


---Ryder, Aiden’s girlfriend-01

For someone who didn’t particularly like crowded places nor sports, Ryder was bored out of her mind to the point she had put on her headphones listening to music while searching online how to make a Mad Hatter hat. She had truly tried to focus on the game but after a while it was getting quite boring.

Of course, that wasn’t the case for Jasmine. That Momma bear had quite some lungs. She seemed to be enjoying the game a lot. Given the fact that she had decided from the beginning that she would be with the team from the other school just because of spite, she had seized this opportunity to indirectly bully Aiden. Jasmine couldn’t just start cheering for the other team with everyone from her school there. After all even though she wasn’t famous or whatever, she had quite the reputation and a lot of people knew her. So she could only yell at Aiden all sort of things.