

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 2:  Something Of A Fresh Start

The Roadside Shop, Main Dirt Road, Fallon Creek, Michigan....

  The wind was blowing quite a bit as the red station wagon pulled toward the inner portion of town as both Casey and his mother looked around at the beautiful surroundings in awe. The brooding teen was at least pleased to note that the town had been more or less a smaller city and not some forgotten farmland in the middle of nowhere. There were stores and many other buildings that seemed to put him at ease, the only difference is that everyone would know everyone no matter who came and went in town. Casey sighed unsure whether or not this would have an impact on how he'd go about his day to day and keep his secret. Mrs. Peterson was intent on enjoying their new life as she had finally gotten her son away from those awful bullies whom had been a thorn in her side ever since he started school in that district. Being a highly trained Chef had it's perks and she was able to relocate them once her son was well enough to travel and the house had been sold. It was the final place where she had spent time with her deceased husband, but it had in no way compared to the possible loss of life with her only son.

Cooking for Helen Peterson was more than a career, it was a culinary art form and one she excelled at with flying colors and stainless steel pans. She had first met her late husband Jonathan Allen Peterson due to her cooking and he fell in love with her ever since. It was a charming story, one she told her son every chance she got about the wonderful hot shot lawyer she fell in love with whom stopped into a diner where she worked for lunch one sunny afternoon and the rest translated into a lasting love that she felt every time she looked into the blue eyes of their only son and child.

Casey had seemed to lighten up especially when he took note of his mother's favorite song blasting on the radio via her CD changer. She had a big wide smile plastered across her face as the music began. He wasn't surprised as they had listened to the freshly made CD so much that he too had memorized he songs. The instrumentals for LeAnn Rimes' 1996 classic One Way Ticket (Because I Can), played in the background as they continued their drive through town taking in the sights as they went along singing along to the song despite paying little attention to it.

"And buy a one way ticket on a west bound train...." sang Helen with a smile as she looked over at her formerly brooding son.

"See how far I can go." he sang finishing the lyrics.

{"Because I Can."} chimed the radio in the background.

"I'm gonna go out dancing in the pouring rain..." sang Helen as she drove getting into the overall groove the song provided.

"Talk to someone I don't know." added Casey reluctantly despite loving the song as much as his mother had due to her putting emphasis on the line to begin with.

{"Because I Can."} continued the radio.

"I will face the world around me..." sang Helen as they pulled up toward what appeared to have been the place their new home was located.

"Knowing that I'm strong enough to let you go..." Casey sang before letting the CD finish the remainder of the performance.

He had gotten a real kick out of the song over the years as it was something his other played often when they were going through a rough time in a bid to remind them that brighter days were ahead.

Helen smiled at her son as she pulled the station wagon into the driveway of the massive four bedroom house that she'd purchased via a really good deal following the sale of their former home back in New Jersey.

It was an impressive place, with a large front and backyard, big enough to get a dog and have a pool party if one had a pool built on the property. The fresh coat of white paint made it appear new and the added bonus of his mother sending the movers ahead of time as she furnished the place before bringing Casey along had done wonders in terms of saving time. All they had to do was move in their personal belongings from the house and stick the key in the door.

Casey had been staying with a close family friend for the two weeks his mother had left him to get everything ready, he'd been in their house of course and the friend stayed over, but he was well looked after for the time she'd been away.

Helen smiled again as she put the car into park and they climbed out each looking over their new home and sizing it up for good measure. It was much bigger than the old place that was for sure and had a natural spring nearby so they didn't have to worry about water much. The cool breeze that had come from being so close to the rushing water had done a world of good for the two of them due to how hot the day had been.

The fresh air was quite something as Casey noted the distinct lack of smog and hint of rotten garbage when he took a breath. Helen was determined to ensure that Casey had a long and wonderful life now that they had left the cluttered mess that had been the city for the wide open countryside even with the small town amid them. There were trees galore and the sense of nature having eyes on them as Casey began assisting his mother with loading their things into the house. His old room was quite small back in the city, and selecting a new one was at least something to look forward to when he stepped into the new house. There were many rooms outside the one his mother had chosen for herself to pick from and he settled on the one at the furthest end of the house.

It wasn't much of a surprise to his mother, as he'd been longing for independence for quite some time and being a young man for the most part, he had been entitled to it. She was just pleased that he seemed to be coming around about the new move and set to work getting everything else inside situated as Casey moved about the house exploring as it were and setting up his own room.

The room he picked was quite spacious and seemed to have a good deal more than he was lacking back in the city despite the location. It was something at least in terms of a positive direction. Despite the familiarity of the big city, he didn't have any friends, merely casual acquaintances due to having grown up around them so it wasn't like he actually missed anyone he left behind.

Casey resolved himself to setting up his room for the remainder of the hour while his mother did the same and put away the newly bought groceries. It was a long and busy day of travels and they had a great deal to do before it's end.

As he worked, Casey came to the conclusion that he hadn't too much minded having a fresh start, no one knew him here and he could possibly take the time to reinvent himself with no problems. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how right his mother had been for moving them out of the big city.