

Levi_001 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Few days left

Grrrrrrrrrr,..... grrrrrrr Come on, it's already morning or is the alarm faulty or what. *signs

*From the kitchen, Oliver!! breakfast is ready, come downstairs. How is that possible, mum made breakfast this early? what's going on.....

Am coming!

'Good morning mum, what are we having this morning? Your favourite but go wake your sister up first.

Wake up! Ava, urhhhh.... leave me alone oliver.

Get up! go freshen up breakfast is ready and you also you'll be late for school, it's already 7:00am and you're still in bed sleeping

oh gosh, why didn't you tell me that before?

*back at the kitchen, you made breakfast early this morning what's the occasion?

Don't worry dear, it's just work issues, here's your sister's food..., Byeeee

Ava! you're gonna be late, what are you doing?

Am coming *yells Look, am done ok. Don't talk to me like that and I've packed your food already, let's go.


My name is Oliver, well I lost my dad was I was very young; my mum and Ava are just all I have left. I got my admission letter to start schooling in Harvard university recently. *sighs next tomorrow is that day, and I have to start getting packed up.... what a drag.

Alighted from the taxi, bye Big bro Oliver

Behave well in school. Byeeee little sister...

*Oliver in deep thought

I wonder what's wrong with mum this morning, I guess I'll find out when she gets back from work.


*on the phone, hey Jordan

Oliver, how are you doing? have you packed for school am very excited.

Nope, I've not packed yet and besides there's still a day left bro.

"okay, why did you call?

'well let's hang out today,.... let's meet at that Chinese restaurant and don't worry the bills on me.

"that's what am talking about, I'll be there shortly, he retorted'

See you soon then *hangs up
