

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 46: Being A Were

The Kitchen, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Turning up a carton of milk, Casey Peterson drank some of the cool white liquid down as he turned his attention back to Rick Channon who had been clearing off the massive pile of every manner of edible thing on his plate as they sought to do away with their hunger pangs. While Casey had been a growing boy in his own right and polished off quite a bit of food, he had been flabbergasted by the manner in which his lover had dined eating almost everything in sight while gaining nothing in the way of weight as if he'd had some sort of tapeworm inside him. Rick stuffed his face and very loudly chewed his food with his mouth open as he polished off the remainder on his plate before grabbing the carton of milk from Casey's hand and washing it all down. The younger lad shook his head in disbelief as he watched Rick empty the carton and slam it onto the table beside the empty plate.

"That's some appetite you got there," said Casey still unable to come to terms with how odd the scene had been.

"Perks of being a werewolf, I guess," replied Rick looking around the kitchen at the mess they had made of it once more in pursuit of filling their hungry bellies.

He yawned indicating that he'd been well and truly sated given he'd indulged in his favorite activities, hot sex, and binge eating.

"Oh no you don't," said Casey knowing full well how Rick had been when he was too content. "We still have this mess to clean up."

Rick groaned before setting to work assisting his lover with cleaning their mutual mess in a state of comfortable silence.

The cleaning took a bit of time but they had plenty to spend together with school out for the weekend and Helen Peterson at work.

Rick cornered Casey just as he was finishing up the dishes and kissed him on the neck while wrapping his arms around him.

"Still can't get enough of me can you?" asked Casey with a smirk.

"Just like you can't get enough of my dick," replied Rick with a smirk of his own as he continued to kiss Casey's neck.

The younger lad moaned and relished being in his lover's rather powerful arms.

"This season is going to be pretty intense when it comes to basketball I am told," said Casey reflecting once more on their decision to join the basketball team.

Rick sighed as he pulled away from him with one last kiss along the younger lad's shoulder before turning his attention to venturing up the stairs in a bid to have a shower. Casey finished up the remainder of the dishes and ventured upstairs as well recalling how he needed a shower as well.


The Bathroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Rick stripped out of his boxer shorts and climbed into the shower. He thought the relaxing hot water had been ideal for his aching muscles and he'd been quite relieved once he felt it. The steam from the shower began to pick up as Casey entered the bathroom stepping out of his basketball shorts and climbing into the shower behind Rick. The older teen smirked and turned to grab Casey and pulled him close. Their bare chests clashed together and their bare cocks seemed intent on being acknowledged with Rick's massive appendage appearing to have been doubled in size when in comparison to the younger lad's.

"You definitely look fuckable with the water running down your body," said Rick nibbling on Casey's neck and causing him to moan in response.

Casey smirked and leaned against the older boy enjoying the feeling of being wanted by the unruly werewolf. He had come a long way from being largely ignored by anyone that had not been his mother due to how he was born.

Rick leaned down and kissed his lips before turning his attention to lathering the younger boy's body up with soap and his bare hands. Casey delighted in the sensation of his lover's touch moving along his body and was especially pleased when Rick's rough touch eased along his exposed cock causing him to moan and harden before his very eyes. The older teen smirked and continued to wash Casey's body.

It surprised the younger lad that Rick was capable of something so intimate without the added bonus of shoving his massive cock inside him. Then again he supposed it had more to do with his trying to make amends for letting his beast blood get the better of him.

The younger lad enjoyed the warmth from the shower as Rick continued to run his soap-covered hands along his naked body and eventually got beneath the showerhead rinsing off as his lover watched with lust-filled eyes as the water cascaded down his slick flesh.

Soon it was Rick's turn to wash up as Casey did the assisting in getting soap all over the older teen's impressive naked body and watching as he rinsed off. Rick's cock had been straining from need as Casey's soft hands trailed soap along the massive appendage and Rick groaned despite the unseemly urge to pin the younger boy against the wall and have his way with him.

Casey noted the tension in the handsome older boy's body as his muscles tightened and his eyes shifted to the same yellow-golden hue as before when Rick was becoming unhinged via his primal lust. The massive pulsing cock leaked as Casey's wet warm hands moved along the shaft causing Rick's hips to involuntarily thrust forward for want of more friction.

"Fuck." growled Rick feeling his fangs started to protrude from his mouth as the sensation of rabid need filled him.

Casey got a real up-close look at how much Rick's beast blood affected him when he'd been given to a more primal sense of himself.

"Shit." he hissed as Rick's cock seemed to expand in his grasp amid covered with a thick white sheen of soap and slick from the water.

"I want to fuck you," growled Rick whimpering as he attempted to keep his urges at bay. "I want to fuck you so hard baby."

Casey had been none too excited about this prospect given Rick's lack of control over his beast blood.

"I don't think you'd be able to control yourself with your beast blood active like it is." said the younger lad. "Besides I don't think I can handle you right now after last time."

Rick whimpered and then growled as he pinned Casey against the nearby tile of the shower.

"I need it," he growled crashing his lips against the younger boy's catching him off guard.

Casey had managed to get his hands up and pressed them against Rick's water-slick chest.

"Please Rick, I can't not now...not after last time." he pleased as Rick attempted to devour his mouth in a heated kiss.

The older boy whimpered once more before forcing himself to keep his distance from Casey by getting out of the shower. He snarled and beat his hands against the wall briefly as he fought to come to his senses. He whimpered again and snarled as he struggled against his base nature if only to protect Casey from the beast within.

He managed to quell it after a bit of infighting and turned his attention back toward Casey who seemed to be quite grateful. There was no telling what the brute would have done to him had it been given its way.

Rick stepped back into the shower and rinsed off the remainder of the soap before taking his leave of the younger boy leaving him to finish his shower alone. Casey breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned against the tile and allowed the water to wash over him soaking his body as he tried to come to grips with the fact that Rick's condition had in fact been a dangerous thing to take lightly and even more of an alluring factor about him.