
Chronicles of Venandi

In a world where anitus, magics and mythical beings are true, a young boy named Venandi unfolds the mystery of his magic and why it is different from others. Will this magic bring his demise or will he be able to overcome all the challenges he has to face?

PenTerry · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Well, aside from my Inang's loud voice, I am awakened by the chirping of the birds from outside the window and the morning light. I guess it's that time of the year. For eight years now, I dream of a boy, maybe as old as me now. Yet all those years, I am still fumbling in the dark. What does it imply? Why am I seeing those? And better yet, why me? Or maybe that boy is me, and the anitus are cursing me. Perhaps, I am just imagining things. Besides, atop those questions, I have now in my plate an enraged Inang, upset that her son rises up late.

"Venandi, it is your first day of school today and here you are, still lying on the bed." Inang scolds me as she cleans herself, removing the bandana wrapped on her head. She is always this strict. "You are expected to be more responsible by now. At this time, you should be at school! You must remember what I always say, 'The early bird catches the worm.' You are already eight years old!" She shouts, almost flipping me upside down. "And what did I tell you about having a tattoo already? It is our pride to have one in as early as your age!"

I only smile at her outbursts. "But the second mouse gets the cheese." I reply to which she only roll her eyes at. I laugh. Inang may be strict, but she's a loving mother.

Oh, yeah. It's my first day of school.

Children from Tribo Katipunan walk to Sangguniang Kabataan, a school in the tribe where we are taught the basics. I walk from the southwest part of Tribo Katipunan near the forest, and together with me are children my age. I hope nothing goes wrong on my first day.

Since children like me don't know what our magics are yet, we are mixed as a heterogenous class, and we're called the Electus.

Everyone settles down as soon as the guru enters the tectum, the room where the Electus are found learning. Every step from him radiates superiority and intimidation. He eyes the rest of everyone in the room and heaves out a sigh. "Let's get on with our first lesson. Does anyone of you here know anything about the anitus?"

Some dare to raise their hand, but guru answers his own question. "The anitus are who we pray to. We worship and prove our devotion to them so they could bless us with magic in return. It is a cycle, you see. For them to continue giving blessings, we must not tire of showing our gratitude towards them." He stops talking, and a random kid asks, "What happens when we displease the anitus? Do they ever get angry?"

Guru smiles at him and replies, "If I refuse to answer that question of yours, what will be your reaction?" He then starts to laugh at his own remark. "This group of Electus feels constrained! What are you afraid of? You are here to learn! Lighten up a bit." After he laughs, he introduces himself to be Guru Diwa. "The magic the anitus bless us with are mainly used for fighting and self-defense, but there are multitude of uses. The reason you are here is because you need to be introduced to the world of combat first. Different gurus will teach you various techniques. Mastering combat skills will be quite useful for all of you when you reach the right age, and the day of impressing the Lakan comes. Of course, by then, you will be training on your specified magical elements, which we will know later this day as we do the screening of your test.

"However, don't feel proud yet. You being here does not guarantee yourself of eventually having the strongest magic. It will depend on how fast you learn, how well you adapt, how cunning you can be, and how strategic you can get. If you have already developed an original skill unique to you, then that will become handy sooner or later. Magic is not all, remember that. The one who bears it must learn first how to use, control, and enhance it to one's favor. But worry not as people who are not apt for the world of mages end up in other fields as well, such as farming, hunting, gathering, fishing, and even in architecture! Well, I must say, mage or not, everyone in the village plays vital roles in maintaining the hierarchy."

Seeing most of us are in a daze, he continues to lecture us. "Well, enough of that. You are still Electus. I am sure you are well aware of the hierarchy in the village, the Locum, yes?" We all agree. "The one who oversees everything in the village is our Lakan, our village leader. Everyone knows Lakan Buhawi. He rules over the existing eight tribes namely Tribo Maaraw, Tribo Bathala-on, Tribo Katipunan, the three main tribes located at the heart of the village, and the other small tribes, Tribo Tubigon, Tribo Sawa, Tribo Tausug, Tribo Maguindanao, and Tribo Amihan. The Lakan lives in Tribo Bathala-on and the Katolanon is also there. However, their presence in Tribo Bathala-on does not declare superiority among the other tribos. The Katolanon is the Lakan's adviser and is an important member of the Council, so he is needed to be within the same area as the Lakan.

"The Katolanon is considered the Head Priest of the village and is next in rank to the Lakan, but it does not mean that he can succeed the position of the Lakan once the current one retires. The Katolanon is the one who supervises the religious matters in the village. Only the descendants included in the bloodline of the Katolanon can inherit its mantle, making their power in the council constant, in contrast to that of the Lakan whose position is not completely secured. What I mean is that the Lakan can be impeached on legal grounds, and the Council is allowed to decide on that matter. The one who becomes next in line to the Lakan is the person who continually impresses him annually on the renowned friendly meet of the tribes, the Pagtitipon.

"Pagtitipon is held at Tribo Bathala-on, gathering students from every tribe. It is also considered as the coming-of-age battle of the young Virs, students who have become familiar or have experted their specific elemental magics. The Lakan's chosen successor will be his disciple, and he will learn from him personally. In time, he'll be declared the new Lakan of the village. Right now, Lakan Buhawi, still hasn't shown any interest on a particular student. If I were to have a say, I have always rooted for the boy from Tribo Sawa. He has shown improvements since he started joining the Pagtitipon. Well, I don't have much to say regarding the competition anyway, so let me ask you this instead, who wants to become the Lakan's successor?"

Everyone in the tectum joins the loud uproar. Of course, we all want to become the successor. Guru Diwa sure has his way of creating competition among us.

"Now, now, Electus. Compose yourselves. I am not finished yet. The Apos come next when it comes to rank in the village. They lead the eight tribos that I mentioned earlier. In simple logic, since Pinagpala has eight tribos, then it means that we have eight Apos. They are all part of the Council."

The girl next to me raises her hand, "Are you an Apo, Guru Diwa?"

Her inquiry gets bullies all eyes on her as they criticize her.


This hierarchy is starting to creep me out. It divides people according to ranks; to strengths, and it scares me the most.

"No, I am not an Apo in case you weren't listening when I introduced myself earlier." His remark is quite sarcastic, but no one dares to laugh at it in fear of being scolded again. "Anyway, Apos can also become the next Lakan, but only if they gain the favors of the Council through votes. Of course, the one with the highest vote gets the emptied position of the Lakan."

It is my turn to ask a question. "Did it ever happen, even once, that a woman ruled over Pinagpala, Guru?"

Guru shifts his gaze to me. "Of course not! It did not happen, and I think it will never happen. That is such a bold question and a wild imagination, boy! Well, wherever you found it, it is clearly nonsense and quite unacceptable. Haha! If it ever ocurred, then it strongly invalidated and discriminated the power of men to rule."

"But, guru, how does your say regarding the notion of permitting women to rule not invalidate nor discriminate their power to rule? But isn't Apo Laume the current Apo of Tribo Bathala-on? How did the other male Apos react to this?" I ask. His face turns red, obviously suppressing an anger about to burst. "I am just curious, guru. Is it wrong to ask now? I thought you clearly said that we are here to learn. I believe asking questions are quite important in learning, and feedback, too."

Those seem to tick his anger more as he nears me with red eyes. "What's your name, Electus?" The emphasis on my rank reminds me again that I am still at the bottom of the Locum. Powerless. The courage that surges within me suddenly goes haywire.

"I am called Venandi, guru."

"Well, Electus," I fidget at the mention of my rank, "I admire your bravery merely by asking those questions. However, Venandi, it is uncalled-for. In case you still don't know, men are meant to lead over women and children. We are born for power! The disparity in strength and mental sharpness between men and women is enormous! You, young boy, must know of it. Looking at you now, it is most likely that you need constant reminder of that."

In the end, I cower in fear as the bullies start to poke their looks towards me now. This only means one thing: I put myself in too much light that I already attract many preys. I look around only to meet Amanikable's hawk eyes. Oh no! His name alone brings bad news to anyone who hears it, maybe except for his parents and friends. He is the infamous bully in our tribo. Not that he doesn't know me, in fact, he bullies me every time he gets his chance, that is, when Inang is not around. And now. The more reason I give him to bully me. Great! What have I done? All I ask is for this to end well. At least on my first day. Perhaps, I should have praised the anitu of Earth harder than the usual.

Guru Diwa went on to continue our lecture. "All of you are going to be tested today so we are able to sort you all out. The test will determine the type of magic you will be in." He then motions to lead us outside the tectum. As early as eight years old, we are bombarded with too much information, and as if the information is not enough, he points to where floating objects are located.

To answer our unspoken questions, he explains what those are. "Those are totems. Each of the totems represents the four elemental anitus and spirits that we worship. Stone, Water, Air, and Fire. The class will then be divided into castes according to their elemental magic. The rule is simple. Go at the center of the floating totems and chant these:

"Pray, the anitus all powerful and giving

Who bless this devoted being

May their mightiness hear this chant

Magic we seek, may they grant

Worship the Divine all to eternity

All for one, all for their glory!"

The totems swirl around guru as he speaks. While chanting, the Stone glows and later, a brown light becomes visible over his head. I couldn't be more amazed! I am just as astonished as everyone else at the scene unfolding before us. "The totem that glows during or after your chant is the element where you belong, and, of course, the light above me corresponds the light that emits from my respective totem. Don't be so surprised. Very well, then. I wish you all a good luck!"