
City: I Can Modify The Relationship Between Characters With One Click

As long as you look at someone's photo, video, or person, you can modify the relationship between yourself and TA at will! Jiang Ge modified the relationship with Lin Rexin, the goddess of all people, and became his girlfriend with one click! Not far away to meet him! Jiang Ge directly brought Lin Rexin home. That day, his parents were shocked! The whole village is a sensation! "Jiang Ge actually found a big celebrity as his wife!" In the company, Jiang Ge, who was supposed to be promoted, was replaced by the manager's nephew, and he was pushed out by them everywhere. Jiang Ge: "It depends on relationships, right? I have a showdown, the boss of the company is my sister!" The iceberg beauty in the company, the high-cold president Chen Bingfei, went down to Jiang Ge's branch in person, turned into a brother-in-law madman, and became angry. Ginger! "Brother, who bullied you? I will fire him personally!" I saw a wanted warrant on the road, with a bonus of 500,000 wanted criminals! Jiang Ge had a big brain hole, in order to get the position of the wanted criminal, he directly modified the relationship and became his accomplice... A certain big family has a lot of bad records, and even provoked Jiang Ge. Modify the relationship and directly become a prince, and a big family will be destroyed by phone! Until one day, Jiang Ge discovered the function of his system, which is far from this! Can it be used not only on humans? ...It can still... Gradually, Jiang Ge finally realized the real horror of this system... Tags: system, romance, sign in system, modify, action, super power, super ability, strongest I will upload 10/20 chapters weekly °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° This is a Chinese novel that is paid for, so I will translate all chapters for free for everyone. Also, on WebNovel, if you upload a copyrighted novel, it will be blocked. For this season, I am going to change the name of a very important character so that this novel does not get blocked. I apologize in advance for any errors in the translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if you find any errors in the chapter, please tag me so that I can fix them. Chinese Name: See My Review Translator: Axon image Cover By: Xiao Dingdang

Axon46 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 5: Ex-girlfriend comes back to get things

He used to tell jokes to his girlfriend, only to get a cold eye roll in return.

"Here comes the fried chicken, be careful not to scald it." The waitress brought a large plate of hot and fragrant fried chicken and put it on the table. "Please use it slowly, you two."

The soy sauce-colored fried chicken noodles were mixed with red and green peppers. Steaming hot and fragrant.

"It smells so good!" Lin Yun exclaimed after smelling it.

"Eat!" Jiehong Ge gestured to Lin Yun to start.

Lin Yun picked up a piece of chicken, opened her red lips and bit on the chicken.

"It's delicious!"

"It's delicious. Eat more."

Jiehong Ge also started to eat.

After eating for a while, Jiehong Ge found that Lin Yun stopped eating, so he asked: "Why did you stop eating after a few pieces?"

Lin Yun covered her mouth and replied sheepishly: "The fried chicken is really good. Eat! But I can't eat anymore. I usually eat cucumbers and green vegetables, and there is almost no oil..."

Jiehong Ge suddenly realized: "It's to keep in shape, right?

" Yeah." Lin Yun nodded.

"It turns out that being a star is so hard. You can't even eat delicious food. If I would rather be fat and die, what's the point of living without eating delicious food?" Jiehong Ge couldn't help complaining. {https://direct.me/axon46}

Then, Jiehong Ge seemed to remember something and said mysteriously to Lin Yun: "Why don't you eat some more? You won't be afraid of gaining weight. You have to do intense exercise at night. You can't do it without physical strength."

"What? Intense exercise?" Lin Yun looked cute.

"What do you think? Didn't you say you wanted to give me a gift?" Jiehong Ge said with a smirk on his face.

Lin Yun suddenly understood and blushed: "Bad guy~"

"Have you had a boyfriend before?" Jiehong Ge asked.

Lin Yun shook her head: "No, you are my first love!"

Having said this, who still wants to eat?

Jiehong Ge paid the bill, and took Lin Yun directly out of the mall and got on his electric tricycle.

"Go home!" Jiehong Ge turned the switch, and the electric tricycle sped down the street again.

When they arrived at the rental house, Jiehong Ge locked the door and the two of them sat on the bed, feeling a little embarrassed.

It's only afternoon now and it's still daylight.

Lin Yun blushed, suddenly stood up, and walked to the middle of the room: "Have you seen me dance?"

Jiehong Ge nodded: "Yes, in the video."

"I'm asking in reality," Lin Yun said .

"That's not the case." Jiehong Ge shook his head.

"Then let me dance for you!"


Watching Lin Yun dance alone, what a treat it is! Of course Jiehong Ge was happy.

Lin Yun played a guzheng tune on her mobile phone and danced to the tune in a classical style.

This kind of dance is a test of basic skills. It is different from home dance. With just a few years of professional dance experience, it is impossible to achieve that kind of effect and charm.

However, Lin Yun performed this dance extremely perfectly. She turned her waist, stretched her limbs, every frown, smile, and every move was so graceful. Jumping and jumping, she slowly walked towards Jiehong Ge, her slender fingers lightly traced the back of Jiehong Ge's hand, her slender waist like a willow branch gently turned, and her sleeves touched Jiehong Ge's face lightly. She is flirtatious, her eyes are charming, and her gentle eyes seem to make water drop. . .

"Hiss!... I can't help it anymore!" Jiehong Ge roared angrily, grabbing Lin Yun's wrist and pulling her into his arms.

Like a ball of warm and fragrant nephrite, she exhaled like a orchid. . .

But at this juncture.

Bang bang bang! A knock on the door broke the atmosphere.

Lin Yun stood up immediately, her face already as red as a red apple.

"Who the hell is knocking on the door at this time!" Jiehong Ge couldn't help but greet the eighteen generations of ancestors of the person who knocked on the door.

"Who?" Jiehong Ge asked angrily.

"It's me, open the door." A woman's voice came from outside the door. "I didn't take away some clothes yesterday. I came back to take them away today. The door was locked in broad daylight. Really." The woman continued to complain.

As soon as Jiehong Ge heard it, he knew that the voice was none other than her ex-girlfriend, Li Xuan, who had just broken up with her.

"Who is it?" Lin Yun asked.

"Li Xuan." Jiehong Ge replied. Seeing Lin Yun's confused look, Jiehong Ge explained: "My ex-girlfriend has broken up."

"Oh." Lin Yun nodded sensibly: "I'll go just in time. Go to the bathroom."

With that said, Lin Yun stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Jiehong Ge opened the door. Standing outside the door were Li Xuan and a man in his thirties or forties, with Li Xuan holding his arm.

"This is my new boyfriend, come with me to pick up my things." Li Xuan introduced the man next to him as if to show off.

"Hello little brother, my name is Wu Gang." The man smiled slightly and extended his palm to Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge naturally didn't want to shake hands with him and ignored him. She just said to Li Xuan expressionlessly: "Hurry up, take your things and leave, don't waste my time."

Li Xuan had never heard Jiehong Ge talking to her like this before, and she immediately became angry: "You are so stupid What's your attitude? It's weird that a woman likes you! You deserve to be single for the rest of your life!" After saying that, he walked into the room and opened the cabinet to get her clothes.

Jiehong Ge didn't want to talk to the woman, he just wanted to wait for her to finish getting her things quickly, and he never wanted to see her again.

At this time, the man standing at the door spoke. He scratched his head toward the room, with a half-smiling expression, and whispered to Jiehong Ge: "Little brother, you must be in your 20s, right?" The conditions for living in a rental house like this are indeed a bit poor. I heard from Li Xuan that you don't have a car yet and ride an electric tricycle to and from work every day. You still need to work harder in the future."

Jiehong Ge felt strong in his heart when he heard this . Because of his discomfort, he had already snatched his girlfriend away and lectured him in such a disgusting tone. He directly replied: "Who do you think you are? Do you need to talk to me in this tone? Aren't you just a rag picker?" Well, you take what others don't want and use it as a treasure!"

Wu Gang had obviously never been criticized by others. He didn't expect Jiehong Ge to speak so directly. His face changed and he said sternly: "Young people nowadays, I advise you to be careful when speaking. , Don't be so angry, it's easy to suffer!"

Jiehong Ge became angry when he saw him. He couldn't calm down and replied angrily,

"Are you threatening me? I'm so angry, what do you do? Me! You are a son of a bitch if you don't fuck me!"


What are you scolding?

Jiehong Ge still doesn't believe it. Who is afraid of whom in today's society? Is there still a chance of **? How awesome is this pretense?

Li Xuan, who was in the house, heard the two people outside scolding each other, and shouted from behind: "What are you arguing about? I'll finish it soon, stop arguing!" {https://direct.me/axon46}

Outside the house, Wu Gang suddenly sneered and lowered his voice to Jiehong Ge said: "I really want to thank you for keeping Li Xuan's first time with me... I got her drunk last night. Guess what? At that time, she was calling you. "The name."

Jiehong Ge was stunned for a moment, feeling as if something was covering his heart. His heartbeat was slowing down. The feeling that something he had guarded so carefully was easily ruined was a heart-wrenching feeling.

Wu Gang added: "Do you know why this happened? Because you are a poor bitch, a loser! You don't deserve Li Xuan at all, you don't deserve any woman, you are a complete loser!"

Jiehong Ge became angry ! Yong, swung his fist fiercely and hit Wu Gang hard on the nose.