes glowing red. The sudden onset of arousal filled him as his surprisingly excited cock hardened and his body grew tense in the wake of sweet anticipation.

An intense high like nothing else he'd ever known aside from wild sex with Rick Channon had filled him and he found himself howling as Rick often did. It was at that moment that Casey's senses came to life and he had become one with the monstrous brute that had nearly ended his life. The song of the moon that loomed above him in the darkened forest had been beautiful and haunting as he roamed feeling the night come alive as never before.

Casey Allen Peterson opened his eyes to find himself back inside his bedroom, the fever had died down and there was little more than darkness all around him indicating how late it had been. He noted Rick's sleeping face and bare chest and smiled before leaning down to capture his lips in a heated kiss and laying down beside him.

At last, he had known all too well what it was like to have been a werewolf. The creature from the woods had made it so.