
Chapter 112: Don't Wait

"Don't leave me now that I've found you."

When was the last time Erik had heard words spoken to him with such anguish, with such worry and concern for him? The body pressed against his was warm. Her breasts were soft, like feathered pillows that he wanted to bury his head into, and the smell of her was divine, something of juniper, wildflowers, vanilla, and berries. He wanted to taste her, and that desire was so strong he began to salivate. He swallowed the drool, and then he tasted her blood in his mouth, her essence, and it felt as though the whole world had suddenly sharpened and turned vividly brilliant.

More of her blood slipped into his mouth, and he groaned at the taste.

"Drink, my love," she whispered, her voice like a caress that spread over his skin, chasing away the dark, the cold.