

The following night Hinata went to the Blood den and everyone shouted


He walked around for a bit talking to all his old friends and then he saw Acelina be the bar, he walked over and smiled "What's a beautiful girl like you doing at a bar by yourself" he teased, the second she heard his voice he jumped into his arms "you really know how to make an old lady feel special"

"more like a fossil", he joked as he kissed her "tomorrow is my first hunt with the others, I'm looking forward to it, maybe I can find some answers"

"Now that we formed a blood pact, how does it feel to be King, you can have literally anyone you want now"

"what if I said I just want you?"

she kissed him again "I didn't mean romantically, I'll always be your woman, I meant, any of these girls would gladly give their bodies to you, you're king, it wouldn't be uncommon"

"right now, I'll stick with the beautiful woman in my arms, now lets dance"

he led her by her hand out to the dance floor and smiled as they danced and drank the night away, then she leaned into him and whispered "My king, I want you to dominate me" she said with a blush as she led him to her bedroom, the two spent the night together and embraced, when it came time for the hunt. Shin'ya was now fully used to his vampire abilities and the special vampire power he got which was darkness manipulation.

"We noticed you didn't have clothes suited for combat so we took to liberty of making some for you our selves, hope you like it" she placed down the box and left the room, he placed his finger on the scanner and it opened. he put on the new gear and read the note that came with it "the Armor is designed to compensate for the vampire weaknesses

He looked in the mirror for the first time and saw himself, he had Pitch black wavy hair that went a little past his shoulders and bright red eyes, his face was well defined but didn't have any hard angles, it made him look incredibly attractive, the new outfit was black jeans, made a smooth fabric, black boots with a sound canceling sole, a red v neck and a black and red leather jacket, it came with a small device that acted as a communication device, he looked in the box again and saw a sword,, it was like a katana but the blade curved at the bottom into a dull guard on the side with the sharp edge of the blade, when he read the note he saw a small introduction "this blade can harness the power that your ring gives you and did I mention it's really sharp? it's really sharp" he picked the ring up and slipped it onto his finger, the ring was just a plain black band, with the inside being glossy red that extended around the edges of it

"Ohh yeah, this is gonna be fun"

He walked into the main room where everyone was waiting for him

"Ohh yeah, now you look like a badass hunter, let's go" Luci looked at him and smiled

"Alright, what exactly are we hunting?" Svenya tilted her head as she asked this question

"A Shapeshifter," James said with a cold and icy tone of voice

"ohh, boy, fun"

They went to the market and started looking around, after some time they eventually saw the shifter change and started to tail it, James stood up by a fruit stand and looked at the fruits to avoid its attention, Shin'ya and the rest were on the roof, they followed him for a bit before jumping down, Luci used one of her powers and put everyone into her domain, a small pocket dimension n which she reigned supreme, panicking, the creature turned into bird in an attempt to fly away but it was shot down by Svenya's bow, then she started singing to put it in a trance, James summoned fear chains and tried to chain it down, but it changed again into a massive leviathan.

Hinata looked at it and smiled, he turned into a mist and escaped its slash attack unharmed, then he reformed and cut it's arm off, he channeled the power from his ring which was the power of Tempest, he created a massive tsunami and then electrocuted it, killing the beast in a matter of seconds

"damn kid, that's pretty good for your first hunt, you're a natural" James' mouth was wide open in shock as he was completely impressed

"felt like muscle memory"

"Probably was but that doesn't change how impressive it was" Svenya couldn't help but be impressed as well.

"let's get back to the mansion"

"actually I'm gonna head to the den, guess I'm not really tired" Hinata left the domain and headed towards the den, when he got inside and headed up to Acelina's room, he saw something that made him want to kill someone, he saw the girl he loved, the only thing he was able to remember after losing his memories having sex with one of the vampire's, he felt betrayed and left without saying a word, when he got back to the mansion, he went up to his room without saying a word to anyone else and laid down in bed, he didn't do anything, he didn't say anything he just laid there starring u[ into nothing

"Hey, Hinata, are you okay?" Luci walked into the room and asked as she sat next to him

"sort of, no, not really"

"What's wrong?"

"saw Acelina fucking someone"



"Here, follow me, I have something that might cheer you up"

she grabbed his hand and started running to her room when she got in, she locked the door and tossed him a remote, then she tapped the wall and out came a mini fridge and a tv

"this house has a lot of secrets huh?"

"you have no idea, put it on, I'll get something good"

"a movie night?"

"Of course a movie night, you're done with her right? standard issue heartbreak package "movies junk food and in the case of guys, lots of alcohol"

Hinata laughed and looked at her "I don't drink but if you got lots of soda, I'd take that"

"I got you covered, hey do you like horrors?"

"Love them, it's my favorite type"

"Hey, mine too, good cause I got a great one"

The two of them watched movies all night long until they passed out on her couch and when they woke up, Hinata helped her clean up, after a while, he stopped and hugged her "thanks Luci, that helped a lot more than you could imagine"

"You lost two years worth of your memories and the only person that you were able to remember, the person you loved, cheated on you, of course, I would help you"

"Still thanks, I owe you" he turned to leave but stopped in the doorway, he hesitated for a moment before he spoke, "Wish I had dated someone as amazing as you" he then walked out without looking back.

After he left Luci, fell back onto her bed with a massive smile after hearing his words "You better remember us, idiot, you better remember me."