
Chapter 36: Trapped

Luke followed Greg into another room, all the while grinding his teeth at Greg's nonchalance. He barely waited for the door to close before he started.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Luke shouted. "I'm not fit to run a team. I'm not reliable or responsible enough for this, and those people, your people, are going to be at risk!"

Greg cocked an eyebrow, his tone even as he spoke. "What are you talking about, Luke?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Luke huffed, burning a path into the carpet as he paced. "Greg, I'm not a leader like you are. Do I need to remind you that I ran off on not just you, someone who has practically raised me, but Mya, Dani, and the rest of your team, just because I thought I could rescue my mate? And I couldn't even do that right. I even had Zachariah in the palm of my hand!" Luke hands balled into fists as he shook them. "I wasn't able to kill him, and you think it's a smart idea to have me lead a team?"