
Ciel Ryūjin: I Found

Seven strangers. Tousuki leads a life filled with hospital trips, Emile has a hard time fitting in since he’s “delusional”. Veronica and Jamie are being hunted by the government. Johanie kills whatever she touches. Alakai is a rich boy with problems and Joelle Young is just a loner. They all have one thing in common, they are all weird. Coincidence?! I think not! (On Hiatus)

JaileenRaniz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


This wasn't part of the plan.

In fact none of it was, from the beginning I was and will always be that one special kid. The "you have to treat him nice" kid, I thought it was sweet to have people who are caring around me, maybe having ADHD and a medical collar isn't such a bad thing. Of course I was naive back then, I thought everybody was nice, I'm always wrong.

I live in a small town called Cosmic Falls, 4% of its population has abnormal abilities. Of course those people are ranked, with different symbols meaning something contrary. There are the third level stars, the star means almost normal and harmless. The people who are on the "Star" level have mild faculty.

Then there's the Triangle, a Triangle has three corners each symbolizing something that could happen to the person on triangle level if anything they do hurts the society. The corner on the bottom left is "Hurt," they break a rule they get hurt. The bottom right corner is an option they have which is "Hide." Finally the top is "Death." The second rank has "environmentally unfriendly" powers. Their capacity is harmful towards people and the environment, but they aren't SWAT worthy.

Ultimately, there is the first rank, "Lane." Lane is a horizontal line, this defines a heart monitor line. Logically it means death; so this rank is the most substantial and minacious. Luckily there is only 1% of these people on the planet. This is mostly because the rest were killed off the world. People with this much potential are hunted if they break the smallest of laws. Despite their rank, they are all called, "Magicians."

My name is Tousuki Tokio Norigani, I'm thirteen years old, and I thought that that was the beginning. An explosion, some delusional strangers and aliens changed that. It's really complicated, if some fortune teller told me this would happen, I would want a refund. Sadly, this wasn't the case, all I could do now is sigh.