

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 33: A Few Weeks In The Hole

Ridgemont High, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The afternoon bell sounded and everyone filed into the halls following their last class, pleased that the day was over and that they were headed home. Casey had not been as thrilled about being on the way home as most of them and it appeared that Rick hadn't been either. They were both still serving time for their hooky incident and once the bell let out it was a constant reminder that they had a week in the hole before they could even think about spending time together after school. Rick seemed to be doing better after a few classes despite Casey worrying about him more than usual. The arrogant cheeky bastard smirked at him as they both walked out of the front of the school together. To anyone else, it looked as if the two of them had actually become good friends over the course of their one-day absence, but they knew the truth about their shift in allegiances and their relationship of sorts.

"Any plans this afternoon?" asked Rick casually digging into his pocket and placing a thin white cigarette between his pale lips.

"Grounded for playing hooky," replied Casey with a smirk.

"Me too," replied Rick as they walked along the all too familiar path.

Rick continued to grip the single strap on his backpack as Casey did the same with his.

"How was your last class?" asked Rick with a smirk.

"Great when you don't take into account that I was terrified that your cum would leak out and soak the chair while we were studying," replied Casey knowing what Rick wanted to hear.

"You were begging for it back in the bungalows," he said in his own defense. "Just admit it baby you love my big dick."

Casey rolled his eyes still not willing to give Rick the satisfaction and he'd been glad that they were out of earshot of the other students.

"Fuck you," he said in annoyance.

"What time?" asked Rick with a wicked grin.

"You've had more than enough fun today," said Casey still concerned about him. "Walk it off or take a cold shower."

"How bout I jerk it with your image in my head?" asked Rick taking a drag from his cigarette once he lit it. "Nobody's pussy is as tight on my dick as yours baby."

Casey rolled his eyes.

"Why do you always gotta be such a sick bastard?" he asked.

"Because I'm a horny teenage boy, sue me," replied Rick blowing smoke out of his flaring nostrils. "All we think about is sex and where to stick our dicks when they get hard, I'm just not afraid to admit it."

"Not everyone is as horny as you asshole," remarked Casey.

"Oh you're one to talk," replied Rick removing his cigarette from his mouth. "Oh...fuck...fuck me, bastard...fuck me with your big donkey dick..."

Casey's face turned red with Rick imitating how he sounded when under the influence of lust.

"Shut up, I do not sound like that," insisted Casey as they continued their walk.

Rick smirked as he finished off his cigarette before tossing it and grinding it beneath his boot.

Casey shook his head.

"You sure that's a good idea, with the woods and all?" he asked.

"My woods," said Rick with a smirk.

He suddenly stopped walking and moved toward a nearby tree as Casey watched him puzzled. Rick pulled his impressive cock from his jeans and started urinating all over the tree. Casey rolled his eyes as Rick couldn't wait to take his cock out in front of him.

"When you gotta go you gotta go," said Rick noticing Casey's expression.

"Sure," said Casey as he turned and attempted to keep walking.

Rick zipped up and tackled him to the ground before he could get far.

"Rick," said Casey as a low moan escaped his lips.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Not now Rick I gotta get home," whined Casey wanting to stay with him but at the same time wanting to get his being grounded over with.

Rick smiled at him for a moment as their eyes met and suddenly kissed him on the lips. Casey returned his kiss and they lay there on the ground kissing each other for several minutes before Casey recalled that they had to be at home.

"Stop," he said weakly. "You know we only have so much time before they come looking for us."

"Fuck.." groaned Rick as he pressed his erection against Casey's pelvis.

Casey ran his fingers through Rick's hair wanting so badly to feel him inside him as he had wanted to be inside.

They share another series of heated kisses that left both of them winded before Casey stopped them again and they sat up panting and frustrated that they couldn't be together like they wanted to.

"Fuck." growled Rick his eyes blazing with fury and need.

Casey smirked as he suddenly tackled him again their lips crashing together in a heated display of need.

"I want you baby." whimpered Rick kissing Casey's neck. "You've got me spoiled by all the marathon sex last week."

Casey smiled and bit his bottom lip.

"Just think of how much more we can have once our sentence is over," he assured him. "I promise I'll make it worth your while if you just comply for now."

Rick groaned as he pulled Casey into his arms and against his chest as he squeezed the younger lad's ass and pressed his body into his exposed cock.

"This had better be worth it," he growled still squeezing Casey's ass as he gripped him.

Casey moaned in his ear.

"It will be," he said softly kissing Rick's lips as he held him close. "Just a few days baby and we can get back to our marathon sex."

"I'm gonna make you scream," warned Rick the lust almost palpable behind his eyes.

"I'm counting on it," replied Casey with a smile and one last long slow kiss with Rick before the brooding older boy let him get back to his feet.

Casey collected his backpack and headed toward his house.

"You alright?" he asked. "We got a little ways to go before we have to split up."

Rick waved him off annoyed.

"No thanks," he growled. "A can't walk home with you with my dick this hard."

He laid back down on the ground and looked up at the tall trees and the sky that loomed above him. Casey sighed unsure that he wished to leave him after what happened at school that day.

"Go on," growled Rick. "Get home before I change my mind and dick you down before you make it."

Casey shook his head and finally went on his way.

Rick Channon was always a vulgar asshole there was no use in being shocked about it now.