
Chapter 78 - Hollyn

We might not win the war, love. Drace's words from two days ago danced across my mind for the millionth time. I sighed as I dragged my spoon through the bowl of cereal again. Not even my Alphabets cereal was providing me with any inspiration today.

"We'll win this, Stretch," Thane said—for the billionth time.

I lifted my head, smiled. Nodded. Neither of us really believed it, but we were trying to stay positive.

Tove slid some toast onto my plate. Two egg yolks made eyes and a piece of bacon made a smile. "Come on. We're not going to win with this crap attitude. Dig in, eat your breakfast. Then we get to start the ever wonderful training again."

Thane snorted. "Plummeting towards my death from the top of my home isn't really what I would call wonderful training."

"That's because you're not focusing. Maybe I should push Hollyn off the roof. I bet you'd be real good at flying then," Drace said as she joined us at the kitchen island for breakfast.

Two of my three men snarled.