

"Let go!" I spat through gritted teeth, glaring at Emiliano who held my wrist. For the first time, I saw concern in his usually blank eyes. "Claire...you..." he began, but I silenced him with a raised hand. "This is between Andrea and me. Stay out of it," I said sternly. He nodded, letting go, and I rushed into the mansion, ignoring the servants' greetings. My heart pounded as I scanned the living room for those amber eyes I was desperate to see. "Miss Claire," Mark, the butler, greeted me with a smile. "Where is Andrea? I need to see him!" I demanded. Mark's smile faded, his gaze dropping. "Madam, he doesn't want to see anyone," he muttered. I clenched my fists. "Never mind, he will see me," I said, storming towards Andrea's room. The door was ajar. I pushed it open, and my world shattered. Andrea was in bed with Aurora. My strength left me, my hands quivered, and tears welled up. My phone slipped from my grasp, catching Aurora's attention. She turned to me with a triumphant smirk, her body still moving on top of him. "Andrea!" I cried out. He pushed Aurora off him, scrambling out of bed, completely naked. Nausea hit me. "Claire!" he called, stepping towards me, but I moved back, collapsing to the floor. "She won. She really did," I muttered, glaring at Aurora. She had promised to take everything from me, and she had succeeded. My life was crumbling, and now the love of my life was in the arms of my enemy. "Claire, I..." Andrea tried to say, reaching out. "Stay away!" I screamed, my voice echoing with pain. My heart felt like it was being torn apart, the love I once held so dear was now a jagged shard piercing through my soul. Andrea's eyes were filled with regret, but it was too late. The damage was done. As I lay on the floor, broken and defeated, I realized that everything I believed in was a lie. The person I loved most had become my greatest tormentor, and there was no coming back from this. **********CLAIRE************ After being bullied by her classmates and cousin, cheated on by her boyfriend, and witnessing the brutal death of the man who tried to protect her, Claire's life takes a dark turn. The same people who vowed to make her days at Rome High International School a living hell leave her disfigured. However, Claire returns transformed—with a new face, a new personality, and a new perspective. She is determined to exact revenge and seize power from those who once wielded it over her. As she embarks on her mission, Claire grapples with lingering feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Andrea, and the complications that arise when Luca, a new love interest who happens to be a mafia boss and Andrea’s uncle, enters her life. Torn between her quest for vengeance and her undeniable attraction to these two men, Claire faces a tumultuous journey. Will Claire accomplish her mission, or will her emotions and the influence of these powerful men weaken her resolve?

Ulor_Chinonso · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

So far living here has been quite peaceful which was a miracle since trouble seemed to follow me wherever I went, I attended classes peacefully with no problems though I did try to make friends but it was harder than I thought since not everyone is fluent with English here, and those who are, just snub you. I sat on a little chair with a small lamp stand so I could study. when I was done I went over to my bed to get some sleep hopefully my bad headache would disperse when I woke up but Kaylee had to come uhh.

"Hey!....hey!" I heard a whisper, I turned to where it was coming from, and I was surprised to see Kaylee

" Kaylee?....." I called out

"Hey, you are not asleep yet right?" I shook my head in disapproval

"Well, sis could you do me a favour?" She whispered again holding my arms. I furrowed my brows utterly confused, she had never called me sis before, and I knew anytime she was sweet to me she wanted something. bitch, idiot or Claire was more like what she would refer to me as.

"What do you want...." I said firmly she rolled her eyes before forcing a smile

" am hungry" she blinked waiting for my answer

" ok, then eat... am not food right?" I retorted, she scoffed letting go of my arm

"Well, I want you to prepare something for me. idiot why else do you think am here "

" in the middle of the night? It's midnight Kaylee " She had refused to eat last night claiming she would have no water or food until Sage agreed to her Rome High request, this has been going on for a while....for the past week she has refused to eat saying she would only eat after aunt agrees, tch but I know Kaylee she is too selfish to hurt herself. Whenever Sage wasn't around she would eat to her heart's content and pretend like she had been starving

" so? Am hungry! Just stop annoying me and do as you are told!" She shouted

"come on" she dragged my hand and led me to the kitchen

"Let go!" I ripped my hand from hers

" If you're hungry then prepare your food yourself " I scowled. She pulled at my hair making me wish I was bald so she would never have a tool to hurt me

" you bitch, I spoke nicely to you and you think you have a choice, you had better obey else I will make it my mission to make your life in this house a living hell"

"Let go.....I will do it" I winced holding her arms to reduce the tension on my scalp, she smirked before letting go

" I want bagels okay?....." I nodded quietly bringing out the pan,

" Claire being obedient will only make your life bearable, you see when you argue with me it makes me very mad and you know it doesn't end well when am angry so be a good little girl hmm,?" she said holding my hands in hers. I flinched immediately, moving away from her touch. In no time I was done cooking, served her and went back to bed uhhh what a long night oh lord all I wish is for me to just go through this phase of life with no more issues I just can't wait to finish high school, go to college and live my life on my terms...no sage, no Kaylee just me and maybe a dog?  I don't know.

After days of Kaylee's tantrum Sage finally agreed, but the thing is there was no way Sage could pay up to a million in tuition fees. I mean her salary is not close to six figures the only way her daughter would attend such a prestigious school is through a scholarship. which was what she applied for, and in my opinion it's trying to catch air because only twenty people can be given a scholarship, according to their rules. And they would have to take an exam.

I just don't think Kaylee will get the scholarship, it's not just taking the exams that matters even after a person passes the exam it is up to the board of committees to decide who gets the admission. if you are lucky and given the chance to school there good for you.

   Kaylee may have luck on her side but she doesn't have the brains to pass the exams, and no this isn't me being a bitch it's just facts, knowing my darling cousin so well she never studies neither does she ever do her assignment, I mean I do them for her so I know.

Just like I predicted she didn't study and spent most of her time on movies and her stupid blogs one wouldn't know she was having exams in a few days, but the day came and as usual, like every exam day she created a ruckus, what I didn't know was she would involve me.

Her exam was on a Saturday morning she woke everyone up with a scream, crying she couldn't get up from the bed I actually thought she was messing around until she began to throw up

"Am going to die!" She exclaimed crying. Sage held her while I rushed to the first aid box to bring a sachet ors and mix it

"Aunt why don't we just take her to the hospital" I lamented handing over the solution I had prepared

"No! I don't want the hospital I just want my family" she cried out, she was looking pale and I was scared I didn't know what to do, she refused to go to the hospital no matter how much we begged her and I wasn't good with sick people, I am scared of having to see another death in front of me.

" my child" Sage cried out making circles on her back as Kaylee sipped the solution slowly. according to what I read it was supposed to help with vomiting

" what will I do? ...." She choked out looking between Sage and me, we stared at her utterly clueless about what she meant.

"My exam is today if I am this sick how will I write " she whined dropping the cup

" my dear your health matters more just forget about this exam you can write it next year" Sage said giving a reassuring smile, I nodded in agreement

" no! My life is ruined....if I don't go to Rome high then I should just die!" She wailed

" Kaylee!" I scolded tears forming in my eyes why would she say such a thing

" your mom is right Kaylee you will get the chance next year okay?" She sniffed staring at me

" Claire?....please come sit next to me," she said stretching her hands this was really unlike her but she wasn't well perhaps she needed some comfort, I obeyed.

" I am not like you who is contented with anything, I won't settle for less do you know how much my life would change if I attended such a school I could even get a rich CEO's son to love me and change my life forever...but Claire it's all over except...." She cried holding my hands

"Except what?" I and sage said in unison

" you write my exams for me... Claire help your sick cousin and write the exams for me, no one will find out just take my pass and go to the exam hall please Claire" I removed my hands from hers completely shocked

"What?.... You want me to engage in examination malpractice?" She snorts glaring at me

" do you have to spell out you are a nerd just help your cousin can't you do that much?" She snapped

"Aunt?...." I called out hoping she wasn't buying her daughter's idea, her face was completely void of any emotions.

" Claire just do it," she said quietly I frowned and stood up

" No!....this is wrong! I can't write the exams for her " She grabbed my arms tightly glaring at me

" So was your father when he chose to give his properties to a person he was not related to, we are humans we all do wrong things do you think you're an exception?!....stop acting like a fucking saint...this is the least you can do for the free food you get in this house " she fumed, I flinched at her words tears blurring my vision

" leave her mom she is just an ungrateful bitch! even an evil person would spare their relative but you see Claire is worse!" And like that, they kept spewing words that broke my heart, it got unbearable

" Stop!... I will do it!" I shouted covering both my ears with my palms, what I didn't know was this was my first mistake. Soon I left and took the surprisingly simple exams and I do have to say the school was worth its praises it was a world of its own. It was there I realised the difference between the poor and the rich.