
Claire Dumas

Tayo_S · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter One - Celeste

Celeste buried her head in her hands, angry at life. She had broken all her shackles and solved all her problems. One would think that she would have a nice partly smooth sailing or smooth sailing life but life had other things in store for her. It seemed that she wasn't destined for a happy life since no one wanted her to be happy.

She had escaped from her nightmare world just to fall into a sad one. She thought the bad times were over and the happy times were on their way. Having experienced a lot of bad things anyone would expect good things to show their faces but sometimes some things were just not destined.

She had buried all her sorrows deep in her heart and decided to move on, with a smile on her face and a happy disposition, hoping something good would happen. The something good did happen but was short-lived.

In a lot stories, after escaping a dark past or some unhappiness, the girl meets a rich suave man. He sweeps her off her feet or maybe the other way around or they fall in love in an unusual way.

That did happen to her. When she met him, he was divorced and heartbroken she helped him glue the pieces back together but he went back. She was left all alone. Left divorced, practically jobless and with a little girl.

There was nothing left for her to do than leave. If she stayed for any longer, he could possibly take her little girl away and God knows whether the heartless bastard's wife, Summer, would maltreat her daughter or not allow her to visit.

Celeste did what any other woman would do, in her mind. She left with her daughter, planning to come back years later as a giant powerful woman just like in the books.


Fifteen years later, Celeste returned and even in grand style. She was back and was better than ever. She and her little girl came back together, even though her daughter was a female version of her sinfully handsome ex she learned to move past all that and love the little girl.

She got involved in the textiles industry and built from scratch, one of the biggest textiles and clothes making companies in her country, Wear it for you. All in all, she became a big girl and had her grand comeback.

All seemed smooth sailing until her ex, Joseph, arrived once more and demanded for the child. He had with the aid of manipulations won himself custody of her daughter, Claire. There was only one week to left to spend time with her.

They were never really close since she spent most of her time trying to stage a comeback and when the time finally came, she won but lost something in return. Maybe she was not destined to be completely happy ever in her life.