

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 36: A Woodland Revelation

The Deep Woods, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The snapping of a twig beneath his bare foot caught Casey's undivided attention as he slowly moved through the woods looking for any sign of where Rick might have gone. He had not been sure why he was out in the middle of the night wearing only basketball shorts and chasing after a vicious werewolf that had also been his lover, but he couldn't seem to help himself. He had to know where Rick had gotten off to and if he was truly a werewolf like it had been implied with his shifting teeth and glowing eyes. It wasn't the first time he had noticed it, their previous encounters had been all the indication he needed for reference but he had forgotten about how strange Rick Channon had truly been before becoming distracted by their sexual relationship. Casey continued running until he felt his lungs burn and he finally stopped to catch his wayward breath.

The distant sound of howling filled the winded teen's ears and he steeled himself despite his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel an ill omen in the wind as he stood trying to make out the figure in the darkness. He had his suspicions, but he couldn't sense whether or not the creature coming right for him had been a transformed Rick Channon or something else.

Snarling lips and glowing dark eyes took in the sight of the half-naked lad and before he knew it, the beast had pounced. Casey hit the ground and the fiend mounted him snarling in his ear as he moaned catching it off, guard. The black-furred beast whimpered as its beast cock began to unsheathe and leak all over the backside of the downed young teen.

Casey felt a familiar sensation pertaining to the brute's larger body and smiled. It was indeed Rick that had cornered him but even in his state of chaos and panic, he could smell his mate. WereRick whimpered again before climbing off Casey and collapsing onto his back as his body contorted and he began to turn human again.

The younger lad watched in fascination as he heard the snapping of bones, the pulsing of flesh, and the agonized screams of his lover until the fur receded and he ended up lying on his back out cold and completely naked with his bare still decidedly impressive cock aroused, and his breath shallow.

Slowly, Casey took steps to approach Rick who didn't seem to move as he lay there on the ground his body visibly the same as it was prior to his transformations. He got close enough before a snapping twig sent the already ailing older boy into high alert his dark eyes snapped open and he sat up as if he'd been ready for a fight.

"Rick?" asked Casey unsure of what to make of his lover now that the worst had passed.

The confused and bewildered older teen glared at him panting and trembling from either the cold or the after-effects of his body's shifting.

"Rick...are you alright?" asked Casey unsure of how best to approach the strange situation.

"Do I fucking look alright?" asked Rick narrowing his eyes at Casey. "I'm a fucking werewolf, are you happy now...is this what you came to see?"

The older boy had been furious as his eyes began to glow an eerie red as he scrambled to his feet a wild look on his face.

"Rick, don't do this," said Casey trying to reason with him.

"Don't do what?" asked Rick annoyed to the max. "Don't tell you to stay the hell away from me?, don't transform into a fucking monster with the full moon or when I get over-excited from a hardon?"

Casey sighed as he approached the angry teen.

"Rick it's not your fault you're a werewolf, maybe you were bitten by something and didn't know it," suggested Casey trying to offer understanding in this rather complicated situation.

"Fuck you," growled Rick. "You think I like being a fucking giant dog and possibly harming what remains of the people I care about?"

Casey sighed once more as he slowly approached Rick in a bid to keep him calm.

"When was your first transformation?" he asked.

"Why does it matter?" asked Rick annoyed. "It isn't gonna change nothin'....I'm still a fucking monster...I can still hurt people...and from what I can tell I could have hurt my family...I could have killed them all and not remembered."

Casey stepped over to the naked older boy and threw his arms around him in a heartfelt embrace. Rick simply stood confused as to why anyone would care about a monster like him.

"You're not a monster Rick," said Casey holding him tightly. "The monster is the bastard that sent those hitmen after your family in the first place."

Rick stood letting Casey cling to him for several minutes before he wrapped an arm around him. The two teens locked eyes in the middle of the darkened woods and it appeared that Rick was beginning to calm down.

The older teen sighed as he took one of Casey's hands into his own and kissed it softly. He had almost come close to hurting his lover and he felt all kinds of uneasy about it. It was strange when he thought about it but Casey didn't seem afraid of him so much as he had been afraid for him.

"I've never been able to shift out of it before," Rick explained. "It always seemed to come on out of nowhere and take over, but when it wanted to hurt you...I couldn't let it."

Casey treated Rick to a sad smile and touched his face with his free hand.

"Now that I know the truth," he said meeting Rick's eyes. "I can help you manage it."

"I don't want you anywhere near it," said Rick not willing to chance risking his lover's safety.

"Don't try and tell me what to do." countered Casey before he pressed his chest into Rick's and slowly started stroking the older boy's aroused cock. "You being a werewolf changes nothing between us and I know for a fact that you can't stay away, you can't even go five minutes of us being alone without wanting to fuck me."

Rick groaned at the instant of Casey's soft hand moving along his leaking cock.

"We're going home," said Casey casually leading Rick via his cock. "And then I'm going to see what it's like to fuck a werewolf."

Rick grunted and followed Casey back to his house, they only had a few hours before his mother returned and he was going to make every last one of them last.