
Civilized Magicians and Modern Evils.

There is a timeline three million large realms away from our earth. A sixteen year old from our earth has just reincarnated into the soul of a twenty nine years old man. It usually the other way around right. That because of regrets. But this is a novel of hope. This world is like our world but a bit different. It much better. His name was Simon Cross Now it Aizen Kiran Aisling. It a whole new world of ideas, languages and stories.

Lord_ofNothingness · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Car crash

Three million large realms away from our earth. In the outskirts of the City of Corinth on a lonely road. The chilling breeze rustled the falling, blue tree leaves.

A sport car similar in build, to a McLaren Speed-tail from earth zoom through. Except that the intrinsic design, Suggest that it was a product of superior materials and craftsmanship. The engine reverberated exactly like thunder in this secluded location.

Inside the car that was going about 120mph. are two equally handsome men, both appearing to be in their late 20's. In the driver seat, sat the handsome blond man. His deep blue eyes turned, from the road to the man beside him. Gazing at the other man with a cocky grin on his face. There was this mysterious, yet deeply attractive charm he radiated.

The young man riding in the passenger seat snorted and speaks with disdain.

"Humph who do you think taught you that trick." Pointing to the road he says

"focus, you passed the speed limit long time ago. Also it has been decades, since this road was last repaired."

Chuckling with confidence the blond man, slaps the black haired man's thighs. while saying

"Relax Aizen, what has you in a foul mood."

The car slow to a safe 60mph.

Among the blue leaves a rusted advertisement board, stood tilted backwards. With game over, being the only discernible words. Aizen looked away from the sign board only able to read Game over. Those words cause a strange feeling in his mind. Dispelling those thoughts he looked at Victor and said gloomily.

"You are my problem Victor, whatever business you had for me, couldn't it wait till morning. Also what in the hell is this car anyway."

With a pleased smirk Victor replied

"This beauty is a first generation thunder ant, only fifty would ever be made." Pointing at the shining ant emblem at the hood of the car.

"You see that, it is made of pure gold and has diamonds inserted into it." Making a sharp turn to the right the car speeds down the rough roads. He continues seriously "remember the secret society I told you that I joined. well your going to join today" Aizen looked Stunned for a second, before anger began to cloud his eyes before he could rage. Victor continues "listen this organization is ancient and powerful and they have magic. I kid you not they have real magic."He spoke plainly yet his words carried great impact. At the mention of magic, a light could be seen in Aizen eyes. He would have described himself as a nerd for magic. Through out his childhood he had always longed for someone to say similar words. But yet he was feeling doubtful. "before you say something cheesy, like a lame protagonist in those movies. have a look at this." He stretched is right hand to Aizen, as bright lights gathered on his palm forming beautiful and breathtaking images. Aizen was enchanted by this scene and he slowly reached for the light.

But, In the Sky storm clouds gather quickly. With the two men unaware of the lurking shadows above the clouds and in the forest. Their menacing figures forming an encirclement with a large radius, around the moving vehicle. As Aizen's trembling fingers neared the lights in Victor's palms. A terrifying light descended, on the hood of the sport car. Destroying the ant emblem, also vaporizing most of the hood, and sending the car flying backwards. The car spun a couple times, before crashing into the valley of blue trees.

The menacing figures surrounding the vehicle, continued onward in the direction Victor was previously headed. But smaller figures could be seen to have stayed behind. Their physical attributes now clear to any onlookers, as they approach the crash, descending from the clouds. It was very clear their intentions was to finish the two men off. Inside the wreckage a golden light could be seen pulsating around Victor's neck. Next golden rays start to flow through his vains. This lights look like golden snakes, drilled into his vains and every hole in his body healing his wounds. While his mangled friend kept bleeding.

The amulet explode once it work was done, causing Victor to wake with a jump before breaking the car apart with a swift motion, and slowly dragged Aizen far away from the car, with such smooth motions it can be seen that it was not his first time in such a situation. With a worried look on his face he gazed guilty at his dying friend. When he got far enough that he couldn't see the car. A sharp crying of weird beast echoes every where in the forest.

"Shreeechk sk squawk!!!"

The closest coming from the direction of the car. When he heard this noise Victor calmly reached his and forward and chanted

"otvorena spaise Ḍrēgana"

several times before a crack appeared in front of him. There was no abnormality or phenomenon. Just a tin crack in the air and out came a blue staff. After which the crack vanishes. He tapped the muddy ground twice with the staff and said "activate spell slot number five, hidden shelter."

A blue cube appeared, in a flash surrounding Aizen and Victor before fading away from view. Along with the two men. A huge downpour of rain began blanketing the whole region in mist.


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