

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 102: An Interloper And The Call Of The Rut

The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Casey Peterson had gotten home at pretty much the same time as usual once school let out. At first, there had been no sign of Rick until he noted his discarded clothes and backpack. He sighed as he moved through the house figuring that Rick had probably gone upstairs to take a shower. Sure enough, he'd seen him amid the cold water trying his best to quell his rage as he stood soaked from head to toe and snarling out into the open. Casey knew what he needed as he began to discard his clothes and stepped into the shower as naked as Rick had been. The brooding older teen turned his attention to his mate the moment he stepped inside and scooped him into his powerful waiting arms and pressed his back against the cold wet tile that lined the shower.

A series of heated kisses had been exchanged between them as Rick let out a growl of relief as he fitted his body between Casey's slender thighs like he had so many times before. Casey could feel how excited he'd been and his excitement had been noted as they continued to kiss amid the downpour of cool water. Not a single word needed to be spoken as Rick slowly eased the massive head of his impressive appendage into the well-noted slickness of his mate causing Casey to moan and whimper as he was further pressed against the tiles that lined the shower.

Try as he might to ignore the impulse of his body to lay claim to the new arrival, Rick had been having a difficult time keeping control of himself as more lust began to fog his already weary mind. Casey had not understood it but he knew that something strange was happening to Rick ever since Maddox and his brothers came to town. He'd been moody before but this wasn't at all like those days and nights when he'd been stalking about with an attitude for the sake of having one. This had been intense and not at all his own doing.

The slapping of flesh against flesh amid the cool waters continued to echo through the shower as Rick's massive cock continued to pound the slick depths of his mate as they both howled and snarled amid the running water that cooled their collective skin but not the burning sensation of heat and need that passed between them.

Casey moaned once more as he gripped Rick's shoulders sinking his teeth into them as the older brute pounded his hidden sex for all he was worth amid the shower. Rick had always felt good to him whenever they were together in this way, but this time there was something different about him. Given their vast experience, Casey was rather familiar with the primal side of his mate but he'd never been in such an extreme condition before aside from when they first got together.

The scent of the interloper in the wake of his longstanding heat was most definitely getting to him and try as he might to ignore it, the feral influence was getting stronger by the minute even as Rick's cock heavily pounded his mate's dripping sex, he wanted to breed the interloper, fill him with his thick seed and lay claim to his untouched womb.

Rick whimpered as he pounded Casey's hidden sex harder and faster as if even more desperate for release as the scent of the interloper plagued him further. He had little to no control over his feral side when in the wake of a rut and no one knew that better than Casey Peterson.

Try as he might to ignore it, Rick could hear the incessant call moon and the demand from the wolf inside him to breed anew in the heat of the interloper. He could hear it snarling in his ears even as Casey's numerous pleasured whimpers had rung out amid the sound of the rushing cold shower water.

"Rick...oh...oh...fuck...fuck...OH!" Casey moaned as his lover's pace increased.

Rick snarled and bit Casey's neck in the same spot he'd been accustomed to sinking his teeth into as he continued pounding his cock into the younger lad's hidden depths working up a bit of frenzy despite the slippery surroundings as he clawed into the shower wall holding Casey's slick body in place and panting as he sent the younger lad through wave after wave of sweet sensation.

While Casey had reached his end with relative ease, Rick had not been so easily satisfied and the wolf in him grew more desperate to claim the untouched womb of the lesser werewolf as the heat continued to bombard his flaring nostrils. Rick had been in a rather difficult position given his attachment to Casey Peterson and him being his mate but his cock demanded he take the virtue of the interloper and fill it with as much of his thick seed as possible.

Now given to his bestial mind in the wake of nightfall, Rick had stopped pounding Casey's depths knowing there would be no release for him as his testicles grew heavy and ached as the scent of Maddox Daly's heat continued to plague him.

Casey gasped when Rick pulled out of him slippery and aggressive as he nearly dropped him in the shower with the water beating against them both.

"S-Sorry," growled Rick, his eyes shifting into an eerie red-orange glow that Casey had never seen before. "I can't stop it...Case, forgive me...my mind and body are not my own..."

With that, he let out a howl and took off still dripping from the shower with his throbbing cock leading the way still slick from being inside Casey and the water from the shower as much as the rest of him.

"Rick!" shouted Casey in confusion as something came over him in the form of odd flashes.

Once more he'd been given the images of blood, grieving people, and the howl of a wolf in the distance. Casey got a bad feeling as he scrambled out of the shower turning it off and moving to get dressed in a bid to catch up to Rick knowing all too well where he'd rushed off to. The scent of the interloper was much too overpowering to ignore, he was going to take the poor lad by force, and given how strong the heat had been in him, the lad was going to allow it and once he had something terrible was going to happen to Rick, something the interloper wolves had been counting on.

"RICK!" shouted Casey as he barreled out of the house on all fours desperate to find his mate before the rather dubious trap these strangers had in store for him had been sprung.

Shaken by the implication, Casey had only hoped to make it in time.