

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 22: Luna's Call

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Agony beyond measure hit the formerly slumbering Rick Channon as his dark eyes burst upon and revealed the dark red hue that had begun to take over them. He struggled to climb out of the still-slumbering Casey Peterson's bed as he felt the onset of pain from the rapid shifting of his bones and attempted to resist the urge to contort at their will. His heart beat wildly within the confines of his bare chest as his very ribcage seemed on the verge of stretching and shifting. He rolled out of the bed, falling to the floor below them as he struggled to keep the fast-encroaching beast at bay. Rick clawed at the hardwood floor dragging his pain-wracked body toward the nearest window not at all wishing to succumb to his affliction in the presence of his slumbering younger lover as he hopped out of the room and onto the rooftop. He broke off into a sloppy sprint as he leaped from the rooftop to the ground willing himself to get as far away from The Peterson residence as his rapidly shifting legs could carry him.

Casey Peterson had slumbered in bed as if he had not a care in the world, even when the onset of a draft brushed against his naked flesh following the swift departure of his lover in the middle of the night as the moon beamed high in the clear night sky bathing everything around it in the soft white glow that beaconed the running Rick who had gotten as far as his legs could carry him before he tumbled into the woods after losing his footing in the wake of the continued transformation that gripped him.

His heart continued to beat wildly as he howled in reaction to having his body shift beneath the beaming bright white light of the full moon. His fingernails dug deeply into the weak and cool-to-the-touch soil as his body continued to convulse and shift bringing out more of the beast that lurked within than the handsome brooding lad it had been before.

Rick's teeth began to shift and protrude from his elongating jaws as he howled in agony in reaction to the rapid and decidedly painful changes. This wasn't the first time he had experienced this onset of agony. It had been a part of the very reason he kept his distance from those who had remained close to him, fear of the beast within taking hold and murdering them one by one as he couldn't control his base instinct for relishing blood and chaos.

He was fortunate he'd been naked this time around, as most nights his attire would be torn to shreds in the wake of his shifting. His moral mind had briefly recalled where he had left his attire, littering the floor of the new arrival Casey's bedroom. He struggled to recall much of the events that lead to his bedding the younger teen only to find that his mind had turned savage and only the blood on the wind had given him the reason for thoughts.

After much struggle and suffering, Alarick Channon emerged amid the darkness and trees as a bloodthirsty were-hound keen on destruction and the call of living blood as he tore through the forest in search of his prey.


Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Still reeling from the marathon sex romps he had with the brooding older boy Rick Channon, Casey Allen Peterson found himself rolling onto his back amid the tossed-about covers with something of a satisfied smirk filed across his sleeping face as his mind slowly began to bring him around to consciousness. He felt all the residual aches and pains of having been pounded into his mattress, the living room floor, and the forest floor for hours by the enormous appendage of the older boy and couldn't quite regret his decision to take him on a third time before his mother arrived at last from the restaurant.

The sensation of pleasantness following his latest release had him rolling toward where he had last known Rick to have been only to find he'd been in bed alone. Casey blinked some before sitting up in bed briefly contemplating if his latest round of dreams had been the cause of his blissful mood before opening his eyes.

It most certainly seemed as if it had all been a dream, but the ache left over from their mutual acts and the sight of Rick's discarded clothes suggested otherwise. Casey was confused about the absence of his newfound lover but attempted to rationalize it when he noted that Rick was possibly running about naked.

There was little evidence of him leaving aside from the open window and the semi-shredded sheets as a result of the poor teen struggling to maintain his form while in Casey's presence. Casey sighed as he tossed back the covers revealing his own pale naked form and slightly pinked cock as he moved about his bedroom.

He figured Rick might have gone to the bathroom and feared what his mother would think if she discovered he'd been naked moving about the house as if it belonged to him. The oddness of the sheets being torn and the strands leading back to the window and subsequent rooftop had been concerning for Casey as he tried to make sense of them while searching for Rick.

"If I was an aggressive naked asshole, where would I disappear to?" asked Casey once more settling on the idea of Rick having gone to the bathroom.

He slipped on a pair of old basketball shorts and made his way out of his bedroom unsure of what to expect when he did find Rick Channon. The strange behavior of the older teen had not been lost on Casey as he frantically began searching the house hoping to find his lover before his mother happened to run across him.

Unbeknownst to him, Rick Channon had not been inside his home at all. Luna's call had driven him deep into the woods and on the heels of his latest round of prey.