
Chapter 33: A Celebration of Life

*Emory’s POV*

By the time Emory awoke, Ken was already there with her. She bolted upright.

“Ken! What’re you doing? You should –“

She stopped when she saw the scar on his shoulder, raised and pink but properly healed. Her jaw dropped.

“How on earth did the healers manage this?” she asked, scurrying out of bed. Ken’s fanged grin matched his low, mischievous chuckle.

“I didn’t tell you we shifters heal quickly? Must have slipped my mind.”

Emory scrunched her nose at him and pulled her arms around his neck. “Seriously, do you guys have every physical advantage in the world?”

Ken reached his arms around her and pulled her up so her feet dangled from the floor. Emory giggled and put her hands on the rock-hard pectorals of his muscled chest.

“Are you telling me you mind?” he asked, and Emory laughed and shook her head furiously, wavy light red hair wild and unkempt.

“No, you’re perfect,” she murmured, leaning down to kiss his lips. “Mm, you taste like strawberries.”