
Chapter 109: Faith

Present Day

It had been 110,308 days since the last time Mya saw Erik.

She'd mourned him for every single one of those days, until eight months ago when she found out he was still alive. According to Johanna, he had to still be alive because an evil bitch named Constance had used him as her own personal guinea pig.

In those eight months, Mya had wrecked the city. She'd turned over every block, every stone, but she still hadn't found him. The only things she had to keep her hopes up were her family and Johanna's word that Constance and her band of minions needed Erik.

Logically, Mya knew that if anyone had gotten their hands on an elder vampire who was now over one thousand years old, they would, of course, keep them alive, if for nothing else than simply the history in their mind and the blood in their veins.