
Claiming Her Mate {CHM}

"So did you find your mate?". She asked. "Unfortunately no but I'm still hoping to". Reyna replied running her fingers through her hair. ... Reyna the beta of the blue moon pack. Like every other mateless werewolves, she yearns to find and be with her mate and half of her wish was granted when she discovered her mate; a sorcerer and the king of Thera, a kingdom for all sorcerers. But unfortunately she could not be with her mate because he was married to a beautiful sorceress. It is said that if you love a person you let them go if you could not be with them right?. But reverse is the case for Reyna who swore to never rest until she claims what rightfully hers: HER MATE.

Miracle_Henry · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Duel{1}


Reyna watched as her mother anxiously walked around in circles, She looked like someone who was about to have a panic attack.

"Sweetheart, I think you should calm down and take a deep breath". Reyna's father, Mike adviced as he tried to calm Katie.

Katie glared at him. "Calm down?!,you want me to calm down?,did you forget that my mother is going to pay us a visit and spend two days here?".

Mike sighed, as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He knew that his mate's mother was visiting and also knew that she was a very difficult person to deal with.

Reyna stared at her mother with a concerned expression, she didn't know much about her grandmother or even remember her appearance because her mother said her grandmother only visited when she was a baby or 'pup' in werewolf terms.

She was about to say something when the sound of knocking was heard outside the door.

"Reyna, go get the door". Mike instructed still staring worriedly at his anxious mate.

"Okay, dad". Reyna replied as went to open the door, and she came to face with a cloaked person...the person had a really strong aura, and although she couldn't see the person's face but the person was wearing a dress so she knew the person was a woman.

"Who are you?,she questioned feeling a little wary.

Instead of answering...the lady removed the hood of the cloak covering her face and Reyna gasped in shock seeing the person's face.

Not minding Reyna , the lady let out a 'tsk' sound before saying; "You can't even recognize your own grandmother?,oh I am very disappointed!".



You know,h you don't have to do this Diana". Jason said a little worried about Diana.

Diana smiled at Jason. "You don't have to worry your highness, I will be fine and in fact this is a chance for me to teach Felicia a lesson... not to add a chance to be your wife, I can't miss that!".

"Don't underestimate her Diana,my mother said she's strong and my instincts can't help but to agree,".Jason warned.

Diana nodded. "...I understand your highness, and I will be careful... I promise".

Queen Elise scoffed at her words. "You better get prepared for the duel, I've just ask a guard to prepare a place for you guys to fight and also to summon Felicia here, and she would be arriving any moment from now–, oh there you are Felicia!". The queen said with enthusiasm which made Jason and Diana turn to the direction that the queen was staring at...and alas... Felicia was truly there and was walking towards them.

She was beautiful as ever, with hair like the colour of ruby and pair of beautiful ocean-blue eyes that were captivating, as soon as she got close to queen Elise and Jason she bowed.

"Good day your majesty, crown prince Jason". She said giving a smile that could pull the heartstrings of men... but Jason was not affected, he merely gave her a curt nod.

Queen Elise on the other hand, gave Felicia a genuine smile...the first one she had given any one in the morning, since her son spoiled her good mood with his words.

"Felicia, my dear... you must be wondering why I summoned you here right?".

"Yes, your majesty". Felicia replied while glancing at Jason, who completely ignored her.

"Felicia...if you were given the opportunity to marry my son, would you take it?". Queen Elise asked calmly, as her expression turned serious.

Felicia's eyes widened at her question, and then her lips bloomed into a smile. "Of course, your majesty...no woman in her right mind would reject such a wonderful opportunity, but your majesty...if I may ask,why are you asking me this question?". She asked frowning curiously.

"... Well, to answer your question my dear...the opportunity is right before you Felicia, defeat lady Diana in the duel you two are about to have... and your position as the future queen of Thera is secured".

Jason eye's 'shot' daggers at his mother, as he heard her words, he knew that his mother just gave Felicia a temptation too hard to resist... not only that, his mother words might make Felicia really determined to defeat Diana and win the duel.

'Despicable!'. He thought while glaring at his mother.

Felicia looked suprise by the queen's words, she knew the queen was fond of her but not to this extent of wanting her to be Jason's wife... and not to add the future queen of Thera..

"Your majesty...", She began with hesitation..."the idea of winning this duel and gaining the opportunity to become the wife of crown prince Jason and...the future queen of Thera is tempting...in fact it's too great of a temptation to resist,not to add it's a 'once in a lifetime opportunity', but..."

"BUT WHAT?!, Don't tell me you are going to reject my offer". Queen Elise cut off Felicia's speech in panic,the thought of Felicia rejecting her offer suddenly filled her with panic.

Even Jason seemed surprised by Felicia's hesitation, did she consider that position of the queen would come with a lot of responsibility and decided that she wouldn't be able to handle it, or was she in love with someone else or... She was just plain stupid?...Jason hoped it was the latter because if it were the other two, she might reconsider her decision and decide to change her mind and accept the offer because, after all being the future queen of a great kingdom like Thera wasn't considered a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' for nothing.

Felicia sighed, and with a look of reluctance she voiced out her thoughts ,"it's not that I'm going to reject your offer but...your majesty, this offer you have given me is too good to be true...I..,I just don't think I'm worth it and deserve it to have it..."

Queen Elise gave a sigh of relief after hearing Felicia's words. "My, my... you are too humble my dear Felicia, and you should never think you are not worth it 'cause I think you are, Felicia... you are beautiful, strong and smart and have the attributes of a good leader... I think you deserve the position of a queen". Queen Elise said encouraging Felicia.

"Your majesty, all the Knights have agreed to put their training on hold and they have left the training ground so,lady Diana and lady Felicia can have their duel now". A guard reported before going back to his post.


~Training ground

"Mother,at least let Diana wear a body armour". Jason stated in frustration and annoyance, he couldn't believe his mother, just because Felicia refused to wear a body armour she decided that Diana was not going to wear one too.

"If I allow Diana wear a body armour albeit Felicia wearing none... it would be cheating and it won't be a fair fight don't you agree?". Queen Elise asked some of the Knights who decided to stay around and watch the duel, and they all nodded in agreement.

"But Felicia decided not to wear a body armour at her own will, what does it have to do with Diana?".

"Son...so you are saying that Diana can't fight Felicia without wearing an armour right?, Son you see...she is already showing signs of weakness even before the duel, why not spare your self all these trouble and marry Felicia?".

Jason scowled. "Mother—". He started but was interrupted by Diana.

"Your highness,I can fight just fine without an armour". Diana replied trying to prevent discord between mother and son.

Queen Elise sneered at her. "Putting on a brave front aren't we?,well...we will see where it gets you, start the FIGHT!".

Thank you for reading!, 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter?!,

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