
Chronicles of the Waifu Summoner

Short Synopsis In a world filled with magic and adventure, our protagonist, possesses a unique ability - a system that allows him to summon waifus from different realms to aid him in his quests. Follow Alex as he embarks on thrilling adventures, forms unbreakable bonds with his summoned companions, and discovers the true meaning of friendship and love. ... Long Synopsis Hey, you like harems? Kindom Building? System? Summning? Waifu's? Sex? R18? World filled with all kind of monsters and men gods and demons.? you do? But do you like harems and cute anime girls? You do as well?! Well then, it's a no brainer then, you should probably read this novel. The way the I integrates different characters from different animes is quite unique, in that they are stages/sequences where the MC goes around. "Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live... a real life?" The world changes when you click YES. In God's dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive one horror movie after another. Do you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything was just for staying alive. Until you find the secret of God's dimension. Who is the real enemy? This way of doing things instead of dumping all of the girls one by one as he is great. Won't be a small summoning list. It's not possible as on every level mc gets a summoning token. And of course with every level he climbed it was harder to climb, the next level required a lot of XP which also meant starting levels would be easier. So more summons to start with… So mc transmigrated into a new world. So it would be an original in a world that's bigger then the sun and filled with god's demons dungeons and dragons monsters and undead and all types of sub species you could say everything fucked every other thing to create new races so all the demi humans and elves. So humans won't be the dominant species.  Mc would start with a rock bottom unlike my other fanfiction. It will be filled with kingdom building, bounding betrayal, death and of course sex a lot of sex.  So what I need is I am stuck on two things. I would have a summoning system so what I want to ask is should I keep a normal summoning system that would summon anyone around the multiverse.   A novel revolving around being transported to another world with an op system. The mc spends his day chasing skirts and doing missions to level up. A standard journey to the top with lots of girls from various animes and games with a twist of that gaming feel (hunting mobs, doing missions). All the Rights goes to their respective writers

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

CH 2 Grind

So the quest won't disappear even if I fail it once. Which was good for me… I thought after reading the parchment.

"ALRIGHT," "LET'S DO THIS!" I said while leaving the place. 

In the Ramud plain, there are about 10 levels on average. Even if it's a blue-eyed wolf, it shouldn't be too strong since it's young., I thought as I teleported to the Ramud plain. 

It was a vastly open desert area filled with hills and a little bit of green, with small pounds of water here and there. It was nighttime here, so not much could be seen, but the little light that was here made the place look beautiful.

'And even though I'm level 10, my stats are close to those of a level 30. This should be doable!'

'Alright, let's look for this guy.' I thought as I opened the letter the guild master gave me that it had the general location of the wolf and where it had been seen last time. 

Time Skip. 

"Found him!"

It took some time to find the wolf, as the area was pretty big and NPCs don't stand in one place all the time. And wait for the Quest Completer. 

I thought as I stood on very the wolf was blowing at me eating a rabbit. Again proving how well the NPCs are designed. 

"Wait what, he's level 20?!" I thought as I checked its level, which allowed for me as he was directly connected with my quest.  

You can't check an NPC's level unless you capture or kill them, or it's directly connected with your quest. 

'It doesn't matter for me since my stats are high, but are you really expected to fight a level 20 monster at level 10?'

'Are quests for hidden classes always this diffi- cult?' and If so, I'm sure many would fail.'

'Well, I guess the flip side is that I won't have to worry about killing it in one blow...

That would happen if it were a level 10.

Let's get started!'

I thought as I took out my bow that this was one thing that I saved and transferred to this account from my beta tester account, as I was an archer in that.

As I always loved sniping people from afar, why would you put your life on the line when you can just shoot them from afar? 

This was a divine class item that's potential for destruction was on world boss level, but of course, I can't use it to its full power at least without reaching a certain level, killing a certain number of people and monsters, committing a certain number of atrocities, and meeting a few more hidden conditions, as this was powered by an evil heart as it comes from a boss monster. 

But aside from that, after getting it, I redesigned it using special data crystals and made it look slimmer than one of the most powerful Gilgamesh treasures, the Enki bow. 

And it can do everything that the Gilgamesh bow is able to do. It can even split up and become a pair of golden twin blades. Of course, my close combat is nearly shit, but I still gave the bow this form because I thought it would still be useful and it looked pretty cool.

This Bow was my pride and joy, and I spent hours upon hours redesigning it. Not counting the hours it took to defeat the boss in special conditions, I didn't know if I would get the bow for winning. 

As I aimed and fired the arrow. "Swiss"

"HRRGH!" And with Swift's movement, the arrow hit on its back as the wolf roared in pain. 

"GRRR," it roared once it saw me, and the wolf was faster than I predicted as its eyes glowed below and the wolf ran at me. Swiss, again, I fired another arrow, and the wolf didn't even whimper. 

"Crap, it'll die if I do this."

"CRRRAAAARGM" the wolf howled as it charged at me 

"THEN... "bam whimper" I punched it hard, and because of my not-so-average status, the wolf cried as tears came out of its eyes. 

"GRRR...." he continued to cry as he stopped attacking me. Its left cheek had a bump again. How good is the design? 

"I'm gonna have to beat you up first."

"I used my fists quite a bit when I was younger, especially when you had an annoying brother," I said as I snapped my fingers.




[The monster's HP must be reduced to a certain

level before contracting.] 

A popup window appeared in front of me, which I ignored as I knew that, and after two more punches, I stopped as I thought its HP was low enough plus it already had the bleeding effect. 

I took out the binding scroll and spoke the magic words. "Bind"



[You have failed to bind.]

Reading pop-up windows.

Huh? I'm pretty sure it'd die if I hit him again. Do I need to beat it up more? I thought. Meanwhile, the wolf was crying in the corner. 

'Okay then, I'll heal it up first so that it doesn't die..."

As I walked towards the wolf, taking out a huge piece of beef, I shoved it into its mouth and said, "Eat it all. If you don't wanna die." I said this as my eyes were glowing and I had an evil smile on my face. 

After he was done eating, I nodded.

"Alright, time to get beat up again now that you're done eating," I said, as terror could be seen in the wolf's eyes.

And just a few more punches, feeding him a few more times, failing to bind. I was done again. As the whimpering blue-eyed wolf lay in front of me, he seemed traumatized after many beatings. Taking out another scroll, I said


At this point, the wolf started to glow as it floated in the air, turning into a beam of light as it entered the scroll. 

[You have successfully bound the [Blue-eyed Wolf]

Phew, finally managed to bind it. Beating them up always works.

"Violence is always the answer if you fail because you did not use enough violence, to begin with."

I wasted a lot of time. What could I have done as the little fucker was not getting into the scroll no matter how much I beat it, and I tried it many times?

There must be quite a lot of users who have changed their class to summoner by now. But it shouldn't be much. I don't understand why they made it like this, as I had bought more binding scrolls from the shop just for this shitty quest. 


Whatever it is, I've gotta hurry. I thought as I put the scroll back into inventory and prepared to teleport away. 

Time Skip. 


"IT WASN'T AN EASY REQUE…" he said, but before he could complete his sentence, I spoke. 

"Yes. it wasn't. "That was one stub- born wolf," I said as I cut him off in the middle of his sentence and 

I took out the scroll.

"But I got it," I said while holding the scroll in my hands. 

"WHA…"  "YO-YOU'VE CAPTURED THE WOLF?" He said in an astonished voice. 

"Yes. "Is there a problem...?" I asked him after I heard his astonished voice. 

"INCREDIBLE... TRULY INCREDI BLE!" He said he grabbed the scroll after opening it. 


DID YOU SUCCEED? IMPOSSIBLE!" He said that after hearing him, I understood why it took so long to bind a 20-level blue-eyed wolf and why the quest was supposed to fail. That's the sole reason I've failed so many times. 

"So can I become a waifu summoner now?" I asked him while placing my hand on the front desk. 


'Now man, what the fuck this means' I thought after I heard him. 


Interesting. This must be interesting. I never heard anything about this. This must be some kind of hidden condition. But still, what it means, I thought while waiting for some pop-up screen to appear in front of me. 

And I didn't wait for long as a window popped up in front of me.

[Master's Path]

[The Summoner Guildmaster Cain is impressed

by your potential. He wants zip, zip. you to

embark on the Master's Path.]

'What...?! I've never heard of a class quest being set up like this…'

Let's see... as I click for more details…

[If you accept his suggestion, you may become a

[Master Summoner].]

Reading the line I nodded and clicked yes once again. 


Reward: Summoner 

(Master Summoner) Class.

Will you accept? [Yes] [No].]

There's no mistaking it! This must be a much higher-level class than the waifu tamer! 

I said it out loud with a wide, evil grin. 


"I'd like to become a master!" I said as I clicked yes, and blue light shined around me. The light was so intense that the whole guild shone.

 [You have changed class to [Summoner].

 [Master Summoner]


        New stat 'Taming' created.  New stat   

     Leadership' created. New stat: 'Exp gain' 

     created. New stat, 'Token level' created.

A new stat called "Love meter" was created.

  Skill Window 'Novice Summoning Lvl 1                     

(Proficiency 0%)...



         You have gained 500 reputations.

[Congratulations You have become the first.

 [Master Summoner].]

"I've become a master summoner! And it's not alone; I became the first master summoner hahaha hahaha hahaha"

"Okay, the first thing I need to do, is be the first in the game! And try to level up to 30 so I could enter wild grounds and adventure around so I could gain my first waifu. 


As I appeared in a lush green forest with mountains and some barren areas.

"UGH…" As I looked down, I saw a group of people standing in front of a red wolf.

As I appeared into a lush green forest with mountains and some barren areas.

"UGH…" As I looked down and saw a group party in front of a red wolf. 

Looks like there's already someone who's converted to the new class.

Apparently, that person is a summoner who looked like a magician built. who was welding a staff in his hands wearing a robe with a hood? 

Looks like they're trying to capture the crimson wolf. As the wolf ran fast.

Tch… I didn't think anyone would be faster than me. 


DON'T LOSE IT! CATCH IT!" Someone screamed from the party. 

"Well, guess I'll see how it's done." Said one of two females in the group.

"Fireball" "GHHHR!" as the magician shoots a fireball at the crimson wolf. Who roared at them in change…

"Its HP should almost be zero!" Said one of the old guys. 

"Alright, let's capture it!!!" Said another dude. 


Screamed the magician while opening the binding scroll. 

As blue light shined around the wolf but before it could become a beam it shoot forward.


DON'T LOSE IT! CATCH IT!" Screamed the guys with shocked faces. But it was too late… as this was out of our sights…

"Oh man, it would be a pain in the ass to find a crimson wolf again after you lose it…" said one of the boys in the group. He looked very frustrated just like everyone else at the adventuring party. 

"But it was good that I gotta watch them. seems like it really is difficult to capture a high tier monster." Said another man in the group. 

Seeing the group fail I sigh and walk away looking for a group of monsters. and it takes a long time to find them."

It might be better to just capture any monster I find first.… as I saw a group of wolves walking in the Valley. 

'Alright then… let's see which one of these wolves has the highest stats.'

"I'm gonna capture wolves aaaaall day today."

'I'll capture wolves and release all but the ones with the best stats.'

I'm also curious.

'The investigative nature of a gamer!'

"How many wolves can I capture with my leadership stat?"

"Let's get started…!" I said I took it from my back and aimed at the wolves in front of me and one after another I started to fire arrows and once there HPdown enough I stopped. They didn't know what hit them. 


I said as two magic circles appeared, one on the ground on which the wolf was laid one above him as the circle glowed blue and it disappeared in the scroll and the scroll also dissolved into blue particles. 

That's one.

[You have successfully captured a [Wolf].]

As the window popped in front of me I nodded and opened its stat window. 



VITALITY: 75/75.         TYPE: BEAST

ATTACK: 23.                TIER: NORMAL


AGILITY: 19.                 - CANNOT EVOLVE




"What the heck is this? timid? monsters have per- sonalities, huh.??"

"Well, whatever. next up is…" I said I walked to the next one.

"KKHR!" It howled at me… "Yeah yeah, whatever guy now get into the scroll. [Bind!] I said out loud. 

And just before it disappeared and so did the scroll. 

"Let's see what his person- ality is!"




VITALITY: 75/75.         TYPE: BEAST

ATTACK: 25.                TIER: NORMAL

DEFENCE: 12.             PERSONALITY: 

AGILITY: 24.                QUICK-WITTED





This one's the same level as the other wolf, but its stats are way higher.

And its name is also a little different.

Just like me and other Players or NPCs as I'm level ten but my stat is. Are way above that of a level ten with a bow that could one shot everything around here. 

So it's applied with all the NPC's meaning every monster could have a specialty with its own power so it should also be applied to Waifu's hahaha….

So monsters of the same type and level can have different stats.


"Let's see which one of these wolves has the highest stats.

I'm gonna capture wolves aaaaall day today."

Time skip

[Your [Affinity] Stat has increased by 1 after

successfully capturing repeatedly.] 

I read the popup window while capturing another wolf. It took time but finally, I had the whole pack but still, there was another pack not far from here…. 

"Grind and grind That's life." As the wolf and scroll dissolved a new window popped up in front of me. 

[You have gained the title "Wolf Specialist for

capturing a large number of wolves.]

[You will be able to identify superior wolves

without cap- turing them because of your "Wolf

Specialist" title.]

"Finally I got it! Now I don't have to waste real money for buying capturing scroll and don't had waste my time on capturing all of them" 

'Tch. couldn't they have just made it so it applies to all monsters?

...Well, I guess that's too much to ask for. After all, they need money as how they gonna pay for all the copyrights.'

"Alright, let's see…CANALYZEJ!" as I activated the title and a magic circle appeared in front of me and I saw All their levels. 





I turned to another wolf. It was the biggest and looked like Alpha and the leader of the pack. 


Reading it doesn't look special but what was special was that his name was in yellow rather than the normal white like everyone else…

I knew this wasn't a detailed problem or design flaw; they forgot that it was something special about the wolf plus his red eyes. 

"THIS ONE?" "AHHUUUU AHHUUU" as the wolf howled to intimate me, its fur stood up. Making him look even bigger. But I didn't back down.  We both knew what we were gonna do.

"GRRR...!" Again he howled at me but this time showing its teeth


Hearing me, the wolf charged at me. As my bow appears in my hands. 

Time Skip

"Yep, yep. looks like you know your place now." I said as I looked at the wolf who looked like it was beaten until every bone in his body was broken.  

[CCAPTURE]! I said out loud. And again with a glow of a magic circle, the wolf was gone, and the capturing scroll. 



VITALITY: 90/90.         TYPE: BEAST

ATTACK: 37.                TIER: NORMAL

DEFENCE: 15.             PERSONALITY: 

AGILITY: 29.                 VALIANT



It's level 11, but its stats are higher than that of level 14 wolves. plus…




"I don't need all these other wolves! I'll just focus on training this one!" I said I realized all the wolves, all the money's gone. 

"Teh! We were all just playthings!"


As I summoned the wolf out. And like a dog, it set on its two legs while looking at me


"Your name is Lyx from now on." Hearing me, the wolf started to spin its tail as it liked and I petted the wolf…

[Lyx seems to like his own name.]

[Your affinity with Ly has increased. Lyx's loyalty

has increased by 5.]

Reading the popup window I nodded. "There's a loyalty stat?"

"Alright then…!"

"IT'S TIME TO HUNT, LYX!" I said my part out loud  "GRAWR!" And hearing his howl he seemed to agree as we both ran. 


3rd person pov.

In a good looking house we see a man who looked healthy and in his twenties sitting in front of a 3rd computer. 

Our Killer Kings guilds become much weaker now that John is gone.

He said he's changing classes to the summoner. I wonder how he's doing with that.

I wonder when he's gonna return… and a summoner... is it any good in combat and in bed?

Let's see. information on the summoner class… said the man as the screen started to show him what he wanted. 

                                  TITLE.                  AUTH…

Isn't the summoner class absolute trash?

Wow, this class is a complete joke.

Don't become a summoner, everyone

I'm a level 12 summoner. Here are my thoughts after a hunt…


After reading the list the man sighs while bumping his head with his left hand. 

"Let's take a look at this."

@@ 00.00 KY401

I'm a level 12 summoner. here are my thoughts after a hunt

I became a summoner as soon as the server went live. First of all, the summoner class is very fun…..

But it has a very big disadvantage. you gain experience at an extremely slow rate. my summon takes a portion of my experience, so leveling up is really slow….











"This looks pretty bad.

John reset his character for this.

But it looks like it's true that leveling up early on is slow which is most important as you can't leave a semi safe area without being level 30…

Which directly contacts with getting your Waifu's.  

I can't imagine why a horny man could wait such a long time. And why would he even choose such a class? I can't even find a single piece of food about it on the net. 

It might take him a long time to even reach level 20 and join the guild." 


Meanwhile in Lustful Desire of the New World.

          [Congratulations You have become]

    [Level 20.]

I didn't get distracted by the widow as I already knew I was about the reach the level as I aimed "Swiss" as the arrow released 

"Hhhuuuu" is its target as the red fox whimper "GRAWL!" And Lyx attacked it "GRAARGH!!!" As Lyx roared again. 

And "KREEGH!" As Lyx took a huge chunk out of Red Fox's body while the Fox cried in pain while trying to bite Lyx's mouth. 

As its Fangs grow bigger forcing Lyx to let go of her. "GRAA!" while it Roared while still in pain as its whole body looks bloody with a huge chunk of its back gone and an arrow in its back…

"GRRR!" Lyx roared back at her. As both beasts charged at each other. As now it wasn't about life and death anymore now it was about pride. 

'His level and stats are lower than the Red Fox's

But he rushes in without any fear. Is it because of his personality?!'

"ALRIGHT. YOU'RE DOING GOOD, LYX!" I said as I cheered the beast. While again aiming. 

"GRRRRR...!" As the Lyx roared and kicked the box causing it to fall on its back exposing its stomach. Seeing my chance I realized the arrow  "GRAWL!" And it connected right in the place of the heart of the red fox. And with the bite on its throat, Lyx ended its life. 


       [You have defeated a [Red Fox]. You have        .

received 265 EXP.]

   .      [Summon [Lyx] has received 265 EXP]

'So our exp is split in half just like before 

I'd better get lyx up to at least level 15!'

"Okay then. Back to the grinding."

[You have activated the skill

'Novice Training'. (Cooldown: 35 minutes)]

[Summon [Lyx] will understand its summoner's

orders better for 10 minutes.]

                   [The summon's [Potential]

increases with training.

       (Summon [Lyx's] current Potential: 65)]

[You have activated [First Aid]. Summon [Lyx]

is healed by 45 health points.]


"Hand!" I said while training it. Lyx did…

'Do I really have to do this right now?' I'm sure these were his thoughts by looking at his face. 


"Lyx! Fetch!" I said while throwing a stick…

'I mean, I'll do it, but…'


"I'll just wing it"

'You'd better re do this.....'


"Ok now for the hunt…"


          [Summon [Lyx] has reached Level 15.]

Hope you Like it...

