

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 14: An Asshole With Leverage

Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Morning arrived and Casey dreaded what foul method of torment Rick Channon had bothered to cook up for him following the previous night the bastard had come to his house and done unspeakable things to him before leaving. He seemed to delight in the measure of control he had over the new arrival, not just via dangling his deepest secret over his head, but the fact that he knew how to make Casey come unhinged in ways no one else had ever known. Casey sighed as he climbed out of bed, still a bit sore and tired from his previous exploits courtesy of Rick Channon. He rolled his eyes as he noted his morning erection and the fact that his mind had gone right back to thinking about Rick Channon the moment he opened his eyes. He didn't get it, Rick was a resident asshole and a brute to boot, but he couldn't stop thinking about him. Casey made his way toward the bathroom drowsy and sliding his bare feet across the floor as he thought back to his rather strange night with Rick Channon of all people.

He was quite a bold jerk, coming to his house when they had barely met and even more so with the way he had taken to licking him until he couldn't breathe. Casey would have been lying if he said he didn't like it even to himself, but he didn't want to give a jerk like Rick the satisfaction of having command over him or his body, no matter how good it felt. He still felt the sticky sensation of his release that clung to his body and stick to the sparse pubic hairs beneath his underwear.

Casey rolled his eyes recalling how embarrassing it was for him to reach his end due to Rick's warm tongue and end up coating himself in his release. A shower had been the first order of business when it came to getting ready for the new day, although he was sure that Rick would only seek to make sure he'd get dirty all over again, be it via gym class or his possibly cornering him inside the locker room like before.

With a sigh, Casey turned on the water to the tub and adjusted the shower to his liking before stripping out of his sticky underwear and climbing into the porcelain tub. He could feel how cold the tub had been beneath his feet and tried his best to brace for the cold. Standing beneath the water, Casey soaked his body letting the water cascade all over the front of him and his back respectively as his cock began to flex in the wake of the cool air and warm water respectively. As he showered he couldn't get the visions of the previous night out of his mind about what he and Rick had done while his mother was busily cooking right down the stairs. His heart was beating about a mile per minute and he thought he would give the game away the moment she entered his bedroom but he found that he had been driven to heights of sexual pleasure that not even he had managed when alone in his room and sitting before his laptop.

"Fucking Rick," growled Casey not wishing to give in to the jerk so easily, but his body had wanted otherwise.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, Casey turned his attention toward bathing, he could at least be clean before heading off to school if nothing else.


Rick's Bedroom, The Clark Residence, Klimt RD, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

An angry expression filed across the handsome face of one Rick Channon as he rather unceremoniously set about fisting his nearly freakish and highly aroused cock in the wake of his trip down memory lane following his morning awakening. He lingered in bed, amid tossed-about sheets and pillows as he pulled and tugged along his cock via a very angry hand with visions of Casey Peterson riding him and the series of moans that filled his ears as a result of it. Rick had not known why he'd been expressly interested in the likes of Casey, given that he was male, but his body could care less aside from the incessant need to pound him for all he was worth just to get his rocks off.

The shirtless muscle ripped teen had been powerless to control his raging hormones as he saw his way to relief if even temporarily as he lay in bed his back against the mattress and his fisted cock pointing straight into the air. He'd been at it for quite some time since awakening, even debating about getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom before he settled on doing something about his early morning excitement.

The previous night had been something of a bust despite all that he had learned about Casey and he was surely going to make the sneaky little imp pay for getting him worked up in the first place. It was always difficult for him to maintain his urges, especially given his hidden nature among everyone who had called Fallon Creek home. It boggles the mind how someone like Casey Peterson could even trigger him into losing all forms of self-control when it came to his ever-increasing libido and the fact that he wanted him even above the countless girls and women that threw themselves at him daily.

Rick grunted as his hand continued to offer him the small measure of pleasure long denied to him by his exploits with the new arrival to Fallon Creek. All the brooding teen could see was Casey's rather innocent-looking face twisted via pleasure as his moans filled the ravenous older boy's ears and the compulsion to lay claim to him and his apparent virtue drove Rick to near-on madness. The frenzy he worked up via his hand seemed to do the trick for the time being and before he knew it, Rick was coating it and his bedding via his rather viral seed in rapid bursts just as his Aunt knocked on the door.

"Ricky it's time for school," she said not at all privy to what had been going on behind the closed door.

Rick found himself drenched in sweat and his release as he turned his attention to the red glowing digital clock on the end table beside him. He panted a bit before tossing back the covers and revealing the mess he'd left in his wake as he forced himself out of bed and toward the door to make his way to the bathroom.

He was badly in need of a shower and knew all too well it would be better for him, in the long run, to have taken it here and now.