

“Starting from here is where you will create Civilization”. It was the first sentence heard by over a million different players. A new VR game is released in a more advanced world than ours. A game where the objective is to start from nothing and make something with your own hands much like our ancestors. Build a village, build a city, build a kingdom, forge friendships and keep your friends close. Make weapons and grow stronger. What will our protagonist do in this world? And will the real world affect him in any way? The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Discord https://discord.gg/E7GXc456Kk There isn't much here at the moment will slowly grow it :) please be patient ^_^

DaoistZqipHd · Fantasy
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353 Chs

Chapter 214 -  Accept Me (Kingston Perspective)

Hearing that voice, I feel my whole body lunge into darkness, the surrounding space darkens and time slows down. Growls and screams muffle away, and the scarlet red vision is replaced with the night sky. Small white dots sparkle around me, but when I try to move my limbs, I find that I couldn't move. My voice wouldn't come out as well, and I couldn't blink.

Where was I? What am I doing here? Why can't I move? What is this place?

Thoughts race through my head, hammering into my brain one after the other. Questions pile on top of each other, but the answers weren't coming. I thought I died, but it was different from death. Yet at the same time, it has this familiar feeling. I couldn't shake it off.

"Look who we have here." - ???

A sweet voice, similar to that of a temptress at a bar, whispers into my right ear. The cold breath sends shivers down my spine and without seeing who or what was next to me, I reply slowly and as calmly as possible.