
Chronicles of the Waifu Summoner{Novel}

Short Synopsis In a world filled with magic and adventure, our protagonist, possesses a unique ability - a system that allows him to summon waifus from different realms to aid him in his quests. Follow Alex as he embarks on thrilling adventures, forms unbreakable bonds with his summoned companions, and discovers the true meaning of friendship and love. ... Long Synopsis Hey, you like harems? Kindom Building? System? Summning? Waifu's? Sex? R18? World filled with all kind of monsters and men gods and demons.? you do? But do you like harems and cute anime girls? You do as well?! Well then, it's a no brainer then, you should probably read this novel. The way the I integrates different characters from different animes is quite unique, in that they are stages/sequences where the MC goes around. "Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live... a real life?" The world changes when you click YES. In God's dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive one horror movie after another. Do you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything was just for staying alive. Until you find the secret of God's dimension. Who is the real enemy? This way of doing things instead of dumping all of the girls one by one as he is great. Won't be a small summoning list. It's not possible as on every level mc gets a summoning token. And of course with every level he climbed it was harder to climb, the next level required a lot of XP which also meant starting levels would be easier. So more summons to start with… So mc transmigrated into a new world. So it would be an original in a world that's bigger then the sun and filled with god's demons dungeons and dragons monsters and undead and all types of sub species you could say everything fucked every other thing to create new races so all the demi humans and elves. So humans won't be the dominant species.  Mc would start with a rock bottom unlike my other fanfiction. It will be filled with kingdom building, bounding betrayal, death and of course sex a lot of sex.  So what I need is I am stuck on two things. I would have a summoning system so what I want to ask is should I keep a normal summoning system that would summon anyone around the multiverse.   All the Rights goes to their respective writers

GodOfGreedAs · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER 7 True Beginning

In the Kingdom of Eldoria, hope and anticipation had filled the hearts of its people as they gathered in the grand hall for the once-in-a-millennium event - the summoning of the hero. The entire kingdom had prepared for this moment for centuries, with generations of priests and priestesses dedicating their lives to mastering the ancient rituals.

The summoning circle, a mesmerizing array of intricate symbols and patterns, lay at the heart of the hall. Surrounding it were the most powerful priests and priestesses, their robes adorned with symbols of their faith. The King and Queen,

In the magnificent Kingdom of Eldoria, the grand hall of the royal palace buzzed with anticipation and excitement. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the soft glow of hundreds of candles illuminated the surroundings. At the heart of the hall stood an elaborate summoning circle, intricately drawn on the polished marble floor. Surrounding the circle were the kingdom's most powerful priests and priestesses, chanting ancient incantations with their eyes closed and hands raised toward the heavens.

the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. The kingdom's most powerful priests and priestesses, adorned in elegant robes, gathered in the magnificent temple at the heart of the royal castle. Surrounding them were the royal family and the entire council, all waiting for the momentous event that was about to take place - the summoning of a hero.

The temple was an awe-inspiring sight, with intricate carvings and ornate decorations adorning its walls. Its ceiling was adorned with a mesmerizing mosaic of mythical creatures and gods, glimmering under the enchanting glow of the magical crystals that adorned it.

But as the ritual began, an uneasy atmosphere settled over the hall. The incantations that were meant to evoke the power of the hero seemed feeble and desperate. 

At the center of the temple, a massive and ancient summoning circle had been inscribed onto the floor. The priests and priestesses chanted ancient incantations, their voices weaving a harmonious melody that resonated with the very fabric of the world. Mana surged through the temple, crackling and pulsating with power, ready to call forth a legendary hero from another realm.

On the raised dais at the back of the temple, the royal family and the council members observed the ceremony with bated breath. 

King Aldric, a wise and regal figure with a flowing golden beard, watched the proceedings with a mixture of hope and anxiety. Beside him stood Queen Elara, her elegant gown adorned with gems and jewels, her hands clasped tightly together in prayer. 

She also held the hand of their youngest child, Princess Aurora, whose eyes sparkled with excitement and wonder.

Beside the queen, the king's concubines and their children, the princes and princesses, stood together with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

The King's concubines, a group of stunningly beautiful women with unique abilities, were gathered nearby, their eyes shining with anticipation.

Among them was Prince Adrian, a stoic and disciplined warrior, and Princess Isabella, a spirited and fearless young woman who sought adventure beyond the castle walls.

The royal twins, Prince Alistair and Princess Isabella, stood together, their expressions a mix of curiosity and excitement. Isabella's eyes were wide with wonder as she gazed at the summoning circle, while Alistair wore a mischievous grin, eager to witness the spectacle.

As the priests and priestesses continued their incantations, the atmosphere in the hall grew charged with energy. The very air seemed to tremble, and the candles flickered erratically. Unbeknownst to the Kingdom, the summoning ritual had tapped into a wellspring of untamed mana that flowed all across the world.

The magic surged, growing beyond the control of the priests and priestesses. Brilliant streams of light shot out from the summoning circle, intertwining and dancing like celestial ribbons. The whole hall was bathed in a kaleidoscope of colors as the mana cascaded in an enchanting display.

Suddenly, the light coalesced into a blinding white orb at the center of the circle. It grew larger and more luminous, until it became almost unbearable to look at. The priests and priestesses shielded their eyes, their chants now desperate and urgent.

Princess Isabella felt her heart race with both fear and awe. She had never seen such powerful magic before, and her mind was filled with visions of legendary heroes and mythical creatures. Beside her, Prince Alistair whispered excitedly, "I wonder what kind of hero we'll get!"

As the chanting reached its crescendo, mana swirled in a dazzling display of colors, enveloping the entire temple. But as the summoning circle began to emit blinding flashes of light, something went terribly wrong. The power spiraled out of control, and the once harmonious chanting turned into frantic cries for control.

The mana spread like a wild storm, smashing against the walls of the castle, sending cracks running through the stone. The summoning circle groaned under the immense strain, threatening to break apart.

As the magic reached its zenith, the orb seemed to pulse with energy. Then, with a deafening crack, it exploded, sending shockwaves of mana in all directions. The entire kingdom trembled, and the earth itself seemed to shake.

Outside the palace, the citizens of Eldoria felt the ground quake beneath their feet. They looked up to see a dazzling display of light illuminating the sky. Gasps and murmurs spread through the city, and people wondered if the gods themselves were intervening.

In the grand hall, the priests and priestesses were knocked to the ground by the force of the explosion. The summoning circle cracked and shattered, its power spent. 

In the chaos, the massive crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling started to shake violently. Queen Elara gasped, pulling Princess Aurora close to shield her from falling debris. The council members tried to protect the royal family, but they too were caught in the mayhem.

Suddenly, the summoning circle shattered with a deafening roar, causing an even much stronger shockwave that reverberated through the entire kingdom. A wave of raw mana surged outward, tearing through the walls of the castle and demolishing parts of the royal castle.

The force of the explosion sent everyone flying, leaving them disoriented and bewildered. As the dust settled, King Roland struggled to his feet, his eyes scanning the aftermath in horror. The once majestic castle lay in ruins, and the summoned hero was nowhere to be seen.

In the midst of the destruction, Princess Isabella and Prince Adrian rushed to their parents' side, helping them up with concern etched on their faces. Princess Aurora clung to her mother, her eyes wide with fear.

Despite the devastation, the kingdom's indomitable spirit remained unbroken. The council members and servants rushed to assess the damage, and the royal family vowed to rebuild their beloved place. As for the summoning, it was clear that they would have to go there enemy ground.

Rumors began to spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom. Some claimed that the gods had forsaken them, while others believed that the ancient rituals were flawed and obsolete. A sense of hopelessness and desolation hung in the air, as the realization set in that they had failed to summon the hero they had so desperately hoped for.


In a far- far forest. 

The forest is quiet, the trees rustling slightly as the wind blows. A few squirrels jump from tree to tree, playing around. It's a perfect day to relax.

A magic circle suddenly appears in the forest, scaring a few birds away and forcing the squirrels to hide. It then glows and shoots out a guy a few feet off the ground.



The pain is the first thing I feel as I open my eyes and am met with sunlight shining down on me. My head and body feel like they have taken a beating, and I feel aches all over my body as I lift my right hand to block the light. My mind is fuzzy, and I fail to focus on any of my thoughts. What the hell happened? I attempt to sit up but fail as my body refuses to move, and I feel a slight tingling in my limbs.

"W-what," I say. My throat feels as dry as a desert, and my voice sounds very rough. Where am I? I can't... remember? No, that isn't it. My mind is still fuzzy, and I can't focus on my memories. I spend the next couple of minutes trying to move and focus on anything before I finally feel the pain start to lessen.

My mind starts to clear, and memories return to me. My body still refuses to move, so I focus inwards and try to figure out what happened. The last thing I remember is the bet... no, not the bet. I was in my room, preparing for the game, no, not that either. I was about to summon my waifu then Error, and finally... darkness. 

Did I fall asleep? I can't remember feeling particularly tired or sleepy. I shake my head; I need to figure out where I am. The sunlight proves I am definitely outside, but how did I get out of my game house? I try to sit up again and this time succeed in doing so. I can still feel some slight aches, but to my surprise, everything else, including the pain, has just vanished. I don't feel any pain or discomfort at all.

I rub my eyes and lift a hand to block the sun as I look at my surroundings. My eyes widen as I take everything in. I am in what seems to be a forest clearing and am surrounded on all sides by tall trees, foliage, and very big... flowers? They seem like flowers, but last I checked, flowers weren't 3 ft tall and didn't have moving petals. I shake my head and look away from the 'flowers.'

There aren't any followers like that, not the trees like these in the game. I need to figure out where I am and how I got here. I try to use the system window to control all this control by my mind, but nothing happens. Then I reach for the system window, but nothing happens.

I try to announce it out loud, but nothing happens. 

I reach into my pocket to grab my phone, but I don't feel anything like a pocket. I look down at myself and feel my confusion increase. I am still in my game attire with all those buffs from this equipment. 

But next comes the shocking part as I look at the ring of Solomon that is still on my finger. As I look at my hand with wide eyes.

As my hand has fingerprints. Something that is strictly forbidden to simulate so people won't be able to copy it. And the agents who tried it got billions of dollars to sue on their names.

It's something security matters and courts around the world have forbidden any company to simulate fingerprints.

So my hands having my fingerprints tell me I wasn't in the game. To confirm it, I look at my tongue, and just like my fingerprints, my taste buds on my tongue are unique. 

Before I could question what the fuck is going on, what the fuck happened, why I was dressed in my gaming character, a ping sounds in my head, followed by a voice and a blue transparent screen popping up in front of me.

[Transmigration and Integration Complete]

The next thing I know, I feel unimaginable pain in my head, forcing me to grab it as the system loads. I start pounding my head against the ground, trying to release even a little bit of pain, but it doesn't work. It feels like hours as the loading progress goes in front of me. 


{Download Complete}

{Welcome to Waifu Summoning System}

The pain finally stops as I see the screen. I lay on my back, looking up at the sky past the screen, feeling the blood dripping down my face.

[System transplant successful]

[Congratulations Host. You have been transmigrated to a different world and have been given a unique gift. The Waifu Summoning System]

[We thank you for your cooperation and hope you have a great time]

I stare at the screen in shock. There is no way this is real. I have to be imagining things. I stay frozen in shock for a while before my mind finally processes what I have been told. I have been transmigrated because of what? I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming, but have no such luck. I get to my feet and slowly turn in a circle. A different world, I am in an entirely different world. I feel my excitement grow along with my fear. 

These things only happen in light novels and anime, and what about my family and friends. Will I never get to see them again? I start to feel dizzy and fall to my knees. Why has this happened? Why me? I feel my fear start to grow, but I shove it down before it can get a hold of me.

Wait, if I have been transmigrated, does that mean that... I quickly glance back down at myself and notice that it isn't just my equipment, but my body as well. 

Oh my god, I have really been transmigrated into my own character's body. I try to stay calm as I inspect myself, but find my breath quickening and hands shaking. My new body is lean, muscular, and tall, with a slightly pale complexion. I had been 5ft 7 before, but now am probably closer to 6ft 3. I have no idea if my face has changed as I don't have a mirror to see.

But a quick shake of my head made me realize that my hair was definitely shorter. I closed my hands in an attempt to stop the shaking and took several deep breaths. Panicking would only make things worse.

I needed to stop and think. I needed answers.

"Ermmm... System?" I spoke out loud and, to my relief, quickly received a response.

[Yes, Host]

"Can I ask you some questions?"

[Of course, Host. We will be together for the foreseeable future]


I had a ton of questions but started with the most important ones.

"Why did this happen to me?" I asked, taking another deep breath to calm myself.

[Host died in his old world and due to the influence of an unknown entity with unimaginable power and the summoning, this happened]

My fists tightened, and I gritted my teeth in anger. What the fuck. How the hell did I die, and now gods exist, multiverse exists, summoning exists. I took another deep breath, shook the thoughts away, and focused back on my questioning.

"Will I be able to go home?"

That was the question that I thought was the most important. Despite the recent argument, I still loved my family and friends, and I didn't want to never see them again.

As I was just thinking this, I realized I don't remember my parents' names. I tried to remember my friends and my family, and the only thing I realized was that I not only didn't remember their names, I can't even remember their faces. Where I lived, which High school I was in.

[Yes, but the host will have to achieve godhood and reach the pinnacle. Luckily, you have The Waifu Summoning System. So with enough time and effort, The Host will definitely be able to go home]

I wanted to be happy, but I couldn't as I don't remember my own and the only thing I have in my mind is a bunch of shit humans learn during their lifetime.

I know my favorite song and my favorite movie, but I do not remember my own name.

Ok, calm down.

Confusion and fear grip my heart as I try to make sense of what had just happened. But as I try to recall my past, my memories remain shrouded in darkness. I couldn't remember my parents' faces, their names, or the warmth of their embrace. I couldn't recall the friends I had grown up with, the laughter we shared, or the dreams we once held dear. It was as if my entire past had been wiped clean, leaving behind only an empty void.

Ok, calm down.

I would have to reach godhood and the pinnacle, whatever that was, to return home or at least get my answers. I guessed that The Waifu Summoning System was the power that I had been gifted and what I would use to reach godhood and the pinnacle. Why a summoning system, though? I searched for a reason and finally came to the only logical conclusion. The game or my dying wish. It had to be the reason for all this. I needed to find out more about the system and how it worked.

[Quest received: Complete system tutorial; Reward: Summoning Token]

Well, that was good timing. I looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I had wanted something to do, and now I did. If I had to reach godhood and the pinnacle to return home, then I would. I would do whatever it took to get back to my family. I wouldn't allow my last memories of them to be bad. With my resolve firm, I got back on my feet and turned my thoughts back to the system.


[Yes Host]

"Give me a brief rundown of the system functions."

[Yes, Host. You currently have access to 4 system tabs: Status, Inventory, Summoning, and Quests]

[To open a tab, simply think of the tab and mentally think open]

I focused on the word status and mentally thought open. A second later, a blue transparent screen popped up in front of me.



[Name: ???????]

[Title: None]

[Level: 1]

[Skills/Abilities: Archer, Summoner, Sniper, Deadshort, One Hit killer, Limit Breaker, Elemental Arrows]

[Summoner Skills: None]

[Summons: 1]

[Tokens: None] (C=Common S=Situation U=Unique SR=Special Request)


My eyes roamed over the screen, taking in the information. Everything was pretty simple, but I raised an eyebrow when I saw the question marks next to my name.

"System, what's with the question marks?" I asked. Was the system also not my name and asking me if I wanted a new name?

[The information will not be revealed until the Host is at a sufficient level]

Was the name that important? I felt my thoughts go wild with the possibilities and reasons as to why the information would be hidden from me. I pushed the information to the back of my mind; I'd think about it later.

"System, can you explain what a summoning token is?"

[Summoning tokens are what you will use to summon. There are 4 different types of summoning tokens, and they can be gained through various means: leveling up, completing quests, gaining a title, and more]

"Can you tell me the different types?" I said in an excited voice. I may not have asked for this, but the idea of being able to summon was pretty cool.

[Common Token - This token can be used to acquire a single summon; it has no special bonuses.]

[Situation Token - This token can be used to acquire a single summon; it has the bonus of summoning a summon suitable for the situation you are in, e.g., if you are fighting in the water and you use this token, a summon that can fight in the water or help you will be summoned]

[Unique Token - This token can be used to acquire a single summon; using the token will guarantee that a unique character is summoned]

[Special request token - This token can be used to acquire a single summon; the Host can request something like a certain book or anime and then use this token to gain a summon from it.]

I finished reading everything and mentally stored the information away. I closed my status with a mental command and opened the other 3 tabs. Three transparent blue screens appeared in front of me, and I examined each.



Anki: Bow Destruction

7 Million Gold

Mithril Breastplate R [+55 Def]

Holy Feather Dress R [+35 Def]

Obsidian Armor R [+15 Def]

Titanium Battleplate N [+15 Def]

Silver Breastplate N [+25 Def]

Bronze Breastplate N [+16 Def]

Adamantite Armor R [+32 Def]

Titanium Vest N [+15 Def]

Warlord's Tunic R [+45 Def]

Golden Chestplate N [+25 Def]...


The list goes on as it had every piece of equipment or tool I had during my gameplay.


Can anybody guess first waifu summon.