
Chronicles of the Otherworld Investigator

In the bustling metropolis of Busan, Nathan McNeill, a cocky and blonde Otherworld Investigator, is renowned for his unparalleled prowess in combating ghosts and spirits. With his steadfast partner, Mars, a no-nonsense feline with a mysterious past, Nathan navigates the supernatural underbelly of the city with confidence and arrogance. When a series of inexplicable hauntings plague the city, Nathan and Mars are thrust into their most challenging case yet. As they delve deeper into the sinister forces at play, Nathan's overconfidence is put to the test, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities and limitations. As the lines between the living and the dead blur, Nathan McNeill must confront the ultimate truth: in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, even the strongest of egos can be shattered by the darkness that lurks in the shadows.

Wicked_AnimeGirl · Fantasy
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78 Chs


I grabbed my backpack filled with exorcism goodies and conveyed Lea a warning look. She sighed and linked elbows with Gene. "Let's leave him to his tedious job and go sit in the living room. You haven't finished relating to me about your nana," she stated cheerfully.

Once out of earshot, my SENSE was fully activated. I peer into the kitchen, where the ghost was last seen, my eyes blazing gold. There were traces of its presence, but it had already departed.

I followed the trail to her bedroom. My brows furrowed as I gazed at the figure in disgust. It was laying on her bed, stroking her pillow.

I dropped my backpack deliberately being noisy. "I hope I'm not interrupting your fun time," I spoke sarcastically. The spectre glanced up startled.

[A human?] He floated upward and hovered above me. How arrogant of him. [What a strange being you are. Doesn't matter though, as you'll end up the same as them,] he scorned.

"Are you talking about that family? What did you do to them?" I insisted. He flitted to and fro. [Nothing much. I merely killed them when they were alive and trapped them in their family portrait in the afterlife.]

"Well aren't you a bastard? I don't suppose you'll permit me to exorcise you quietly?" 

[What do you think?] He began to swell, eyes glowing red. His ebony hair grew longer and his fingernails stretched and blackened.

"Oh, this is new," I gulped. He came across as an average ghost when I first confronted him, but now he appeared completely like a demon. 

"Are you some kind of demon?" I inquired weakly, fishing for some information. He smiled, floating closer. [And how will that help you when you will die?]

"That's just it. I'm about to die, so there's no harm in telling me," I muttered rapidly as I stalled.

[Is that a last request? I suppose you could call me a demon. I used to be human during my lifetime, but became a demon when I died.]

"Why do you torment the family?"

[I killed them because they were in my way. I trap them because it is fun.] I backed away as he was now in front of me.

"Last question, why do you torment the girl who is living here?" I asked in a hushed tone. He shrugged. [To pass the time.]

What a lunatic. I used LEAP and dodged out of his reach. He stared in surprise at the empty spot as I jumped against the wall. I jumped again as he turned and shot out of the room, grabbing my bag as I fled.

What the heck is this guy? 

"He's not a demon, don't worry. Just your average everyday evil spirit. Just do the usual," Dad mumbled as he munched something over the phone. I flinched at the crunching sounds he made while he spoke.

"Can't you finish eating before you speak? You sound horrendous," I snapped. The phone clicked and went to dial mode. Annoyed, I thrust my iPhone back into my pocket. Upon returning to the kitchen and the others, I immediately called my dad.

"So, what did Mr. McNeill say?" Lea questioned. Gene and Lea both sat on kitchen chairs, waiting for information.

I absentmindedly rubbed my hand through my hair as I replied, "We're dealing with an evil spirit, so I'll be casting a Release Spell."

"Do you need my help?"

"Do you mind acting like bait?" I grinned.

"Do you mind dying?" Lea retorted.

"You two get along so well," Gene remarked heartily. We both winced but didn't respond. Lea helped me draw the Spell of Release spell circle in the bedroom where I found him.

"How does this work exactly?" she inquired doubtfully as she surveyed my movements while I drew. "It kind of forces the lingering ghost to cross over to their ultimate destination," I huffed as I kneeled.

"That doesn't sound nice. Who created this spell, a witch?" Lea peered displeased at the paint. "My grandfather did," I answered shortly. "Was your grandfather an expert in the afterlife or something?"

"Kind of. Can we talk later, I'm very busy right now," I retorted, annoyed. Lea shrugged and stood against the wall, waiting for me to finish.

I stood up and peered at the finished circle in satisfaction. "So what now? Do we hide and wait for the spectre?" Lea sarcastically asked. I pretended not to notice as I replied, 

"I will hide. You, miss, will carry out a special job as my new assistant." I grinned nastily, making her uneasy. 

I crouched behind the cabinet while Lea tried drawing the spectre's location. I watched gleefully as she continued calling out.

"Hey ghosty, come out where I can see you! I hear you're a pervert. Come here, so I can kick your butt!" she yelled.

My golden eyes observed the area around her hoping for some activity. My eyes twinkled as I recognized the spirit taking the bait. Obviously, he'd come to knock her up since no guy likes being insulted.

[Wicked woman. I'll kill you and entrap you like I did the others. You won't ever experience peace,] he wheezed as he stretched his black fingernails. 

To avoid receiving a lecture from Mars if anything did happen, I swiftly recited the Spell of Release before allowing Lea to be hurt. The nails ceased just a few centimetres just from Lea's hair as the spirit froze.

Lea unknowingly continued taunting the spectre, walking around when I signalled for her to stop by shaking my head. Relieved, she hurried outside the room, blushing from embarrassment.

The frozen shape lashed out as the tendrils rose from the floor to wrap around him. [How dare you! I'm not a being to be reckoned with! I'm powerful, I'm unique! She said I was one of the chosen! You can't handle me like this,] he howled furiously.

I furrowed my brow. The guy was yelling such nonsense while the muddy light dragged him down to hell. Was this some kind of begging on his part? 

I watched emotionlessly as his figure gradually disappeared. [You'll regret it. She's more powerful than me. Humans, she will eliminate you even if our chosen have failed. Despair human, you will—you will—]

And he vanished, so whatever he wanted to say no longer mattered to me. I performed my job perfectly and now I want my pay check. Moreover, the dude did a terrible job of pleading for his afterlife.

"I enjoyed our time together, Lea. Mayhap, do you want to continue to keep in touch?" Gene inquired shyly. Lea only squealed and hugged her happily. I guess she's thrilled to have made a friend in Busan.

"So, thanks for the Hotel tickets," I added awkwardly. I noted the location. "Can I ask, where in the world is Cozumel?"


The spying shade, a shadowman sent by Edrys, was gaping at the humans. How can the boy be so powerful? Not only was he able to banish the new servant so easily, but the ghostly occupants as well.

Not even the warlocks could banish other servants of Lady Edrys without her permission, unless they were Fae. But he was human! The shadowman was flabbergasted. 

Who was this boy? But more importantly, should he be considered an enemy? When the servant revealed some information, the shade virtually had a panic attack, but Nathan didn't seem to realise anything so he calmed down.

However, just because he doesn't know anything yet, doesn't mean he won't comprehend anything in the future and won't remain a threat. The shade hesitated. Should he eliminate the boy now and spare them trouble.

Sharp, dark blades formed from the ground with the intent to kill, but then he paused, Lady Edrys' orders were to merely observe and not to undertake any action. He exhaled sharply and settled back. For the present, he will continue surveying Nathan's movements.

But then he recalled that Nathan had mentioned Cozumel. The word sounded familiar. He rasped in realisation. "Wasn't that where Liam Dankworth's conference was going to be held?"