
City: I Can Modify The Relationship Between Characters With One Click

As long as you look at someone's photo, video, or person, you can modify the relationship between yourself and TA at will! Jiang Ge modified the relationship with Lin Rexin, the goddess of all people, and became his girlfriend with one click! Not far away to meet him! Jiang Ge directly brought Lin Rexin home. That day, his parents were shocked! The whole village is a sensation! "Jiang Ge actually found a big celebrity as his wife!" In the company, Jiang Ge, who was supposed to be promoted, was replaced by the manager's nephew, and he was pushed out by them everywhere. Jiang Ge: "It depends on relationships, right? I have a showdown, the boss of the company is my sister!" The iceberg beauty in the company, the high-cold president Chen Bingfei, went down to Jiang Ge's branch in person, turned into a brother-in-law madman, and became angry. Ginger! "Brother, who bullied you? I will fire him personally!" I saw a wanted warrant on the road, with a bonus of 500,000 wanted criminals! Jiang Ge had a big brain hole, in order to get the position of the wanted criminal, he directly modified the relationship and became his accomplice... A certain big family has a lot of bad records, and even provoked Jiang Ge. Modify the relationship and directly become a prince, and a big family will be destroyed by phone! Until one day, Jiang Ge discovered the function of his system, which is far from this! Can it be used not only on humans? ...It can still... Gradually, Jiang Ge finally realized the real horror of this system... Tags: system, romance, sign in system, modify, action, super power, super ability, strongest I will upload 10/20 chapters weekly °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° This is a Chinese novel that is paid for, so I will translate all chapters for free for everyone. Also, on WebNovel, if you upload a copyrighted novel, it will be blocked. For this season, I am going to change the name of a very important character so that this novel does not get blocked. I apologize in advance for any errors in the translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if you find any errors in the chapter, please tag me so that I can fix them. Chinese Name: See My Review Translator: Axon image Cover By: Xiao Dingdang

Axon46 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 30 Anchor Lu Linger

Jiehong Ge saw the policeman who questioned him yesterday walking towards him.

Jiehong Ge was a little nervous: "What's the matter?"

Two policemen took Jiehong Ge into the office, closed the door, and asked Jiehong Ge: "Did you go to Ning'an Road yesterday afternoon?"

"Yes, what's wrong? "

Why did you go there?"

"I was passing by the shopping mall from home."

"You parked for a while next to the garbage station on the east side of Ning'an Road. What were you doing?"

"I dropped my phone." Pick it up."

"Did you see any stray dogs at the garbage station?"


Were there anything unusual about those dogs?


"You know, those dogs were the ones that killed Wu Gang."

Jiehong Ge was surprised: "What? How could they come so far to bite him? Uncle policeman, why are you asking me these questions? Do those dogs have owners? Do you want to hold them accountable?"

The policeman did not answer and continued to ask. : "One minute after you parked the car, those dogs suddenly ran away from the garbage station, and they were all heading in the same direction."

Jiehong Ge nodded: "I saw them running away, and I didn't care at the time."

"You know " Why did they run away?"

"How do I know..."

"I mean, did you hear anything that scared the dogs?"

Jiehong Ge shook his head. : "No, I didn't pay attention."

After asking for a while, the two policemen looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, then we won't disturb you."

"Officer, why don't we have a meal together?"

The policeman left without staying to eat.

After Jiehong Ge sent them away, Li Xia came over and said, "Mr. Jiehong, what's going on? You won't do anything illegal, right?"

Jiehong Ge smiled: "Nonsense, I never do anything illegal. Discipline, let's go and eat."

I found a newly opened Malatang shop on the street. The decoration is quite exquisite.

After the spicy soup was served to them, they started eating quietly.

While eating Jiehong Ge, he thought: "Check it, no matter how you check, you can't find me." When

he returned to the company in the afternoon, Jiehong Ge was sitting on his chair with nothing to do, just wondering what else his system could do. use.

At this time, two buddies in a group came to him to play games.

One of them is Ding Lingfeng and the other is Fang Haihong. They are both men. They were junior high school classmates with Jiehong Ge and had a good relationship.

This was the group that Jiehong Ge used to brag about before.

Jiehong Ge called them Xiao Ding and Xiao Fang.

Xiao Ding: "Jiehong Ge, come play some games! I will take you flying."

Xiao Fang: "And me, the invincible shooter!"

Jiehong Ge smiled and typed back: "Don't cheat me and lose points." It's just a big incense."

Xiao Ding said, "Don't you look down on me? If you lose, it's mine."

Jiehong Ge replied, "Are you going to give me extra points?" while opening the game.

The three of them finished two and knelt down.

Unconvinced, he fired again.

While playing the game and chatting via voice, Jiehong Ge walked out of the office and came to his car to play with them in order to have the freedom to turn on the black voice.

Xiao Ding said: "Have you watched the game recently? The commentator is called Lu Ling'er. She is so good-looking. I can just watch her without watching the game!"

Xiao Fang: "I saw it! The game is really exciting! Lu Ling'er is such a beautiful person, you have to find someone like this when looking for a girlfriend!"

Jiehong Ge said, "I haven't watched the game in the past two days, but I have seen Lu Ling'er commentating before, and she looks pretty average."

Xiao Ding: "Is this average? Oh, by the way, I forgot who you are talking to Lin Yun. Compared with Lin Yun, Lu Ling'er is nothing. Mr. Jiehong is superior! When will Mr. Jiehong be able to Just take Lin Yun out of her dream."

Jiehong Ge smiled, knowing that he was sarcastic.

Xiao Fang also answered: "Mr. Jiehong is tall and strong, and he was caught to death again, 0-3 tsk tsk tsk..."

Jiehong Ge: "Don't wait for me to grow..."

Xiao Ding suddenly said: " It would be great if I could play a game with Lu Ling'er."

Jiehong Ge said while controlling the game character: "Looking at your potential, Lu Ling'er knows me. I'll make an appointment with her offline and let's play together. Black."

Xiao Ding: "How can you die if you don't brag?"

Jiehong Ge: "You don't believe it, right? What will you do if I ask her out?"

Xiao Ding: "You can ask her offline. I can do anything, just kneel down and kowtow to you!"

Jiehong Ge from Yuebao Bookstore said: "If I can make an appointment, do you dare to change your online name to 'I am a fool'?"

Xiao Ding: "Just change it. What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Fang: "Is it fun to just change your online name? Jiehong Ge, I don't believe you. If you can get Lu Ling'er to meet you offline, I'll yell "I'm a fool" on the street! "

Jiehong Ge said with a smile: "Okay, I will call her and make an appointment later, and I will tell you two then."

Xiao Ding: "Okay, you can make an appointment!"

After a while, the game was lost again, and Jiehong Ge simply refused. Playing games.

Turning on his phone, Jiehong Ge searched for Lu Ling'er's photos. She was actually pretty good-looking. She could definitely be called a little beauty. Her style was different from Lin Yunmei's.

If Lin Yun is compared to famous mountains and rivers, the beauty is breathtaking.

Lu Ling'er is a beautiful corner that you encounter accidentally while walking in the wild.

"System, change the relationship between me and her."

"Ding~ What relationship should I change to?"

At this time, Jiehong Ge suddenly had a bold idea. What if he also bound Lu Ling'er as a lover? how?

Then you have two girlfriends?

There are two. Can there be more?

What would happen if I collected photos of beauties from all over the world and bound them all to become my lover?

Isn't this pattern getting bigger?

Thinking of this, Jiehong Ge suddenly felt that his previous situation was smaller.

With the ability of this system, I can no longer be called a human, I am simply a god!

However, wouldn't this be a bit too exciting? A little overwhelmed, right?

"System, what will happen if the bound character relationship is canceled?"

"The bound relationship cannot be canceled."

"Ah... it cannot be canceled?" Jiehong Ge was thinking, if it cannot be canceled, what will happen? Not every step is irreversible.

If I use the system's functions crazily, will it cause trouble to my future self?

Jiehong Ge thought for a while and first bound Lu Linger as a friend.

"Ding~ The character relationship has been modified successfully. The current relationship is: friend."

Later, Jiehong Ge searched for Lu Ling'er's page and found that she was live broadcasting. When she was not giving commentary, she would broadcast live and play games.

Jiehong Ge casually clicked into her live broadcast room.

There are quite a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room. It can be seen from the barrage that many of them are "Lu Ling'er's wife".

However, Lu Ling'er played very seriously and didn't seem to pay much attention to the barrage.

Jiehong Ge added some money to the account and directly bought the most expensive gift.

It caught Lu Linger's attention.

"Thank you for the super island given by Pyongyang~ Wait..."

"Pyongyang, is this you Jiehong Ge... Hahaha, why did you give me that expensive gift?"

Jiehong Ge didn't What to say, I gave another one.

Lu Ling'er smiled and said: "Jiehong Ge, did you win the lottery today? I'll contact you when I get off the broadcast~"

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Who is Jiehong Ge!!!"

"I seem to have a good relationship with Lu Ling'er??"

"I gave away more than a dozen super islands, and Lu Ling'er doesn't even know my name..."

"Jiehong Ge came out to die! The hatred for seizing his wife is irreconcilable!!"

Lu Ling'er looked embarrassed when she saw these barrages: "Oh, it's not what you think..."