
City Dreamers Finds Love

Ajwad, a hopeful Dreamer in the city, searches for his Love and find unexpected romance with a stranger he met on a park.

Ajwad_Azatul · Fantasy
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Finds Love

Ajwad had always been a dreamer, with a heart full of hope and a belief that true love was waiting for him somewhere out there. He lived in a bustling city, surrounded by the noise of cars and people rushing to and fro, but he never lost sight of his dream.

Every day, Ajwad would walk through the city, his eyes scanning the crowds for a glimpse of his soulmate. He had an image in his mind of what she would look like - a kind smile, sparkling eyes, and a heart full of love. He would often find himself lost in thought, imagining what their life together would be like, the adventures they would have, and the love they would share.

But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Ajwad's hope began to fade. He had met many people, but none of them seemed to be the one he had been searching for. He began to wonder if he would ever find his true love, or if he was destined to be alone forever.

One day, as Ajwad was walking through the park, he saw a woman sitting on a bench, reading a book. Something about her caught his eye, and he felt drawn to her. He approached her and struck up a conversation, and before he knew it, they were talking for hours. Her name was Aisha, and she was kind, intelligent, and funny.

Ajwad felt a spark between them, and he knew that he had found his soulmate. Over the next few weeks, they spent every moment together, exploring the city, trying new foods, and talking about their hopes and dreams. Ajwad felt more alive than he had ever felt before, and he knew that he had finally found the love of his life.

Years went by, and Ajwad and Aisha's love only grew stronger. They got married, started a family, and built a beautiful life together. They still walked through the city hand in hand, and every time Ajwad looked at Aisha, he knew that he had been blessed to find the one he had been searching for.