5 Chapter 05: His Pet (I)

After sleeping for hours that I couldn't even count because I was knocked out, I finally stirred from where I lay. I groaned blissfully upon the curve the bed beneath me created as I moved. It was as soft as a marshmallow, and I could tell at least that I wasn't thrown to a dungeon or some prison room, or else I wouldn't be enjoying silk sheets and soft beddings while I was asleep.

But this wasn't what I was expecting to wake up to. I expected to be tied up to a chair or locked inside a windowless room with only darkness as my companion. I even envisioned myself shoved inside an old geezer's room as his new mistress or worse auctioned off to another land where I could be treated like I was a toy to be chewed and eaten by beasts in their heat.

I've heard stories of what happened to people who were captured because of their debts, because they caught the attention of someone, or just because they were beautiful. The former was my case, and I sure as hell knew that I was not in any better situation as the latter two.

I tried moving around, one limb after the other. Thank God, and they didn't drug me or chain me up. I did it slowly and moved so quietly that even I couldn't tell that I was moving. I didn't even know if my captors were somewhere inside the room because keeping my eyes closed would be the best excuse to let them think that I was still asleep.

And after a minute, I finally fluttered my eyes open and raised my upper body. Clear. No one was around the room. However, there was something else that almost made my jaw fall to the ground.

Have I already told you I was inside a room?

Yeah, I did, right?

But I didn't tell you that I was inside a room as large as the living room of our house. The velvet curtains hanging by the window were already drawn to a close, leaving me wondering if it was night or morning. In the center of the room and against the wall, from where I lay, was a huge bed that could let five people sleep on it. There were cabinets, drawers, couches, tables, and other things that I could only see and admire from afar inside our Pack's Alpha's house. And he was the wealthiest in our pack.

But none of these things were comparable to what Alpha James had in his house. I could tell that Alpha James lacked a lot of things, actually.

I stood up from the bed, a furry blanket fell, which I didn't know when and who covered it on me while I was asleep. Maybe it was my captors. Yeah, right. I mocked myself at that notion. Would your captor, who your father owed him a few thousand grand, do something so compassionate and kind?

It must be some fool who thought that a woman shouldn't be left lying bare in the cold weather.

Suddenly, I jolted from my thoughts and quickly looked down.

My eyes stared down at the dress I wore. A dress I didn't remember wearing and completely different from what I wore before I left home.

Oh, God.

Blood rushed through my cheeks, knowing that someone had taken my clothes off while I was asleep. Shivers ran down my skin as I remembered those golden eyes. Fuck! Was I actually thinking that he was the one who took my clothes off?

I shook my head before I could form any illusion inside my head. After a few practiced breaths, my heart finally steadied to a normal pace. I started walking around the room, heading towards the door instantly as soon as I laid my eyes on it.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess that no one was standing out guarding this room, and my captor was away for a moment, taking their attention away from me just so I could make my grand escape.

Slowly, like a thief in the middle of the night, I turned the knob around, my heart leaping out of my chest when I heard that familiar click and couldn't stop the grin on my lips. The door was not locked. I don't know if my captors were dumb or confident that I wouldn't run again after my first failed attempt. But whatever their reason was, I was glad that they didn't lock the door.

I pulled the door slowly, careful to not make a single sound out from my movements. The door was cooperative enough to not creak under my hand, and I continued to pull it open until I could make enough room for me to slip in.

I left the room.

No, I wasn't successful in that attempt.

Not entirely, at least.

Half of my body was inside the room, while the other half was already outside. My head, however, was looking outside the room and belatedly noticed something that made my soul temporarily leave my body.

My hand that was on the doorknob shook, my fingers trembling as I took a deep breath only to hold it in and didn't exhale.

Another surprise I wasn't ready to receive was behind the door I just opened.

The man I met when I was trying to escape was standing before me. His golden eyes snapping to look at me as I stood there silly with my mouth apart.

And he's naked.

"Escaping already?" I heard him speak. My insides twisted, and I tried to breathe through my nose. But I was too embarrassed and too shocked at who was in front of me – or how ridiculously close our bodies were.


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