

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 54: The Protector And Protectee

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The sound of a roaring engine had gotten the attention of the slumbering Casey Peterson and Rick Channon as they awoke to find themselves still in bed and naked from their previous act. It was a passing car but it had been enough to startle them awake and put Helen's eventual arrival at the forefront of their minds. Casey yawned and stretched as he no longer felt the pain of having his body injured since Rick's saliva seemed to have done the trick. He did feel hot and his muscles seemed to have gotten a bit sore in the wake of being entangled in the sheets of his bed. Rick had been curled up beside him, his body equally naked and equally hot due to the contact with Casey's. The younger lad couldn't help but smile as he looked over his unofficial boyfriend lounging in his bed for the umpteenth time that week.

He still couldn't believe he had found someone who had known of his secret and kept one of their own despite all the years of having to bare the burden of it along with his mother as the days passed. Casey had been grateful to Rick, for more than just being his lover as he had very few friends aside from a few neighbors and was less inclined to do something wild like try out for sports.

The younger lad had even recalled how Rick easily made short work of the would-be bullies he had encountered in the corridor and smiled. It would have been nice to have Rick around when the likes of Roy Tanner and his ilk had been dunking his head in the toilet, but then he never would have moved to Fallon Creek and met him in the first place.

Feeling quite gracious, Casey scooted his young body closer to Rick and climbed on top of the handsome slumbering teen werewolf who didn't appear to budge even with the added weight on top of his body. Casey smiled as he assumed he'd finally gotten the drop on Rick after all his pouncing on him the previous times they engaged one another.

Rick grunted as he reached up cupping his hands around Casey's bare pale ass and maneuvering his rapidly aroused cock against the average-sized cock that dangled between the younger lad's thighs. A low moan escaped the lips of Casey Peterson as he leaned down to kiss his half-slumbering lover's lips softly and slowly.

It was still an odd thing for him, to feel safe and wanted all at the same time and all by the same person as he looked down into Rick's dark eyes. The heat behind them had not been lost on him as he was quite sure Rick could tell the same heat had been behind his own blue eyes. They stared at each other as their bodies pressed together and ragged breaths passed between them as their state of arousal increased. Rick grunted as he felt his cock flex and the wetness dripping from the younger lad onto his hands and between Casey's thighs as they continued to kiss while he gripped him tighter.

"Can't get enough can you slut?" taunted Rick as he kissed Casey's exposed neck and smiled against his soft flesh. "You might as well admit that you're addicted to Daddy's Big Dick."

Casey moaned as he pressed his chest against Rick's feeling the rough grasp of the older boy along his naked pale ass and the clenching of his nether cheeks via Rick's rough hands. The younger lad had barely time to register when the brute had impaled him at one causing him to gasp out loud before driving into him and jolting the moaning lad forward and along his own sweat-slick chest.

Casey could barely contain himself feeling better following what happened at the school. He had not minded being enveloped in Rick Channon's big strong arms and riding the massive cock that drilled his insides like a battering ram. He had seen what life was like outside the world of having a possessive werewolf lover and he wanted no part of it.

A low hiss escaped Rick's lips as he held Casey's body above his while the younger lad began to take control of the situation straddling and riding him for all he was worth as he continued to slide down onto Rick's massive appendage while it stretched his insides with ease as he proceeded with running his fingers along the exposed sweat slick chest of the much more powerful werewolf beneath him. He could see the all too familiar yellow-golden glow of Rick's keen eyes and smiled in reaction to them, loving just how easily he'd been able to make his older lover come undone and give in to his hidden primal urges.

Rick groaned as he felt Casey's slick warmth move up and down his cock in a teasing fashion while he gripped his pale ass tighter for leverage. The younger lad arched his back some as he rode Rick's pulsing cock unashamed of his need for him and the fact that he'd been desperate for their time together as Rick was.

"Fuck...." hissed Casey as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

He could already feel Rick's massive cock head beating against the bundle of nerves inside him that only he could reach as his need gave way to him picking up his pace.

"Fuck....fuck....fuck...me." moaned Casey with his breath hitching once more in the wake of a particularly deep thrust catching him off guard as the handsome brute he called lover began to thrust back via his well-toned hips. "Mmmm, big fucking donkey dick bastard....fuck...fuck."

Rick smirked as he looked up at Casey biting his lower lips and grinding his hot depths along his cock. Never before had he thought anything like what he had been experiencing with Casey Peterson of all people would happen to him.

He had mostly kept to himself and managed his urges but it became all too clear that Casey had brought out the beast in him.

Casey had in contrast never felt safer than when he'd been in Rick's arms. From the moment he met the arrogant brute, Rick seemed to have made significant improvements in his life from his playing sports to getting on better with his peers at school.

Even the confrontation that happened wasn't a big thing to him due to Rick having handled it right then and there and healed his wounds via his saliva. Casey kissed Rick's lips again and again. Grateful for him and all the moments they'd shared since their meeting.

"Fuck you feel so good," whimpered Casey still closing his eyes as he continued to ride Rick's massive cock still lost in the sensation of their bodies being joined together.

Rick groaned as he continued to thrust upward into Casey's warmth enjoying the sensation of having his cock engulfed as well. He let a hand slip from gripping the younger lad's ass and lifted it toward his chest and neck as he pulled him closer capturing his lips in a devouring kiss that caused Casey to moan all the more when they met in the middle.

The older teen increased his pace feeling his primal urges get the better of him as he thrust upward faster and more brutal in his pacing as he gripped the panting younger lad at the waistline once more. The increase in pace and degree of intensity had caught Casey off guard but he welcomed it just the same.

"Rick..." moaned Casey still lost in his body's lust for the older boy. "Oh...oh fuck...yes...yes...fuck me like that."

Rick growled as he maneuvered Casey back onto the bed with his back pressed into the mattress. He towered over the younger teen with his larger body between his pasty thighs as they jolted along the already messy bed given to their mutual lust and blazing passion.

Being intertwined had done a good deal to Rick Channon when he'd been inside Casey Peterson, try as he might to ignore it the wolf in him had known what it was like to be one with someone as surely as the glow of the moon had brought on transformation, the beast had been bonded to the whimpering younger lad and refused to let go.

Casey moaned louder and louder as the headboard continued to beat against the wall and the bedsprings got a good workout in the wake of Rick's labored thrusts while he jolted Casey along what remained of his sheets on the bed. Rick pinned Casey's arms above his head as he captured his mouth in yet another series of passionate kisses dominating him completely as the younger lad gave in to the lustful craze that filled him and his lover.

Casey wrapped his legs around Rick's waist in a bid to drive him deeper.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck...yesss...yesss....fuck....so deep....fuck..." moaned Casey losing himself as his cock began to pulse and spurt all over his belly and Rick's chest.

The older boy seemed unphased as he continued with his rapid thrusts delving deeper inside the moaning younger teen as they fell head-first into their mutual lust for one another.

Rick's keen ears could make out the sound of Casey's rapid heart beating in time with his own and the labored breaths and the flow of blood rushing to their respective cocks as their act continued. The younger lad noted the shift in his lover's eyes as a strange grey glow emitted from them as if they had been miniature moons beckoning him as Rick's entrancing gaze locked onto him.

Despite the pumping of his hips and the jolting of Casey's body, Rick had felt as if he'd been falling in real-time and dragging his young lover along with him into the depths of something almost otherworldly as their hearts continued to beat in perfect sync and their breaths became one and the same.

This time their frantic coupling had taken on a whole new form as Casey's blue eyes continued to lock onto the grey eyes of his lover and the world aside from their mutual passion fell away around them as if time itself had stood still.

Even with the newness of the ordeal, Rick's keen mind had been given an understanding of his wolfish nature and he had indeed understood that this was the most critical aspect of the bonding ritual for mates. In the wake of their coupling, the pair had neglected to note the time and that the full moon had been out and looming above them. Rather than initiate the transformation of Rick's body, being so closely bound had triggered a bonding ritual of sorts, and as a result, the beast within had actively chosen to mate with Casey Peterson locking them into a deep bond until the beast perished.

Tears streamed down Casey's cheeks as Rick's hips pumped into him and their eyes remained locked while the moonlight bathed them in its soft white glow. He didn't need to be told what happened as he clung to Rick Channon and rode wave after wave of release before the panting brute finally filled him to the brim with his own and their lips crashed together like never before.

"I love you," said Casey, no longer afraid to express his innermost feelings about the older boy he'd given himself to time and time again.

Rick grunted and howled as he felt his body in sync with Casey's and the ignition of the moon's pull.

"I-I love you too." he groaned as his hips kept pumping frantically as his cock spurted rope after rope of his release inside the smiling younger lad. "I love you too."

Casey had felt lighter than air at hearing the confession of Rick Channon's once cold heart while his own heart fluttered with joy and excitement. Their connection seemed to deepen as Rick grunted once more feeling his cock throb and pulse inside Casey who simply kissed him winded and relished the truth of what their mutual bond had become.

From that moment on, Casey Peterson understood that Alarick Channon would do whatever it took to protect him, even if it had cost him his life to do so.