

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 57: The Strangest Of Bedfellows

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Golden rays from the bright morning sun greeted the slumbering Casey Peterson in the worst way as he found his sleep shattered due to the bright light and rolled onto his side to escape the far-reaching glow. It had been to no avail as the call of nature soon got the better of his need for sleep and he sat up in bed. His body felt a bit heavy and his sex ached from the brutal pounding Rick had given him at his behest in the wake of his mother finding them in bed together. She had been horrified to see them humping like rabbits and had taken off downstairs. A flood of embarrassment had returned along with the horrid memory as Casey moved about the cold floor and toward the bedroom door in a bid to reach the bathroom. He had been halfway toward the bathroom when he noticed that the morning chill had been more biting than usual and looked down to see his own pink cock recoiling amid the cool air as he moved toward the bathroom door. He'd forgotten he'd been naked as he entered the bathroom unsure of how late it was, but he recalled only vaguely that it had still been the weekend so school wasn't an issue for him.

Casey made it into the thankfully empty bathroom, as he rushed up to the toilet bowl and proceeded to empty his bladder to the sound of the yellow stream crashing into the formerly clear water and porcelain below. He sighed in relief as he'd been holding it for quite some time before awakening and shook his cock twice before flushing once he'd been done. He made his way over toward the sink and washed his hands then took a moment to splash some water on his face to further aid his awakening. He decided on brushing his teeth before heading out of the bathroom while he'd been in front of the mirror and noticed his messy brown hair remained in a permanent state of bedhead.

He finished up and headed out the door only to be cornered by a half-naked Rick Channon who had been already whipping out his massive cock as he entered the bathroom and made a B-line for the toilet. Casey watched as the handsome and well-built boy stood over the bowl with little to no effort as he free-handed his cock while urinating.

Casey rolled his eyes at Rick's wicked smirk as he took notice of him watching and tried to head for the door. Rick finished up by shaking his cock twice and flushing the toilet before washing his hands and grabbing Casey just as he opened the door. The larger brute swiftly scooped him into his arms and pinned him against the nearby wall with his body parting Casey's legs involuntarily and pressing their dangling cocks together.

The younger lad bit back a moan feeling the hardness of Rick's rapidly aroused cock against his own causing his own arousal in return. He closed his eyes trying his hardest to ignore the sensation running through his body.

"Fuck..." hissed Casey in the moment.

Rick smirked once more also loving the feel of skin-to-skin contact along his larger bare cock.

"You got me hard." said the brutish teen directly. "I want to fuck."

"When don't you?" replied Casey narrowing his eyes at Rick. "Seems all you want is to stick that big donkey dick in me."

Rick pinned him against a nearby wall pressing his bare chest against Casey's. The younger lad moaned as Rick fitted his body between his pasty thighs, his bare cock still erect and touching his belly in the process.

"I just woke up," whined Casey half-heartedly not wanting to engage at that moment, but also not willing to stop it.

"And I want to fuck." replied Rick kissing Casey's neck and nibbling at the flesh.

Casey moaned as Rick plunged his cock deep inside him before he had even been given a chance to gasp when his body was shoved against the wall. The younger boy clung to him as Rick began pumping into him as if he had not a care in the world.

"Fuck." hissed Casey as his head hit the wall in reaction to Rick's forceful thrusts. "Fuck....ow that hurt asshole....my...my mother's probably gonna hear us."

"She left," replied Rick in a gruff tone. "Need pussy...gotta have it...gotta have tight pussy now!"

Rick's thrusts were so forceful they both lost their balance and tumbled onto the floor where Rick pinned Casey on his back and pumped into him in a frenzy.

Casey moaned and clung to Rick as he kissed and bit at his lips and neck.

"Fuck....fuck...you're so fucking hard," growled Casey clinging to him tighter as Rick's cock hit an all too familiar bundle of nerves and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"That's right bitch." growled Rick as he continued pumping into the younger lad with vigor. "Cum on Daddy's big dick."

Casey did just that as his body shuttered and he groaned as Rick continued having his way with him. The shifting glow of Rick's dark eyes into the yellow-golden hue had been a good indication that his primal side had been out to play as he dug his fingernails into the deep wood beneath them pumping like a mad man as his cock began to expand inside the panting younger boy.

Rick's snarled and whimpered as his hips kept moving at speeds unheard of as he jolted Casey's body along the floor. Casey could tell that something was wrong but he wasn't in the least able to think of what it might have been.

"Heat," growled Rick with his nostrils flaring. "SO GOOD...NEED IT...NEED PUSSY....NEED TO BREED!"

His pace continued as he towered above Casey who had been still moaning and clinging to him. The scent that caught his attention had been quite powerful and it was apparently driving him crazy.

"Need it...need it....gotta have it!" he growled as drool escaped his mouth and fell onto Casey's chest. "NEED NOW!"

Casey watched as Rick howled as his release filled him to bursting and the older boy pulled away from him snarling and trying his best to get away from him.

"GOTTA HAVE IT!," he said frantically as his voice deepened and he found himself jumping out the nearby window. "MUST BREED...MUST BREED NOW!"

Casey scrambled to his feet in time to see Rick leap off the roof and across the other roofs before someone or something snatched him in mid-air and slammed him onto the ground. Casey quickly raced to his room and threw on a pair of basketball shorts and rushed out to see who it was that slammed Rick only to find that Rick attempted to get to his feet only to be slammed once more and snarled at the brute who had been holding his throat as he attempted to escape.

"Settle down boy." growled an older man wearing fisherman's gear with deep dark eyes. "You need to know when you've met your match."

Casey had no idea how to help him but he wasn't about to let the older brute hurt him no matter what form he took.

"Let him go!" shouted Casey despite his nerves being rattled.

"Shut the hell up." replied the older brute as he snarled at Rick who still struggled to get out of his grasp as he sniffed him. "Rut must be getting to you bad if you can't help but stick your cock in another boy."

Casey glared at the older brute offended by his harsh words. He had not known anything about his relationship with Rick Channon and yet he judged them with reproach.

Rick attempted to attack the brute but it was useless with his grip on his throat.

The older brute rolled his eyes and tossed Rick a vast distance before taking off at an alarming speed and catching him past where Casey's eyes could see. He took off into the distance amid the woods and there had not been a trace of them despite Casey's best efforts to go after them on foot.

"RICK!" he shouted in the distance feeling helpless as he dropped to his knees amid the dirt and the broken twigs that fell from the trees.