
Chronicles of the Radiants

In the year 2135, Earth's landscape is a mutated wilderness, reshaped by centuries of environmental decay and climate change. Amidst the chaos, life has adapted in unexpected ways. Mutated creatures, known as Radiants, roam the lands, bearing elemental powers and unique adaptations that aid their survival. These creatures range from fearsome predators to docile grazers, each an emblem of nature's resilience. Humanity, too, has transformed. In fortified settlements, communities scrape by, relying on advanced technologies to understand and interact with the Radiants. Among these innovations is the Mutant Analyzer, a handheld device that scans and reveals a Radiant's stats, akin to a game-like interface, designed by the genius scientist Dr. Aiden Cross. Within this harsh new world, a thirteen-year-old orphan named Kai lives in a small settlement near the remnants of New York City. An outcast in his community, Kai's fascination with Radiants sets him apart. His room is filled with sketches and notes about the creatures he quietly observes, escaping the hostile atmosphere of the orphanage to immerse himself in the wild. Kai's life takes a dramatic turn when an angry mob blames him for the settlement's hardships, driving him into the jungle. There, he encounters a magnificent Radiant, the Verdant Scalebeast. With its shimmering scales and intelligent eyes, the Scalebeast stands as a testament to the world's new order. Despite his fear, Kai reaches out, initiating a bond that will define his future. The Mutant Analyzer reveals the Scalebeast's stats: enhanced agility, tough scales, and an Earth elemental affinity. In a moment of mutual understanding, Kai and the Scalebeast form a partnership, defying the odds and the fears of a world gone mad. Together, they embark on a journey of survival, trust, and discovery. Follow Kai's quest to become a champion Radiant battler. In a world where the line between human and Radiant blurs, and courage and perseverance are paramount, Kai and his Radiant companion navigate the challenges of their harsh reality. Their story is one of resilience, forging unbreakable bonds, and finding one's place in a world forever changed. Join Kai and the Verdant Scalebeast as they traverse a mutated Earth, face formidable foes, and uncover the true strength of their partnership in this epic saga.

Incog_Benito · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Chapter 3: Journey Through the Mutated Wilderness

In the heart of the mutated wilderness, Kai and Virion forged their path amidst a myriad of Radiants, each encounter a test of their skills and bond. Armed with his Mutant Analyzer, Kai scanned every new Radiant they encountered, determining their strengths, weaknesses, and elemental affinities:

1. [ Torrential Shellcrab ]

- Type:Crustacean

- Characteristics: Hard shell with water cannons that shoot pressurized water jets.

- Stats:

- Strength: 7

- Agility: 4

- Defense: 9

- Intelligence: 3

- Elemental Affinity: Water

2. [Blazing Embermaw]

- Type:Mammalian

- Characteristics: Fur infused with flames, capable of launching fireballs and emitting intense heat.

- Stats:

- Strength: 6

- Agility: 5

- Defense: 6

- Intelligence: 4

- Elemental Affinity: Fire

3. [ Thunderclap Raptor ]

- Type: Reptilian

- Characteristics: Electrically charged scales, capable of generating thunderstorms and delivering shocking bites.

- Stats:

- Strength: 7

- Agility: 8

- Defense: 5

- Intelligence: 6

- Elemental Affinity: Lightning

As weeks passed, Kai and Virion honed their survival instincts, hunting and scavenging alongside battling Radiants for food and territory. Virion's Earth affinity proved indispensable, whether crafting makeshift shelters or using earth-based attacks to defend against threats.

One misty morning after a month of exploration, they emerged from dense foliage to behold a sprawling city nestled amidst mutated wilderness.

The sight was breathtaking—towers of metal and glass piercing the mutated sky, alive with humans and their Radiant companions going about daily life.

Approaching cautiously, they were met by guards wielding Radiant-enchanted weaponry. Tensions eased as a seasoned Tamer, Tamer Blake, recognized the bond between Kai and Virion.

"You're new here," he said, his Serpentaur, water from watched head. "Welcome to New Arcadia," Tamer Blake greeted warmly. "I am Tamer Blake."

Kai introduced himself and Virion, explaining their journey from the jungle outskirts. Tamer Blake nodded thoughtfully, his gaze flickering between Kai and Virion. "Surviving out there takes courage and skill," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I can see you've both forged a strong bond."

Their conversation was interrupted by a booming voice from a nearby arena. "Hey, you there! Young Tamer and your Scalebeast! Care to prove yourselves in a friendly challenge?" A challenger, clad in battle-worn armor, stepped forward, his Radiant—a sleek Felid with lightning crackling between its claws—pacing beside him.

Kai felt a surge of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation. He activated his Mutant Analyzer, scanning the challenger's Felid:

[Felid Lightningstalker]

- Type: Feline

- Characteristics: Agile and swift, capable of harnessing lightning for swift strikes and electrifying defenses.

- Stats:

- Strength: 10

- Agility: 9

- Defense: 8

- Intelligence: 7

- Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Kai exchanged a determined glance with Virion, their bond palpable. "We accept your challenge," Kai declared, his voice steady despite the butterflies in his stomach.

The arena buzzed with anticipation as spectators gathered around, eager to witness the clash of Tamers and their Radiants. The challenger, with a confident smirk, gave a nod to the arena master who signaled the start of the battle.

"Virion, let's show them what we're made of!" Kai called out, his voice echoing with determination.

Virion rumbled in response, his earth-infused claws digging into the arena floor. The Lightningstalker lunged forward with blinding speed, claws crackling with electrical energy. Virion countered with a Stone Barrage, launching projectiles that forced the Felid to maneuver swiftly to avoid the incoming barrage.

"Good dodge," Kai muttered under his breath, impressed by the Lightningstalker's agility. He assessed the arena, noting the terrain and potential advantages. "Virion, use Quicksand Trap!" he commanded, gesturing towards a patch of loose soil nearby.

Virion complied, manipulating the earth beneath the Lightningstalker's paws into quicksand. The Felid stumbled, its movements momentarily slowed as it struggled to break free. Seizing the opportunity, Virion lunged forward with a Terra Strike, claws glowing with earth energy as he aimed for a decisive blow.

The Lightningstalker evaded at the last moment, rolling gracefully to the side and retaliating with a Sky Dive. It soared into the air, descending with lightning speed towards Virion. Kai gritted his teeth, calculating their next move.

"Virion, Rock Shield!" Kai called out, as Virion summoned a protective barrier of solid rock around himself. The Lightningstalker's claws scraped against the shield, sparks flying as the impact reverberated through the arena.

With a surge of determination, Kai saw their opening. "Now, Virion! Earthquake Slam!" he shouted, his voice echoing with command.

Virion slammed his claws into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling towards the Lightningstalker. The Felid tried to dodge, but the force of the attack knocked it off balance. Virion seized the moment, delivering a powerful blow with his Terra Strike, sending the Lightningstalker crashing to the ground.

The arena erupted into cheers as Kai and Virion emerged victorious. The challenger, while disappointed, extended a hand in sportsmanship. "Well fought," he conceded, a grudging respect evident in his eyes.

Kai nodded, a smile spreading across his face as he clasped the challenger's hand. "Thank you. Your Felid is formidable," he acknowledged.

As they exited the arena, Tamer Blake approached with a knowing smile. "Impressive debut, Kai," he remarked. "You and Virion have a bright future ahead in New Arcadia."

Kai glanced at Virion, his loyal companion who had stood by him through every challenge. With newfound confidence and determination, they walked together into the bustling streets of New Arcadia, ready to explore their place in this world where humans and Radiants coexisted in harmony and competition.


Author's Note: Here are some skills the Felid Lightningstalker could potentially use in battles:

1. Thunderstrike

- Description: Charges its claws with electrical energy and delivers a lightning-fast strike, electrifying the target on contact.

- Effect: Deals direct damage with a chance to paralyze the opponent temporarily.

2. Electroshield

- Description: Surrounds itself with a protective barrier of electrical energy, reducing incoming damage from physical and elemental attacks.

- Effect: Increases Defense temporarily, particularly effective against Earth and Water elemental attacks.

3. Thunderous Roar

- Description: Emits a powerful roar infused with lightning energy, creating shockwaves that disrupt the terrain and opponents.

- Effect: Causes area-of-effect damage, potentially staggering or disorienting opponents caught in the shockwaves.

4. Static Leap

- Description: Leaps high into the air while charging its body with electricity, then descends rapidly onto the opponent with electrified claws.

- Effect: Deals high impact damage upon landing, with additional chance to inflict paralysis or disrupt opponent's concentration.

5. Volt Charge

- Description: Rapidly moves around the battlefield, leaving trails of static electricity in its wake. It can quickly close the distance to opponents or evade incoming attacks.

- Effect: Increases Agility temporarily, enhancing speed and evasiveness for a set duration.

6. Thunderstorm Surge

- Description: Summons dark clouds overhead, gathering electrical energy to form a localized thunderstorm. Lightning bolts strike down randomly within the storm's radius.

- Effect: Deals continuous lightning damage over time to all opponents in the area, with a chance for each strike to cause additional effects like paralysis or confusion.


Here are the enhanced stats for the Serpentaur from the guard.


- Type:Serpentine

- Characteristics:Scales infused with potent water elemental energy, capable of manipulating vast quantities of water with precision and power.

- Stats:

- Strength: 15

- Agility: 26

- Defense: 21

- Intelligence: 29

- Elemental Affinity: Water


1. Tidal Surge

- Description: Unleashes a massive wave of water that crashes down on opponents with tremendous force.

- Effect: Deals significant water elemental damage to all enemies in its path, potentially causing knockback or temporary debuffs.

2. Aqua Shield

- Description: Creates a barrier of swirling water around itself, reducing incoming damage from physical and elemental attacks.

- Effect: Increases Defense significantly for a short duration, particularly effective against fire and earth elemental attacks.

3. Hydro Vortex

- Description: Summons a swirling vortex of water beneath opponents, trapping them and draining their energy.

- Effect: Inflicts continuous water elemental damage over time and reduces opponents' agility and stamina.

4. Riptide Charge

- Description: Charges forward with incredible speed, leaving a trail of turbulent water that hinders opponents' movements.

- Effect: Deals high impact damage upon impact, with a chance to stun or disrupt opponents' actions.

5. Whirlpool Fury

- Description: Creates a massive whirlpool around itself, pulling opponents closer and battering them with intense water currents.

- Effect: Deals continuous damage to nearby opponents, with a chance to cause confusion or disorientation.

The Serpentaur of the Guard's stats and formidable skills make it a worthy guard in Arcadia, combining overwhelming strength with strategic water manipulation abilities. Its presence on the battlefield is marked by its ability to control and shape water to its advantage, ensuring it remains a formidable adversary in the world of mutated Radiants.


Virion Updated Stats:

[ Virion, the Verdant Scalebeast ]

- Type: Earth Elemental

- Characteristics: Possesses sturdy earth-infused scales and claws, adept at manipulating and harnessing earth elemental energy.

- Stats:

- Strength: 10

- Agility: 9

- Defense: 10

- Intelligence: 7

- Elemental Affinity: Earth