
Chapter 117: Restore

Mya's house was deceiving. It sat toward the back of a large, encased piece of land, lined by trees and the lush forest on either side. It was entirely made of stone in a cottage style, but the real brilliance was the interior.

Erik was struck by the space the moment he entered the front door. Several of the walls were lined with large sets of seamless glass doors that led to an open courtyard with trees, hedges, a circular fountain, and flowers. He had never seen anything like it.

Mya locked the door behind him and followed his line of sight. "I like to be alone, so I prefer to spend most of my time here. It's easier when you have a view like this and can bring the outdoors into your home."

"It's beautiful," Erik said, staring right at her.

She blushed, twirling her fingers for a moment before she said, "My cell phone is in my bedroom. I'll call Johanna and let her know we're here. Feel free to take a look around."